Mission 3: Late Night

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It was late at night. Almost midnight actually. Yor had just finished another mission. So here she was. Cleaning up her hair and clothes in the bathroom. Once most of it was washed off, she put on her light gray coat, similar to the one she had at Camilla's party, many many years ago when Loid announced their marriage.

It's better to be safe in case any police officers are roaming around. She sprayed some perfume she found in the bathroom to cover up the smell of blood. She wanted to go home as soon as possible. Her arms are sore and bruised. And she was exhausted from her long day in city hall.

She let out a deep sigh and left the bathroom. She descended down the flight of stairs and bolted out the door. But before entering the streets, she made sure no one was there before she walked out of the building. She walked on the empty sidewalk as quick as she could.

But as she was crossing the street, a blinding light surprised her making the woman stop. Her eyes adjusted to the bright white light before she heard a loud honk. A black car was in front of her. She squinted her eyes to get a better look at the driver. It was highly obvious that he was mad. Still shocked, Yor only bowed in apology before running off.

At home, Twilight was reading a book on the couch while watching over his kids. Yor was not home yet and they insisted on waiting. This made his heart warm up. He looked up from the book to check on his son. Unsurprisingly, his head was falling, indicating that he was, indeed, sleeping. He sighed and looked beside him.

Anya was sat on the table, reading her textbook with a serious expression. Even so, she had a determined look in her eyes. From this, Loid knew it wasn't a good idea to interrupt her. He had learned over the years that once Anya is focused on work, it will take a ton to get her to do something else. Which was very unlike her but of course, she has already matured.

He set his book on the wooden table, leaving it open, before standing up. He gently picked up his sleeping son from the floor and carefully carried him to his and his sister's shared bedroom. He opened the lights and put him down on his bed. The bed wasn't that big. It was a single bed, like Anya's.

The sheets and covers are a dark shade of cerulean with small black spots printed on the pillows and sheet. The comforter was cerulean as well but with a shade of white mixed in. The base of the bed was painted white and the headboard was just right for a boy his size. Loid knew that the space was too little but they moved some stuff around.

But he plans on giving Tyi his own room when he and Yor share the same bed. He pulled the comforter up and tucked his son into bed. He looked at him. It made him proud to see that he looks exactly like his parents. Black hair and blue eyes. Though he got Yor's personality, he has his determined attitude. Much like Anya.

He warmly smiled before dimming the lights and closing the door. "Is he asleep?" Anya asked him. He guessed that she finished studying. Loid nodded. "So how was your studying?" The spy asked as he sat down on the table beside her. She shrugged. "Eh. It was okay."

He let out a small chuckle. "Are you laughing at me?!" She angrily accused with her cheeks puffed out. "No, no. It's just that... i'm proud of you." Anya's face lit up. "You used to be a little girl who hated studying and was a troublemaker. But now, you are so focused. So determined to do well. You are not even causing trouble anymore. And you're training to be a spy, as well as an assassin."

Anya beamed at her father. In truth, she tried her best to make her parents proud. But it was also for herself. And she wanted her father to feel satisfied, knowing his only daughter, is gonna continue his lifelong mission. She could say the same for Tyi but he plans on being in the secret police, like Uncle Yuri.

The two turned to the door as they heard it unlock. It was Yor. She closed the door, locking it once more before saying, "tadaima." Loid stood up, coming to help her with her coat. "Okaerinasai." Loid welcomed. "Is Tyi already sleeping?" The assassin asked, a bit disappointed. Loid didn't answer as he figured Yor already knew the answer.

"Sorry if I came home late again.." She mumbled, looking ashamed. Yor is a mother and a wife. It's her responsibility to take care of the family. But instead, she goes out on assassin missions and comes back home past midnight. Heck, she dosen't even know how to cook properly. She has learned to cook more cuisines over the years but that is only 5. Loid could cook about a hundred. That made her guilty.

Loid is a spy. He is not supposed to be house dad but he takes all her responsibilities as a mother anyway. Suddenly, her eyes started to blur as tears formed. Her lips quivered and she was hyperventilating. Loid's senses was alerted. "Yor-san! Are you okay?!" He asked worriedly. "Anya go to your room." He ordered. The telepath looked once more at her shaking mother before reluctantly leaving.

When he heard the door close, Loid put his hands on her shoulders and bent down a little to see her face. His eyes widened when he saw tears streaming like a fountain. "Did that damn bastard hurt you?!" He was angered by the thought of it. He wanted to kill that man if he wasn't already dead. Yor only continued crying. He narrowed his eyes and turned around to get his things.

"I'll go report this to Handler." He was about to walk away but arms wrapped around his torso, securing him. He looked over his shoulder. Yor was leaning on his back, her tears wetting his white shirt. "Yor-san." He said in shock. "I'm so sorry Loid-san!" She shouted, but it was muffled as her face was smushed against his back. Loid's face softened.

"For what?" "For making you do all the work. I know it's hard having to take care of two kids by yourself. But I didn't even bother helping you. And instead of having dinner as a family, you three eat by yourselves while I'm still at work or I'm either killing someone." She mumbled in his now soaked and stained shirt. Loid smiled warmly.

"You don't have to say sorry Yor-san. I understand." "But you can't just forgive me like that! Let me do something to make it up to you. Please." She pleaded. Loid sighed. "You take care of the kids when I'm busy." Although he could ask Franky to watch them, he just said that to satisfy Yor. He felt her smile. "Deal." 

She sniffled and released him. Loid turned around and his eyes landed on her arms. It was sore and bruised. Though it wasn't visible, he could tell. Her arm was trembling. It looked quite heavy to her shoulder too. "Let's fix you up." He took her other hand and led her to the couch. She sat down and he left to get the first-aid kit. Yor was somewhat satisfied. Loid agreed to give her a duty in the house and here he was, treating her wounds.

She closed her eyes and smiled at the spy who was crouched down in front of her.

"Arigato, Twilight-san."


5 Forgers {Loid X Yor}❤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang