Chapter 4

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  Tong Qinghe's apartment is located in the Federal Government District, and the entrances and exits are guarded by special guards day and night. Ordinary residents must have customs clearance certificates if they want to enter.

It was inconvenient for Yu Xiaoke's alpha partner to drive in the car, and the car was parked outside the apartment area. Tong Qinghe expressed his gratitude to the two, picked up his schoolbag and walked to the community.

The guards guarding the community are mostly composed of betas. Betas are not easily affected by the pheromones released by omega, and there will not be frequent hegemony duels similar to alphas. If even the guards responsible for maintaining security fight among themselves, the entire Federation But it's half messed up.

Although Tong Qinghe's character is rather stubborn in reading, it doesn't mean that he usually treats people with this face. At least the guards near the community have a good impression of him, and many betas have secretly expressed their favor to him.

Omegas are always easy to forget. Tong Qinghe does not have the temperament of a young master or a young lady of an omega. He often does not regard himself as an omega. Compared with rare races protected by the federation, it is also a kind of restriction of losing freedom from a certain point of view. He yearns for it more. Be an ordinary beta.

He lost his autonomy in marriage. This time, the federation forced him to assign an alpha uncle, so that Tong Qinghe would stay in the police room to chat with the betas about the current situation and political affairs. As soon as he got home, he was anxious to talk to Tong Yao about his alpha.

Tong Qinghe walked upstairs and downstairs, but Tong Yao was not there. Tong Yao's imprint image left in the optical brain told him that she had an important meeting tonight and needed to rush to the Federal International Conference Center overnight. Thus, the first conversation between the siblings about Alpha failed.

Planet B1 has short days and long nights, and night falls quietly at 4:30 in the afternoon. Not long after Tong Qinghe rested on the sofa in the living room, the orange color that fell on the floor dissipated, replaced by the dark night, like a huge curtain covering the huge living room, the temperature slowly dropped.

Tongjia's robot Qiuqiu sensed the change of the weather, beeped and began to start the working procedure. The indicator light on the head flashed and made a clear sound, which sounded like a young boy.

"It's dark, it's dark, turn on the lights." In the

next second, the living room brightened up. Qiuqiu turned on all the lights, started the temperature adjustment program, and stabilized the indoor temperature in a relatively comfortable range that is harmless to the human body. Going around in front of Tong Qinghe, he said cheerfully and maturely: "Xiaohe, get ready for dinner."

Qiuqiu is already a simulated robot with quite mature working procedures. According to Tong Qinghe's taste, choose one of the sets to customize and prepare.

Tong Qinghe said: "Qiuqiu, I may need to go out to do some exercise tonight, can I have dinner when I come back?"

Qiuqiu seriously weighed the meaning of Tong Qinghe's words. Will go outside to exercise. Looking at the time, Qiuqiu, like an elder, told him tirelessly: "I have to come back within an hour and a half. Meals are not suitable before exercise, so add some nutritional energy supplements to replenish energy."

Qiuqiu took out nutritional energy from one of the floors of the refrigerator The bag was passed to Tong Qinghe, and under Qiuqiu's watchful eyes, he took a bag of energy supplements and went upstairs to change into a light and warm tracksuit. Qiuqiu took the initiative to open the door, like a gentleman butler, he even bowed slightly to him and made a hand salute: "Remember to go early and return early."

Tong Qinghe smiled: "Got it, butler Qiuqiu."

Federal Government District The facilities are complete, and the police and security work is stable and tight. Even at night, there are still many young alphas and betas jogging around.

The B2 area separated from the administrative area is a large military area, and people from the army often go to the administrative area to handle affairs. The officials in the administrative district are noble and arrogant, they think that the blood in their bones is more noble than ordinary residents, and they look down on the people in the Zhou district. As for the alphas in the military area, most of them are young and full of enthusiasm, and they look down on the alphas in the administrative area who only look at people with their nostrils.

The alphas in the two districts are in the same situation. Tong Qinghe slowly ran to a certain area with sports building materials with an earphone cable hanging around his neck. He suddenly covered his nose, barely stabilized his body, and chose an open and ventilated place to sit do the breathing.

Tong Qinghe is not an adult, and the pheromones in Omega's body are fully awakened during adulthood. The glandular organs tend to mature, and they can clearly perceive alpha pheromones and are deeply affected.

Seeing that his adulthood is getting closer, he is gradually affected by pheromones and produces unstable reactions in his body. At this time, there was a wave of alpha pheromone in the air, mixed with several kinds of smells, which made his brain swell and dizzy, the blood rushed to his head, his hands and feet were soft, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

An omega whose pheromones have not fully awakened is always a little ignorant, and it can also be said to be naive.

Tong Qinghe only learned about the mutual influence and restraint of gender from the classroom, but he has never had any passion, he has never experienced the collision of pheromones between omega and alpha, and he does not know that just the pheromones floating in the air can have a certain effect on him. influences.

Tong Qinghe felt a burst of thirst in his throat, his throat constricted, and the smell pouring into his chest made him tremble uncontrollably.

The alphas who were fighting in front of them were ordered to stop. A group of young and energetic alphas would release pheromones violently during the fight, trying to suppress the smell that covered each other.

Alphas are aggressive by nature, and the collective surging and diverging pheromones are intertwined and lingering in the air. If an omega passes by on this road, they may not be able to take a single step at this time. What's more serious, they will fall into a trap. comatose state.

The beta guard who came to be a peacemaker wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was afraid that the alphas from the government area and the military area would meet. Beta would cry when they met on a narrow road. There are no people at both ends, no matter whether it is the administrative area or the military area, there is no one they can provoke.

The alpha who had just left suddenly tugged at the people next to him: "Hey, have you smelled a pheromone emitted by omega?" The alpha cursed softly, "Is this the smell of omega approaching the awakening period? Mom Yes , it's been a long time since I've smelled such a green and sweet scent, let's split up and find out where the person is right now!"

Omega is protected by the Federation, but the pheromone emission can often be caused by the strong Alpha out of control. A group of beta guards looked at each other and realized that if they didn't find this omega in front of these alphas, the consequences would be disastrous if this omega fell into the hands of uncontrolled alphas.

The beta guards looked at each other: "Hurry up and split up to find

someone—" Tong Qinghe dragged his weak legs and started to run. Just after he was affected by the pheromone, his five senses became clearer than usual, and those alpha conversations faintly drifted into his ears , to keep safe, he walked quickly in the direction of the apartment vaguely.

There is only Qiuqiu at home, and a simulated robot cannot act as a bodyguard to take care of him. There is a guard room after two turns, Tong Qinghe intends to go to the guard room first and ask Beta to take him back to the apartment.

Beta can smell the pheromones emanating from oemga, but it is not affected. Tong Qinghe found the guard room, panting with sweat, his vision was still hazy like fog: "There was an alpha fight in front of me just now, I was affected, please send me back, thank you."

Several betas realized the seriousness, Immediately drove the police car to help him to the rear, and closed the windows tightly to prevent the smell from escaping.

Tong Qinghe's too young face made all the betas worry: "Are you okay? We will contact your family immediately?"

Tong Qinghe handed the communicator to the guard. At this time, the screen of the communicator was flashing. The guard looked at the displayed words , read: "Uncle Alpha?" The

guard sent the communicator back to Tong Qinghe and held it in the palm of his hand: "Little classmate, did your alpha contact you? You can answer it, don't make him worry."

Tong Qinghe answered the call ignorantly , He kept swallowing his throat, and the car was filled with the sound of him struggling to breathe.

The car was filled with a fresh and sweet jasmine fragrance, green and sweet, coupled with Tong Qinghe's panting voice, made several young beta guards blush, their eyes dodged, they didn't dare to look at him more, they didn't even dare to breathe, Afraid that the smell squeezed into their chest would cut off their line of reason.

A calm and cold voice came from the other side of the communicator. Hearing Tong Qinghe's rapid panting, he seemed to have a slightly doubtful tone: "I am Jiang Shaozhi."

Hearing the voice of alpha was undoubtedly an aphrodisiac, but Reassure Tong Qinghe a little. Probably realized that it was his alpha who was talking to him, and his barely supported body fell back on the car in an instant. Uncle alpha seemed to be very capable of detecting consciousness. His voice stopped, and the next sentence continued: "Your passion The date is here."

Tong Qinghe responded vaguely, and Uncle Alpha said: "Is there anyone around me, give the communicator to the other party."

Tong Qinghe handed the communicator to the guard, and after returning to the apartment, Tong Qinghe was supported by one of the betas back to the apartment. In the room, the remaining betas went out to quickly prepare a few things according to the instructions of the alpha call just now, and then closed the entrance and exit vents of the entire apartment. The preparations are done, and the rest can only be left to Tong Qinghe himself. .

Tong Qinghe, who was lying on the corner of the bed, vaguely heard a sentence from the communicator: "Little omega, you have to believe in yourself."

The call was cut off suddenly, and he fell into a coma holding the communicator. No matter how anxiously jumping outside the door, he couldn't wake up his sleeping consciousness.

The alpha assigned by the state fell in love with me at first sightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant