Frustration and an idiot ~

Start from the beginning

"Miss l/n." It was the booming voice of Mrs. Thornhill that made all four students turn their heads her way, as she had spotted them.

y/n's eyes widened as she quickly moved to pry Enid's strong hand off her. Luckily for her, the werewolf girl had let her hands around her wrists slack a little, which made it easy to get them off of her. Dashing for the exit into the woods, she did not look back, which cost her the chance to see Xavier look at her with a puzzled expression.

The only thing she could hear while running out of the school was Mrs. Thornhill calling out her name several times, as well as Enid shouting for her to come back, but to no avail.


The sky had given up on holding in the rain as it poured down, drenching her clothes where she sat. Her hair had become more and more damp as all she wore was her uniform with the school blazer on top. y/n could feel her feet grow cold from the wetness that had drenched them.

Her back hurt a bit from the roughness of the bark from the tree she was sitting against, staring at the old shed that, to her knowledge, was empty. She had to readjust herself to make her back hurt less, refusing to go back just yet because she enjoyed the time alone before being lectured.

For whatever reason, she could never understand herself. She had her reasons for every fight she got into, and this one with Mateo had been the first one for quite a while; the last one was in Jericho, and in that one too, she had a good reason for fighting. It was all stupid, really. Why did she have to have a soft spot for him in her heart when he clearly only saw her as competition, all because they were both able to do the same thing.

When something wet suddenly dripped from her nose, out of confusion, y/n brought her hand up to her nose to brush it off but was instead met by the sight of red being mixed with the light rain. The collar of her white shirt had a drop of red on it. So now her nose has decided to bleed—after about fifteen minutes since the fight ended. She could spot even more red drip from her nose and could not even care for it, just letting it mix with the water and drip down onto her shirt.

Just as she was about to sit back and close her eyes, the sound of footsteps not far from where she sat made her eyes snap open. Sitting up from where she was curled up by the tree, her eyes scanned the area.

When she found the source of the steps, his tall figure made it hard not to notice him (though y/n would occasionally tell Enid that he could easily melt into the background with trees because of his insane height). He was carrying an umbrella to shield himself from the rain, and without any question, he had spotted her.

She sat back down, sighing, because she didn't want to deal with a heart that beat faster just because he was there; it was very irritating. Every time a drop of water hit her face, she would blink

"What are you doing out here?" Xavier asked as he came up closer to her. Once he was close enough, he moved the umbrella a little so it would cover her already drenched form.

"Oh, you know, just enjoying the nice weather." Her tone was sarcastic as she just barely spared him a glance.

He took notice of the blood dripping from her nose and how it seemed like she did not give a single care for it, destroying her uniform. "You've got.."

Xavier motioned at his own nose as if to tell her her nose was bleeding. She pulled the same face as him, telling him that she knew very well about her nosebleed and was not completely dumb. It made him look around and feel inside his coat for something to help her keep from ruining her shirt even more than it already was.

Finding that he had nothing, and receiving a bored look from the girl as she just stared up at him, Xavier grabbed the keys in his pocket and moved to open the shed without saying anything. It made y/n knit her brows together at him, only hearing a door open and then seeing a small window far up towards the roof of the shed light up. This was confusing.

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