Chapter 195: Finding Lloyd and the others

Start from the beginning

She knew she needed to work out ans she promised herself she would soon force herself to. It was then she heard something, and she turned her head, and looked the way Her friends had run off to. She raised an eyebrow, and then thought to herself that, That voie sounded similar, and apon hearing it more and more, her eyes widnded in realiztion. 'Oh No' she thought to herself. She then stood up, not caring she was still tired her friends needed her, and she had to help them, she took a breath and began to run again. Thinking in her head second wind as she ran, she soon ran past Lilla, without even noticing, since she was so focused on running.

As she ran she was so focused she nearly crashed into Kaityln but managed to stop herself before she crashed into her friend and hurt her in the process. She then looked up, and her eyes widened as the voices she heard were correct.

'Oh no,' she thought to herself. "How did they get into this much trouble!" Jade asked, as she turned to kaityln. As they saw Lloyd, Garmadon,Mistake, mirage,opal, The two puppies, and the seven versions of harumi Minus child harumi. Were cornered by a group of angry looking people. Lilla who finally got there, and caught up with them. Saw what was happening, and she looked just as shocked, and surprised as them. "How'd they manage to get themselves into this much trouble Already!" She asked, as she yelled over the crowd of people yelling at their friends. Jade shrugged, but sighed. "I don't know but come on we better help them!" she says as she ran away from her friends and to the group of angry people surrounding their friends.

It looked like it was angry mob, and The girls could only wonder what Garmadon did to make them again this much attention by the public. They knew knowing garmadon, He probval;ly did something to make everyone look at them, and they could only hope they could get them out of this situation before something bad happened. Lilla after looking over the vroward looked at her friends. "How are we gonna get to them?" She asked her tw friends, they looked at each other, and they weren't sure what to do, as Jade didn't like being within a crowd and there was chance kaityiln got angry and stated punching people, and that was something they Didn't need happening. They didn't need kaityln get arrested, but that was besides the point. Jade looked over the crowd. And saw there was no way they would be able to get inside the circle where theyre friends were. Jade sighs, as she looked all around, and wondered what theyw should do as they were at a loss here at what to do. When suddenly, kaityln says to just rush in and try to get to them, ans before Jade and Lilla could say anything. The Brown haired girl rushed in, and tried to get in between the crowd of people.

Kaityln sighns, saying "That didn't work" And despite it being out of character Jade huffed and looked away muttering Clearly, It wasn't loud enough for The brown haired girl to hear her. They still could hear the yelling of the crowd, and the three tried their best to talk as loud as they could so They could hear each other. But it coulf still barely be heard, as the voices seemed to get louder, as they trid to speak, and Jade really didn't like the situation they were in, and pulled the girls, a little far away out of the alleway their friends were, and Where they could hear each other more clearly. Kaityln sighs, as she looked at her friends and then back at the crowd of people. "So, do we actually have a plan here?" she asked highly ironic as she tried to rush in earlier without a plan without thinking. The blonde sighs. "There has to be a way, we Can get in there!" she tells her friends as she looked around the busy streets for anything they can use. Kaityln sighs. "I don't think there is Jade" She says as Jade looked around and then she finally got an idea, she smirked, and then looked at her friends. "I Have an idea!" she says, as her friends looked very worried. She didn't explain anything, all she did, was run over to something the two other girls couldn't see and grab an object that they couldn''t see either. Jade then smirked, and says to them "Get ready" They nodded, not sure what she was doing but they trusted her slightly.

As the crowd was yelling, LLoyd, and the others tried to avoid getting slapped, and among other things. He didn't know how they were gonna get out of this, and it was most likely they would get taken away. "What are we gonna do!" Cloud asked as she growled at the people coming closer to her. The green ninja, didn't know what to say, but before he could try and answer her, a Loud siren sound was heard, that made everyone quiet down, and cover there ears. They all wondered where the noise came from, and the crowd turned gasped, at what they saw, and Lloyd and the others did as well, when they saw who it was. One of the older men, stepped forward and said: "Your the girls who went missing!" As the crowd muttered, and whispered things. Jade nodded, and put her hands in her pockets. "Yes, we are" she says simply. "But where did you go?" another asked and kaityln replied "None of your business" as They went to grab Lloyd and the others so they could go, and get out of there. As everyone was distracted by talking to one another, and murmuring. The group made a break for it, and ran into the city. They planned to get lost in the sea of people although that could be hard because they couldn't exactly blend in with garmadon. But they knew they needed to come up with something or something bad could happen, and the girls knew they couldn't risk that happening.

Hello everyone, Jdizzle here. I am tired, I hope everyone is having a fantastic Day, and or night wherever your reading this. If your reading the A/N I know there's a possibly your not and that's okay. That isn't a requirment. You don't have to read it, anyways i hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next one will probally be them all talking, and trying to figure out what they should do, or maybe not who knows! We will see what happens. Anyway I'mma get going, I'll see you all later! Alright eveyone Jdizzle sighing out peace!

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