chapter 2

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Todoroki is a good student.

He ranks within the top 5 in all aspects, from academic to athletic.

Yet he can't, for the life of him, focus.

Ectoplasm is going over a formula but which formula is completely beyond Todoroki. He has no clue. He's not even paying attention.

Not when he's too busy staring at Bakugou's ass.

Ever since the night of their kickback, when the blond had once again proven that he has a natural gift for nearly everything he tries, Todoroki's eyes have been focused low. Below the neck but above the knee and straight at the two round, plump cheeks.

He wants to touch them.

He wants to slap them—feel them jiggle under his hand as he leaves his handprints on them.

His view of Bakugou's ass isn't the best from his seat though. For one, they're all sitting down. But secondly, Midoriya is in the way and while he appreciates their friendship greatly, he's willing to make some sacrifices if that means getting a good view of Bakugou's plump rear end.

The bell rings then, letting them know that it's time for lunch and Todoroki feels his heart soar.

He stays seated, slowly packing up his things. The whole time his eyes are trained on the unassuming, oblivious blond, who stands from his desk.

Bakugou tends to wear his uniform baggy and at first Todoroki assumed it was wholly and entirely a stylistic choice. Now though, he wonders if it's because if he were to get them in his actual size—and to wear them regularly—would they even fit properly?

With an ass that big, surely the pants will become too tight.

Finally, after Bakugou has walked out of the room with his friends, Todoroki completely puts his things away and joins his own friends.

"Are you still thinking about it?"Ochako asks, leaning in and whispering.

The class held the kickback on the same weekend that Iida went home to visit his family. They always plan their parties involving alcohol around his going home schedule because while Iida is indeed a very reliable and worthy class president, he's a stickler for the rules.

And the law states that they are not allowed to drink alcohol until they're of age. The school code of conduct, in turn, states that they're not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.

If he were to ever catch wind of their shenanigans, they'd all be out of luck.

So Ochako whispers the question and Todoroki tries to not feel cornered and caught red handed. "Thinking about what?"He asks nonchalantly.

"Oh ya know...Bakugou and his ass clapping?"

And before Todoroki can rebuke the question—assuring with the resolute lie that he is not, in fact, still thinking about Bakugou's glorious ass nor the way he's able to make his cheeks clap—the brunette is giggling to herself.

"Because I am,"She replies. "It would be nice if he could teach me, but I think he'd just try to explode my face off."

Which is a fair assumption to make. Bakugou is rather grumpy and easily provoked, though he has certainly calmed down from how he used to be. He's still unlikely to graciously extend an invitation for "twerk" lessons though, and Todoroki has a hard time imagining him accepting Ochako's request.

"Maybe he won't, though."He replies and seconds after doing so he realizes that he has not, at all, said so with the intention of giving her good advice. Rather, part of him would like to see if Bakugou would do it again. If he'd "twerk" again, so Todoroki can see the magnificent sight for a second time.

"Do you really think so?"She asks cynically, her brows furrowing as her forehead creases.

Yes and no.

There's a 90/10 chance that it will happen, with the vast majority of the chances going toward the brunette getting yelled at, in the least.

"Yes. Bakugou is a lot nicer than he's given credit for."

It's the truth. Bakugou is a lot nicer than he's given credit for. Todoroki knows because he's seen it for himself countless times. He'll tutor Kaminari and the other will give him snacks as thanks. He gives his friends study tips, too. How, when Ochako had a bad training battle, he went over her battle notes with her so she could find where she went wrong. How he has not only been able to be on better standing with Midoriya, but he will even duel with him so he can get a better handle on his quirk.

Bakugou will frequently give Iida advice on how to better his leadership skills regarding his class representative role. He gives great quirk advice to Shinsou and tips to Yaoyorozu to better her costume.

And when he has a rougher than usual weekend visit home, Bakugou makes Todoroki cold soba. Or if he's particularly down, he'll visit his dorm room and lay by his side while they sleep. He's good at reading him too—knowing what Todoroki is thinking without him even saying anything.

So yes, Todoroki thinks Bakugou is incredibly nice.

Ochako looks at him incredulously. It's the look she normally gives him when she can't believe what he's just said.

He doesn't know why she doesn't believe him. It's not like he said it in a joking manner. But he doesn't bother to push the topic further. Instead he goes through the rest of the lunch line, gratefully taking what seems most appetizing.

And when he sits down, Todoroki is immediately zoning out on his friends' conversation in favor of watching Bakugou. It's become his favorite pastime.

No, he can't see his ass from here. Not at all. It's a pity, but the dual hair colored boy frets nary a second because—well....because now that he gets a really good look at him, Bakugou is actually quite attractive, isn't he?

Even from his seat, far away from Bakugou's usual lunch table with his friends, Todoroki can see his broad shoulders. And if he lifts himself from his seat he can get a glimpse of his slim waist. His ashy blond hair is in its usual spiked style, but Todoroki wonders if it's soft. And if it is soft, how soft?

That question takes up residence in his mind for the rest of their lunch break.

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