Chapter Thirty-Three - Lou

Start from the beginning

I squeeze her hand, deep down I hadn't realised I'd needed the apology so much.

"I accept your apology. Ella you're not too much. You're my best friend, and yes, his dick is big." The tears spill down her cheeks as she bursts into a fit of giggles. I wasn't about to go into detail about the fact I'd never actually seen Carter's penis, but I'd certainly felt it. It was definitely big.

"I'm sorry for being overbearing, I take back what I said. I don't think pushing is ok, you just look, happy. I'm glad." She shrugs, before wiping some of the jet-black mascara that had smudged beneath the perfect wing.

I pull her in for a hug, regretting holding in any resentment for what Ella had said, I had been a hermit for a long time.

I was taking control now. I did feel different.

The experience with Carter had been an awakening and I wanted more. So much more.

"Can I ask-" Ella starts, her face now dry, and eye makeup once again immaculate. "Are you dating him now?"

My pulse quickens and I take hold of the cool glass, chucking back a mouthful before answering.

"No, we're not dating." I hate that it sounds like there's a toad in my throat. We're not dating. We haven't been on a single date. It's casual.

"Just hooking up then? That seems more his style." There's that damn toad again, it's practically taking up residence in my trachea.

I don't respond, I just smile plainly. It is his style, that's why it will work. He's never pretended to try and be anything more.

"Lou, I promise no more interventions or questions from me after this one." I reluctantly meet her eyes. "Is that what you want?" 

I take a deep breath and chew on my bottom lip before the words burst out of me.

"I want breakfast. I want to get brilliant feedback from my work placement. I want to do so well on the assignment that bitchy Professor Marsh can go suck a dick. And... I want to feel sexy, desired and have some fucking fun."

I can't believe I just said all that out loud, well, the breakfast and work part is believable. Ella is practically bouncing in giddiness at my announcement of wanting to hop on the express train to fun town.

Because Carter and I wouldn't go on dates, that wasn't the agreement, but he made me feel sexy and desired, it was exhilarating. 

"Can't say I'm against that can I?" She air kisses me before she spots my phone lighting up with a notification on the countertop, she winces when she sees the time. "Fuck, I'm going to be so late to class." She grabs her bag and checks her reflection once more before opening the front door. "Oh, I'm staying out at Marcus's place tonight, so I'll see you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you."

After eating some scrambled eggs on toast, I grab my phone and plop onto the couch. Like before, the notification from Instagram still sat there. I take a deep breath before opening up the app.

carterhughes01 – I need to see you.

Wow. Can't say he's indirect. Goosebumps travel across my arms as I stare down at his message. It could mean either of two things:

1. I need to see you; I regret everything that happened the other night and we need to call off whatever that bizarre agreement we made was.

2. I need to see you naked.

Praying its option 2, I respond.

richards_l I'm free this evening?

I can see that he's typing, my heart is beating so fast, and my throat feels too tight, I hope the toads ok.

carterhughes01 – Your place? Can I show my face, or do I need a disguise?

richards_l – It depends on the disguise.

carterhughes01 – I think I have a ski mask somewhere.

richards_l – Are you planning on hijacking a car to get here too?

carterhughes01 I'll do what it takes.

richards_l – My place is fine.

With Ella out at Marcus's and Kate visiting her Mom, I'm torn between telling him that my place will be empty, and he needn't worry about being seen without it sounding too suggestive, I'm still not sure what it is he needs to see me for. We seem to have developed some strange kind of friendship these last few weeks. When we haven't been insulting each other. Maybe this is his way of wanting to let me down easy.

carterhughes01 – I might have an old Jack Sparrow outfit. 

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