Chapter 26

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On the first night when the two lived together, Jiang Shaozhi took the initiative to sleep in a separate room with Tong Qinghe.

The master bedroom was left to Tong Qinghe, Jiang Shaozhi tidied up the guest bedroom, and when he turned around, he saw his little omega standing outside the door, hesitantly daring to enter, but apparently he still had something to say to him.

Jiang Shaozhi raised his hand, and Tong Qinghe ran to his side and waited obediently, wandering around in the corner of his eye, as if he was looking for something.

Jiang Shaozhi understood, and took the initiative to open the second drawer: "Inhibitors are all placed here." Then opened the third drawer, and the inhibitors in it were more than half less than those in the second drawer, which belonged to the standard dosage for standardized use , the medicine marked on it is for omega only.

Tong Qinghe stared at the row of inhibitors intently, Jiang Shaozhi picked him up and put him on his lap, clasped him with one hand, and sniffed the fragrance of bath milk that Tong Qinghe exuded after taking a bath.

After taking a large amount of inhibitory drugs, the fever in Jiang Shaozhi's body has almost dissipated. As long as Tong Qinghe doesn't emit pheromones in the past two days, he can completely calm down.

Jiang Shaozhi asked him, "Are you afraid today?"

Alpha's tone was flat, and he stated the truth to his omega, predicting the danger: "If you didn't cry out the pain, I wouldn't stop, and I would even break through my reason and bite your glands , and more seriously, it will break your neck."

Jiang Shaozhi's spiritual body is a fierce beast, which symbolizes cruelty and violence, loves war, and is a vicious and weird beast. To a certain extent, this also indicates the fighting factor hidden in Jiang Shaozhi's blood, otherwise he would not have carried out so many dangerous missions outside for twelve consecutive years. The more dangerous the enemy is, the more he likes to fight fiercely until the The opponent beats.

He is good at hiding himself with silence, such a strong and vicious alpha, with an omega that can be easily broken, does not know how much restraint and light force it takes to not hurt his omega in a hug.

Tong Qinghe shook his head, his state was almost the same as when he was in the debate class: "I believe that uncle will not hurt me. And you also stopped."

What moved Tong Qinghe completely was the words after Jiang Shaozhi forced himself to stop, Let him feel at ease.

"Uncle, do we really want to sleep separately?"

Jiang Shaozhi avoided answering, called out Qiongqi, and patted Tong Qinghe's shoulder: "Let him accompany you." The

huge Qiongqi lay on the floor in a cute posture Keep the claws away so as not to scratch the floor of the new house.

Such a big beast stretched its neck towards Tong Qinghe, rubbing its head against his legs, its small brown triangular ears trembling slightly hidden in the fluff, when the beast acted like a baby, there was a kind of disobedient docility, but it made people feel different Such a proud sense of tameness.

This fierce beast that most people are afraid of, listens to his words.

Tong Qinghe jumped down, almost stepping on Qiongqi's paw. He looked back awkwardly, Jiang Shaozhi's gaze indulged, and then Qiongqi put his paw directly next to his feet, telling him with actions that he didn't mind stepping on its paw.

Qiongqi is his own alpha, with this thought in mind, Tong Qinghe pounced on Qiongqi's limp neck, and when he grabbed it, it was the hair of his hand.

He smoothed Qiongqi's fur, kissed its ear, turned his face, and saw Jiang Shaozhi's ear move slightly, and a suspicious thin red climbed up.

The alpha with a stern face will have red ears, which is really a cute contrast.

Tong Qinghe liked it even more, holding Qiongqi in his arms, touching its eyes for a while, kissing it intimately for a while, smoothing the fur around its mouth all the way down to the soft fur under its abdomen.

Jiang Shaozhi covered his mouth with his hand, and it would be a disaster if he smoothed his hair down.

He cleared his throat: "Tongtong, take it to your room."

Qiongqi stood up, lowered his head, grabbed the corner of Tong Qinghe's pajamas with his mouth, and hinted him to go back to the master bedroom.

Tong Qinghe followed Qiongqi back to the room, Jiang Shaozhi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Alpha lay down on the pillow, cheekbones were covered with a layer of dark red that was different from the color of honey. He restrained the urge to release the pheromone, endured it, the sweat gathered on his neck became more moist, the hand hanging on one side slowly moved, and the sweat on his forehead was dense.

Qiongqi shook his huge body violently, let out a low growl from his throat, and shrank in a corner of the master bedroom, seeming to have wronged it.

Seeing that it was trembling all the time, Tong Qinghe went over and touched its head: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Qiongqi's gurgling

voice turned into a deep whimper, which sounded like a big cat's cry, with a bit of stickiness Greasy tone. Looking up again, he looked at Tong Qinghe's animal eyes, usually majestic and energetic, especially shocking. Now it looks like a flame-colored gem immersed in water, moist and bright, the breath from the nose is especially hot, humming, the tail sweeps around Tong Qinghe's legs, wants to roll up, and then retracts. It seemed uncomfortable and acted like a baby to Tong Qinghe.

Tong Qinghe thought that the air conditioner in the room was turned up, so he cooperated with Qiongqi to turn down the air conditioner and added an extra quilt. He went back to the bed and lay down. After a while, Qiongqi, who was huddled in the corner, approached him, resting his huge head on the edge of the bed, watching him quietly.

"What's wrong with you?" Tong Qinghe actually saw the melancholy and aggrieved emotions in Qiongqi's eyes. He stretched out his hand, put it on Qiongqi's head and stroked it, and called out strangely, "Uncle?"

Qiongqi's ears trembled , eyes closed, long tail sweeping along the floor. He smiled and showed his two small white teeth, thinking whether it is Qiongqi or uncle, getting along in private is not cold and dull at all.

The screen of the communicator on the table lit up, Qiongqi snorted at the communicator, Tong Qinghe rubbed its head, picked it up and read the message.

In the chat software group of three, apart from him and Yu Xiaoke, another omega came back from another planet.

He typed: Youyou, welcome back, hug jpg.

Jiang Youyou sent a series of words, roughly saying how boring it is to be an exchange student in a school on another planet, not used to the diet of another planet, and complaining about the heavy academic work, and finally concluded: I will never apply to be an interstellar exchange student up.

Jiang Youyou is a top student just like Tong Qinghe, the difference is that Jiang Youyou is a little fighter fighting on the front line of omega, he rejects alpha and is committed to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of omega. In short, Jiang Youyou would rather overuse inhibitors to hurt his body through the estrus period than upload the information to the AO network to match an alpha randomly.

Jiang Youyou and Yu Xiaoke have passed the first bonding fever, and Tong Qinghe is left. Seeing that Tong Qinghe's love period is just around the corner, just now Yu Xiaoke told Jiang Youyou that Tong Qinghe already has an alpha in the group, Jiang Youyou is a good partner of the two, especially Tong Qinghe only knows how to read and has no heart, he asked insincerely After asking a few questions, Tong Qinghe gave simple answers one by one, and briefly told Jiang Youyou what happened just now.

Jiang Youyou, who has always been in an opposing position with alpha, rarely said: your alpha is good, and you didn't take the opportunity to take you by force.

Last year, there was an accident in their school that caused a sensation in the entire omega circle. A low-grade omega suddenly developed binding fever. The two alphas took him to a remote place to prepare for rape under the guise of sending him to the hospital to take inhibitors. A tragic accident was avoided after being forcibly rescued by several patrolling betas.

After that incident, various federal news networks were full of turmoil. Some netizens accused Omega of having a...

The accusation and review group formed spontaneously by the omega launched a well-founded counterattack under the comments accusing the victim of guilt. Jiang Youyou stood at the front line of protecting the victim at that time, criticizing the alphals for their arrogance and arrogance, even for their own actions. What is the difference between control and restraint, and animal life.

Jiang Youyou recalled that incident and is still trembling with anger: These alphas are still talking about freedom and equality, why can they swagger when they are in heat, and they can pull people on the road casually, but if an omega is in heat, they will be locked up at home and cannot see anyone . Just because their physical fitness is better than ours, how can they not learn to restrain their behavior, and insist on being a beast who knows the law and violates the law?

Tong Qinghe and Yu Xiaoke silently watched the large string of words that were swiping in the small group until Jiang Youyou recovered from his excitement.

Tong Qinghe typed: Youyou, don't be angry.

Yu Xiaoke posted a few emoticons in a row, and even exposed his belly to let Jiang Youyou see his baby.

Jiang Youyou laughed angrily: "I don't even have a bulging stomach, what kind of baby are you looking at?"

When Jiang Youyou was exhausted, he concluded from Tong Qinghe's few words that his alpha was not bad, and reluctantly let go.

As soon as he came back, Jiang Youyou had a lot of things he wanted to talk to his friends. Tong Qinghe held up the communicator to browse, and Qiongqi who was quietly staying beside him suddenly stretched his head, and knocked off the communicator in his hand unexpectedly.


The communicator that fell on the floor made Qiongqi sit down, and his nose, which was emitting heat, pushed against the quilt, intending to let Tong Qinghe go to sleep quickly.

Tong Qinghe said: "You are so overbearing."

Call it: "Uncle?"

Qiongqi's head resting on the edge of the bed scuffed the quilt into a mess, his long tail got into the quilt, rolled up Tong Qinghe's wrist, and squinted his eyes, as if he was going to sleep.

"Good night." Tong Qinghe leaned over and kissed Qiongqi's hot nose.

In another room, Jiang Shaozhi held his nose, feeling like he was going to have a nosebleed again.

The next morning, whether it was due to psychological hints or not, Tong Qinghe touched his face and neck and it was very hot.

He didn't have any shoes on. He ran outside the door when he saw Jiang Shaozhi who also came out, and quickly put Jiang Shaozhi's hand on his cheek: "Uncle, feel it. My face is so hot. Am I in heat?"

Jiang Shaozhi Carry him back to the master bedroom, take out the measuring instrument to check, and shake his head: "No." The

next day, Tong Qinghe got up and hurried to the door of the guest bedroom. Jiang Shaozhi was not dressed yet, and his little omega grabbed his hand Sticking to the cheek: "Uncle, am I in heat?"

Jiang Shaozhi's forehead jumped, and he simply turned Tong Qinghe over and pressed him on the bed, pressing his mouth on the gland for a kiss, and there was no sign of being wet.


Tong Qinghe has been waiting for the past two days, running to the guest room every day before dawn, getting under the quilt and tortured so much that Jiang Shaozhi almost didn't give himself two more inhibitors.

He looked it up, and found that his little omega probably had anxiety attacks that only occur before the estrous period.

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