Chapter 46

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 Ji Wan raised her almost transparent white face, and explained: "I didn't want to take that kind of medicine."

Forced to miscarry by taking medicine, it would put a lot of burden on the omega's body, besides, the military training is coming to an end, insist on After nearly half a month, Ji Wan didn't want her previous efforts to be wasted. His medicine was prescribed by the doctor to stabilize his condition. Ji Wan has only one idea at the moment, to successfully survive the military training and successfully enter the research institute.

He settled down: "I'm still a little dizzy, please help me to rest on the other side."

Ji Wan was going to an open space with no one around, and Tong Qinghe helped him to another location: "Please take a break and rest for a while."

Not far away The omegas resting in a circle let out bursts of laughter. After getting along with each other these days, everyone has a good relationship with the instructor, and they have nothing to say when they disband in the middle. After Ji Wan came here, he behaved neither cold nor indifferent, and the omega circle gradually alienated him, except for Tong Qinghe.

The two excluded people seem to be in a class of their own, sitting in the shade of an open place without much communication. The instructor chatted with a group of omega for a few minutes, and went to see the two omega who were alone.

Tong Qinghe showed his teeth and smiled, and took the initiative to greet: "Instructor." The

instructor asked gently: "Why don't you play with everyone?"

Looking at the two omega, the instructor carefully found that Team Jiang's omega didn't seem to get along well with everyone. And this omega named Ji Wan always has a calm expression. Tong Qinghe didn't deliberately not blend in, but he really couldn't blend in. His personality is relatively reserved and open-minded, so it doesn't matter whether he gets along with everyone or not. Ji Wan intentionally alienated everyone, and often had a bad face.

The instructor looked at Ji Wan: "If you don't feel well, I'll give you leave to see a doctor in the infirmary."

"It's okay," Ji Wan glanced away, and repeated, "I'm fine."

Ji Wan said he was fine, but Tong Qinghe's eyes couldn't hide his worry. The instructor knew that something was wrong with him.

In the afternoon, the instructor didn't catch the omegas standing in a military posture, and the training was about to end. The requirements for the omega were not too strict. The instructor simply released the water once openly, gave them a half-day rest, and said, "There will be a training match in the training area next door. If you are interested, I will take you there to watch this training exercise."

When he said this, the instructor observed Ji Wan's face, it was not as ugly as when he stood in the military posture just now, which shows that his water is not bad.

Some proud omega were not interested, most of the omega looked excited, and urged the instructor to take them to the next door to have a look around.

Loud broadcasts faintly diffused from the alpha training area. The alpha training ground is far wider than the omega's ground, and the facilities are more diverse and complete.

Rows of well-dressed alphas were equipped with long guns in their hands, their steps were steady and orderly, and the sound of trampling was as powerful as a rainbow, which stunned the omega for a while.

Just an appearance, compared to the omega's repeated dry standing army posture every day, it is much more interesting. They were led by the instructor to the auditorium area and sat down according to their positions. The appearance of the omega made the alphas in the arena ready to move. Tong Qinghe stretched his neck to look around, and soon found Jiang Shaozhi's figure.

He smiled, pointed to Ji Wan and said, "He is my alpha uncle."

Ji Wan already knew that Tong Qinghe's alpha background was not young, and his expression was still cold.

The afternoon sun hid in the clouds, and the hot-blooded and powerful aura of alpha wafted in the air. The well-trained alpha unit exudes a natural aura as soon as it roars and moves. Tong Qinghe is dazzled, and finally locks his eyes on Jiang Shaozhi. The blood surging in his body slowly calms down. Wherever Jiang Shaozhi goes, his eyes follow. turn around.

After the start of the training match, the entire training field was boiling. Alpha has a combative personality, and the more he fights, the more courageous he gets. With so many omegas watching from the audience, everyone wants to show off their glory, stand out in front of others, and enjoy the admiration of their opponents and the audience. worship.

Many omegas around were encouraged by the atmosphere, each cheering for the supporting alpha. It is only human for the single young omega to see the brave and fierce alpha expressing their heartbeat. He reacted, but saw that the other party's eyebrows were tightened, and his expression was solemn.

The shaded roof of the auditorium is spacious, the sun is out of reach, the venue is wide, and the wind blowing on the face is dry and cool, so that it will not make people sweat.

Tong Qinghe tore off Ji Wan's clothes, pointed to his face and said, "You sweat a lot."

Ji Wan is good at patience, able to endure his emotional and physical conditions to the point where it is hard for ordinary people to observe, he just wiped it off, He said indifferently: "It's hot."

The simple conversation between the two ended, and there seemed to be a conflict off the court. Before Tong Qinghe could figure out the situation clearly, the situation went beyond the development, and several alphas scuffled together.

It is not uncommon for alphas to have disputes. If anyone in the army refuses to accept, they will set up a ring, and there are many cases where they rely on fists to subdue each other in the ring. Today is a special occasion. There is also a group of young omegas in the auditorium. Most of them have not been marked. They smell the pheromones released by the alphas when they fight.

Tong Qinghe sat fairly still, he had already been marked by Jiang Shaozhi, and other alpha pheromones had no effect on him, or had little or no effect on him. The pheromones floating in the air dispersed with the wind, Tong Qinghe's nose itched as if he was allergic, he covered his nose and mouth, lowered his head and sneezed.

Alpha, who was in charge of maintaining order, pulled away the recruits who were fighting in a group, and sprayed a pheromone purifier on the field. The purification efficiency of the purifier was far less than the speed of diffusion after the wind blows. Pheromone, and some omegas can't control their fever. These changes cause the alphas to move slightly off the field. Fortunately, they have enough self-control, and no one rushes to the auditorium recklessly, but waits for the instructor to take the omega out of the field land.

Compared to the calmness of the alpha zone, the omegas who hadn't suffered much huddled and complained one after another. After a hot-blooded training session, they were forced to leave the arena because of a few people fighting. People, bumps are inevitable.

Tong Qinghe and Ji Wan were sitting in the back row just now, and they walked in the front when they left the arena, and the people behind kept pushing forward, he took Ji Wan's hand to bring them to the farthest position, unexpectedly someone behind him suddenly With a push, Ji Wan bumped into his shoulder, and at the same time, a faint scent of tea lingered on the tip of his nose.

Ji Wan's face was flushed, and there was a lot of cold sweat oozing from the palms of his hands, including his neck and forehead.

Tong Qinghe was staggered a step by Ji Wan, and the instructor supported the two of them, and immediately noticed Ji Wan's abnormality.

The crowd had already moved away from the competition area, and the omega gradually returned to their normal physical condition, but Ji Wan kept emitting pheromone uncontrollably, as if he was suddenly leaked by some kind of stimulus.

Seeing his palms on his abdomen, Tong Qinghe hurriedly said: "Instructor, send Ji Wan to the infirmary right away." The

instructor asked the remaining two betas to lead the omegas back, and he picked up Ji Wan and quickly ran towards the infirmary , the hand resting on the neck was slightly cold, and he didn't dare to stay for a second longer.

The rest of the omega whispered to each other, and Tong Qinghe was worried about Ji Wan's body. It stands to reason that Ji Wan has already been marked, so he will not be affected by the alpha pheromone that marked him, so that such an abnormality will occur. Not only that, Ji Wan was clutching his stomach when he came out just now, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and as soon as the team disbanded, he ran to the infirmary without looking back.

A medical car was parked outside the hospital room. As soon as Tong Qinghe arrived, he saw Ji Wan being sent into the car with an oxygen bottle hanging on his face. The instructor saw him and pulled him into the car and followed him, sighing and wiping his sweat: "Yes Sent to the hospital for surgery." The

instructor paused, and asked sternly: "He is pregnant, why didn't you tell me about

messing around with him?" Tong Qinghe muttered, his eyes fell on the face of Ji Wan who was lying quietly, and was caught Feelings of remorse hang over.

On the way the instructor sent Ji Wan to the infirmary, blood was seen under his body, and the pheromones were scattered out one after another. If he didn't send him to the hospital for an operation immediately, he might not only lose the baby in his stomach, but also seriously threaten his own safety.

Everything was ready in the operating room. After Ji Wan was sent in, Tong Qinghe and the instructor stood guard outside.

The instructor said: "Ji Wan, I can't keep him here to continue training, it's against the law! When he recovers, he must be sent away immediately, and all the marks for this military training will be void." He smiled angrily, "Who Helping him to tamper with the physical examination form, this is not helping him, but harming him."

Seeing the instructor's angry look, Tong Qinghe shrank to the side and hesitated to speak.

He wanted to say that this military training was very important to Ji Wan, but compared to life and health, he didn't recommend that Ji Wan insist on staying for training.

Tong Qinghe and the instructor waited anxiously for an hour. After the red light of the operation went out, the doctor opened the door and came out, sighing, "This child is almost lost, and the fetal position is not stable. Look at the clothes he is wearing..." The

doctor saw At the instructor: "I remember that pregnant women are not allowed to come in for training."

Every child conceived by an omega is hard-won. For this, the federal government has formulated several protection regulations. But this time when such a situation happened, the instructor must be held accountable, and punishment is essential.

Tong Qinghe didn't hear clearly what the doctor said to the instructor, his mind was muddled, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed through him.

Tong Qinghe finally realized why he always felt strange just now. Regarding the accident that happened in the training match not long ago, among the alphas who took the lead in making trouble, especially the one who released the pheromone, it is very likely that there is an alpha marked Ji Wan.

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