Arrival of the Yeti Princess

Start from the beginning

Meteorite: She's... still in shock.
Originally, I wanted to wait for her to get better, but... It seems like she's been... traumatized.

(Y/N): Traumatized?

Jessica: ...

Amiya: Jessica, are you okay?

Amiya: This is all I can do...
Frostleaf, do me a favor. Place her hands on my arm, and hold her fingers tight.

(Y/N): Amiya... What are you up to?

Frostleaf: ...Sure thing.

Amiya: Good.

Then Amiya uses her powers on Jessica... As the background rapidly shifts between different sceneries... ...and colors.

Amiya: Ngh...

Frostleaf: Amiya!

Amiya: I'm fine! It's just... Nnh...
Such deep sorrow...

Amiya: It's a bit vague, but...

Jessica: ...

???: Jessica!! t's fine now...
You have to be strong, Jessica...!

Jessica:...? ...Amiya...?

Amiya: I'm here.

Jessica: Amiya... Amiya...

Amiya: There, there... Everything will be okay.

Jessica: Amiya... What was I...I'm so sorry... I didn't think... I didn't think that...

Amiya: It's fine now...

Jessica: Those, those... Auugh...

Amiya: I know what it's like. Yes, I've also experienced it... ...Wanting to run, but your legs not moving...
...Wanting to scream, but your voice not coming out...

(Y/N): Kid...

Amiya: I understand what you've been through, Jessica... I've been there too.

Jessica: ...

Amiya: Try standing up. You don't need to be afraid anymore... Because we're all together now. You're not alone. We'll always be there for you.
Let's go back to Rhodes Island together. Frank and Liskarm are waiting for you.

Jessica: ...Mhm!

(Y/N): Amiya, are you alright?

Amiya: I'm fine, Doctor.

Frostleaf: Amiya... You... what did you do just now...

Amiya: Shh... Keep it a secret from Dr Kal'tsit.

(Y/N): So, you have your own secret away from Kal? Huh?

Amiya: Hehe... I've learned from my dad.

She said with a bit of a smugly smile, while looking towards at you.

(Y/N): .... *Mental* (Kal is going to skinned me alive, if she ever found this out. Yet, however I feel so proud somehow...)

Then Jessica comes towards between you and Amiya.

Then Jessica comes towards between you and Amiya

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