Iron-Blooded Orphans

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3rd Person P.O.V

After Reunion's capture of Misha, the joint forces of Rhodes Island and the Lungmen Guard Department pursue the retreating fighters through the wilderness bordering Ursus and Yan.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the wilderness, Skullshatterer is having a short reunion with Misha who turns out to be his long lost sister. Revealed himself as Alex, he wishes Misha to fight alongside him for the betterment of the Infected.

When his Assault Squad informs him of the arrival of the joint forces, he has his sister under W's care.

The joint forces eventually clashed onto Skullshatter's men, and a bloody conflict ensues.

Exusiai: So, what do you think about Penguin Logistics, Amiya? We're pretty good, aren't we?

Amiya: Yeah, you're great!

Exusiai: W-woaaah! It feels pretty embarrassing getting complimented by a little girl!

Texas: Watch your mouth. She's our client.

Exusiai: Oops, sorry about that!

Amiya: Don't worry about it. It's you who we should be thanking!

(Y/N): She's, right thought...

Texas: So, we've met up with Rhodes Island. What's next?

(Y/N): We might need the L.G.D. to come to a decision before I give my input.

Texas: Is that so... I'll ask them to come take a look over here then.

(Y/N): Thank you, Texas.

You said with a smile, unintentionally making, Texas blushed as both Amiya and Exusiai gasp in surprise.

Exusiai: D-did... Texas, just blu-Gaahh!

A hilt of a sword was smacked, into Exusiai's face.

Texas: Shut up...

Exusiai: Ow... My nose...

Franka: Nothing but sand and rocks in this wasteland. It's got all the makings of one of those movie showdowns.The only thing that's missing is the enemy, huh?

Ch'en: Hoshiguma, stay here and back up Rhodes Island.

Hoshiguma: Hm? Very well.

Ch'en: I'll take the L.G.D. and change positions. If this stalemate continues, we won't be able to control Reunion's escape routes.

Franka easily sees through the ambush that Reunion is planning, and Rhodes Island decides to press forward and seize victory.

Liskarm: What the hell... All that, for only a single Reunion squad...

Franka: And a really big guy. Now that was the highlight. I'm totally exhausted just from dealing with him!

Hoshiguma: Impossible. How could so many Infected vanish so quickly?
Was that giant guy just a diversion?

Amiya: Did Reunion manage to completely evacuate this area in such a short period of time? No... Madam Ch'en should have blocked off their escape route...

Franka: I'm not seeing their designated waypoint. Something... isn't right about this. Weeds, ruins, sand dunes... All of which are potential spots for an ambush...
But, I'm not seeing anything. No footsteps, no sounds of clothing brushing against plants, no spell of explosives... I can't tell what's going on! Penguin Logistics, wake up and do your job! This isn't right at all!

However, the ambush was intended to be a distraction, and everything was to set the stage for a single lethal blow against the Doctor.

Hoshiguma: Hush! What's that sound...?

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