22- The Truth Behind Truths

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                  “Which is why I am here,” announced Kellie. “After I seen what she had done to you, Meridian, it sickened me to be around Pennel. I don’t think Scarlett is all too big on her anymore either…the only reason we still hang around her, is because she has so much on us,”

                  “You can’t let Pennel push you around like that,” griped Dupree. “Be your own woman- like Meridian,”

                  “That’s the funny part…I’ve always admired your spunk, Meridian…the way you always stood up to Pennel when she tried to boss you around, or tell you what to do,” breathed Kellie. “I wanted to be just like you…but I was too chicken shit. I think Scarlett doesn’t give a fuck…I think she is planning on leaving anyway, and transferring to another school out of state,”

                  “So why call me?” I asked, as everyone looked from me, to Kellie. She looked down, into her glass of lemonade, stirring it with her finger. “About the pregnancy- um…I don’t think it may be yours,”


                 “P-Pennel is pregnant? By you?!” questioned Gissele. I glanced to her…I knew how she once felt, about Pennel. Gissele was madly in love in with Pennel, and that was why she endured all that the latter had put her through. In seeing the look on her face, I knew Gissele still had some trace of desire in her tank, for her former, supposed “best friend”.  I sighed. “We are not sure, Gissele. She claims it to possibly be mine…but she had also slept with Dre Hammond,”

                  “And there is possibly, someone else,” said Kellie, as we looked to her. “The weekend of Jassandra’s grandmother’s funeral, we took Meridian out. We had met up with some of the guys from Johns Hopkins also- Carter Brooks, Paschal Romany, and Riley…well, we knew that Meridian was seeing Riley at that time…and of course, we all got shitfaced. We dropped Meridian off at home, but we went to the hotel- the Doubletree…well, to make a long story short- Pennel had shared a room with Riley,”

                 “I’ll KILL him!” grumbled Meridian, as she pulled out her cell phone. I snatched it from her. “What are you angry about? He’s not even your boyfriend anymore!”

                 “That weekend, when you took me to his office about my nose, he made this whole declaration, that he didn’t want Pennel anymore…that wussy faced bastard!” she screamed.

                 “Meridian…you aren’t with him anymore. Why should it matter to you, now?” I asked. “Just be thankful that you didn’t sleep with him, and that you have moved on,”

                  “YEAH!” shouted Dupree, in a deep voice.

                  We both cut a look towards him, indicating that he needed to keep quiet. Dupree wandered off, whistling…

                  Meridian looked down, and around like she usually did when I made a point. “You’re right brubby…I’m happy now, so why should I let that bring me down?”

                  “You shouldn’t,” I answered, handing her cell phone back to her. I then turned to Kellie. “This is great- so now Riley’s name is thrown in the hat too. Might as well go on Maury with this shit,”

                  “I’d watch it,” said Dupree again, all out of pocket. “That shit would be hil-larry-ous! One of those ‘You Are NOT the Father’ episodes- Dre would come out there, callin her all sorts of bitches, while Maury and security would hold him back…Pennel would be cussin him,”- we looked to him again, as he held his hands up. “Whaaaat! A guy can’t use sarcasm around here?”

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