Project S/ S [DR AU]

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Dimension: Different Reality AU (DR AU)

Dimension: Different Reality AU (DR AU)

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Name:Project S  / S

Age:unknown [body looks to be at 16-18 yrs old]


Prounouns:All Pronouns

Super Form [Rarely]
Hyper Form [Lock]
Dark Form [Lock]

Chaos spear
Chaos gun
Chaos sense
Chaos control
Chaos blast
Copycat [can copy anyone's abilities in short amount of time]

Info:S have been created but not with Doom's DNA they were created from scratch although some of S's organic parts came from a dead hedgehog, they is still suppose to be the ultimate lifeform however their aren't complete since their creator died so he isn't finish, S isn't immortal but powerful and faster too, S doesn't have any gender, and S's personality is weird most of the time but S is still a edgy lord but with a soft spot for somethings S also wears glasses because he kinda likes them S also neutral and won't take any sides but sometimes fight for good Alvah tried to work with them but S isn't falling for any tricks and want to have their own privacy.

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