Chapter 72

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 "Uncle," Tong Qinghe still couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe that the person who had been thinking about it day and night for such a long time, seemed to have performed a magic transformation in front of your eyes in the next second, without stepping Instead of the beautiful and colorful Wu Caiyun, he drives a cool fighter jet.

The federal air traffic control is like a tight spider web, and will not let any suspicious flying tools enter. Tong Qinghe wanted to ask Jiang Shaozhi how he got in, wouldn't it be against the law? But when the words came to his lips, Tong Qinghe wanted to say something more important than this question to Jiang Shaozhi.

He asked: "Are you injured?"

Tong Qinghe was worried about Jiang Shaozhi's safety every day without hearing from him for such a long time. Even from the beginning of wanting to see relevant news broadcast on the military channel, looking for any clues related to Jiang Shaozhi, to deliberately avoiding all military news.

Waiting in silence is the most testing thing. Tong Qinghe is far from Jiang Shaozhi's firm will, and being strong is all about accumulating and forcing himself to accept and learn.

He thought he was strong enough, but once he really saw Jiang Shaozhi, his psychological defense collapsed in an instant, and the long wait made people feel wronged, and whether he expressed his love or not became unimportant in the face of personal safety.

The soldier who retreated was bitten off by the living bones and flesh of the spirit body. Tong Qinghe rejoiced that Jiang Shaozhi had healthy limbs. The strength he once admired was only a necessary condition for Jiang Shaozhi to defeat the opponent on the battlefield. If he did not win, the injured would be It's him.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Tong Qinghe rejoiced that Jiang Shaozhi was a formidable person, and he hoped that Jiang Shaozhi would only win and not lose in every mission in the future, and he only wanted peace of mind.

"Uncle, it's good to see you."

Jiang Shaozhi looked at his omega with a moved face, his solemn face obviously relaxed, and suddenly he laughed: "What's wrong."

Tong Qinghe didn't speak, the sleek and cool fighter plane shuttled among the clouds, Jiang Shaozhi controlled the flight trajectory with ease, and it took four hours for Tong Qinghe to follow Jiang Shao to get off the plane, and a military base suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

The military base was cold and strict. Tong Qinghe straightened his back and walked cautiously behind Jiang Shaozhi. He didn't have the courage to look around casually, and looked at Jiang Shaozhi's broad shoulders without blinking: "Uncle, is it okay to bring me in?

" Raised his hand: "Today I just attended a meeting. The mission ended a few days earlier. Now we are staying to do the post-war construction work. Originally, this has nothing to do with us, but it's a pity..."

Jiang Shaozhi rarely smiled: "Come on. Fortunately ,

Jiang Shaozhi didn't let Tong Qinghe go to see anyone, he was taken to Jiang Shaozhi's rest room, and someone came to look after him.

There were few Jiang Shaozhi's things in the room, a military overcoat was hanging on the shelf, and the only thing related to Jiang Shaozhi was left.

Tong Qinghe still dare not confirm that he met Jiang Shaozhi, and even flew in the air for four hours to come to other countries on the spur of the moment.

The room adjusted the temperature suitable for the human body, Tong Qinghe took off the army coat and carefully hugged it in his arms, only then could he smell the faint smell of sweat. The cold winter can stain the clothes, which shows how long Jiang Shaozhi has been wearing them. Thinking about it, Tong Qinghe's hug became tighter.

He was too tired, and after seeing Jiang Shao, his spirit was completely relaxed, and he leaned on the bed where Jiang Shaozhi had been lying and fell into a dream without any pressure.

The Qiongqi special team took the credit for subduing these interstellar pirates. Shen Zong, as a recruit for the first time on an S-level mission, is the one who performed the best and was the most seriously injured among them all. He is currently still in the hospital for treatment.

After Jiang Shaozhi came back, he mentioned it casually, and Tong Qinghe hurriedly told Jiang Shaozhi about Ji Wan's estrus.

Even if Tong Qinghe's anxiety and care were given to people of the same sex, Jiang Shaozhi still cared a little.

"Caring about me."

Alpha said grandly, having a rare chance to be gentle, Jiang Shaozhi raced against the clock, obviously not wanting his omega to waste his mind on others.

The airtightness of the space is very good, Jiang Shaozhi naturally released a faint agarwood, and wrapped Tong Qinghe with everything he had.

Tong Qinghe still had a ring on his hand. Seeing Jiang Shaozhi's empty knuckles, his heart tightened, and he hesitated to reword the words in his head. Picking him up and hugging him on his lap, he raised his head slightly and looked at Tong Qinghe: "Put it on for me." The

battlefield has no eyes, and Jiang Shaozhi didn't want his only wedding ring to be lost on such an occasion.

Tong Qinghe immediately helped Jiang Shaozhi set it up, and he took advantage of the situation to hold it in the opponent's hand, carefully tracing every outline of his face with his eyes.

Jiang Shaozhi's face was thin and stern, and his hair was cut a lot shorter. The short black hair almost stuck to his scalp, making him look even more ruthless and inhuman.

He reached out and touched Jiang Shaozhi's hair, Jiang Shaozhi held it back, moved his lips forward and kissed him, the hand clasped around his waist became more and more forceful, Tong Qinghe was forced to half lie in Jiang Shaozhi's arms, and the body under his body was not counted. soft mattress.

"Tongtong," Jiang Shaozhi turned his face away, without further intrusion. Buried her cheeks next to Tong Qinghe's neck, and hugged him whole, "I've lost a lot of weight."

Tong Qinghe put his hands around the back of Jiang Shaozhi's neck: "I'm worried about you, it's like this because I can't sleep well at night.

" Husband and wife need more courage and patience, because their partner's life or death is uncertain during the mission, and there is no news during the process. Every mission is undoubtedly the most torturous wait for the relatives who stay at home.

Tong Qinghe hugged Jiang Shaozhi tightly: "I would like to trust uncle, but I can't help but think wildly."

His eldest father was a soldier, and he left in a mission accident before he was born. depression.

To this day, Tong Qinghe can finally clearly understand what kind of tormenting heart his little father had at the beginning, and this heart that had been hanging for a long time was directly shattered after the bad news, and nothing was left.

People are most afraid of not having something to think about when they are alive, and even more afraid of not seeing the person they care about for the last time.

Tong Qinghe didn't dare to think about the endless expectation that turned into despair after waiting. He suppressed the soreness in his nasal cavity, and promised Jiang Shaozhi in clear words: "I will let the flesh grow back slowly."

He said seriously: "Uncle, you have to look at me."

Be sure to look at him.

Without asking what Jiang Shaozhi had experienced during this period, Tong Qinghe didn't want to get to the bottom of it, and only wanted Jiang Shaozhi to be safe.

He is so tired.

Tong Qinghe whispered a few words to Jiang Shaozhi, and in the gesture of hugging, he would never let go of Jiang Shaozhi in his dreams. So that later Jiang Shaozhi found that he couldn't push away the omega that was holding him tightly, so he went to the construction center temporarily to see, just hugged the person over, unfolded the coat and wrapped the person into a ball.

In view of the agreement reached with Guna above, the team led by Jiang Shaozhi returned after almost completing the reconstruction work on the grounds of activity exchanges.

On the eve of the return trip, Jiang Shaozhi carried a person with him everywhere he went, causing a sensation in the team. He looked at the soldiers lurking around, and even the old veterans came to participate in the excitement of the onlookers.

"It's sister-in-law—"

Everyone came to the unanimous conclusion that the person sleeping soundly in Jiang Shaozhi's arms moved slightly, his face emerged from his coat, and he immediately retracted in fright.

"Uncle, what, how..." Tong Qinghe spoke incoherently, grabbing Jiang Shaozhi's clothes and rambling, feeling that Jiang Shaozhi would be disrespected by such actions, so he placed his hands and feet stiffly, listening to the whispers around him, his ears were red and his face was hot.

Jiang Shaozhi was funny, and looked at him with lowered eyes: "It's too late to be shy now."

Tong Qinghe smiled coquettishly, he asked Jiang Shaozhi to let go and go by himself, and when he met other people's friendly and curious eyes, he would shyly hide on the other side of Jiang Shaozhi, using the tall alpha Physique shields itself from sight.

His small movements did not avoid Jiang Shaozhi's field of vision at all. The high-risk missions during this period made Jiang Shaozhi stern, and the atmosphere of the whole team was serious and indifferent. Others were intimidated by Jiang Shaozhi. When the little sister-in-law arrived, the expressions on the team immediately changed up.

The conditions of the camp under construction are not as good as those of the base. The location is near the sea, and the winter sea breeze makes people's cheeks hurt.

Tong Qinghe was like a fur ball following Jiang Shaozhi, stopping and going, with a clumsy posture.

Jiang Shaozhi suddenly took his hand: "I will take you to a wedding tomorrow."

The alpha assigned by the state fell in love with me at first sightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum