Jan: O...oh.....a slight heat spread on the cheeks of her as he averted his

Fai: And i am taking you back to your
house....I just wanted to tell you that
Avneet is not a threat to siddharth....
he was never. It's his own father and
i promise, Avneet will save your
buddy and will find him before night....a smirk formed on the pale features of other and for some reasons, Jan believed on his words and mumbled a

Jan: hope so....

Vai: What does it mean....she frowned when she saw no car of Siddharth in vicinity of his last location.

Avneet clenched her jaw as she dialed
someone's number.

Avneet: Siddharth nigam.... just find him..... As soon as possible....Or.. i am gonna kill you all.....she growled over phone and cut the call before other could respond.

Avneet: Di.....I swear, if i won't see that
monster tonight in my basement, i will burn down his company.....she
seethed and walked back to her car and shut the door with loud thud before driving away.

Vaishu rubbed her temples in

Vai:This is going to be a long day and
night....she mumbled as she also walked to her car and dialed number of man from her mafia.

Amir was hiding in a hotel as he
tried his best to keep his existence
a secret. He was internally cursing
himself for leaving that little girl alive. Ofcourse he had never thought that a little innocent girl of 10 years would turned out as a life threat to him.

He was already sure of the doomsday
of his company and money, but at this
point all he wanted to save his life.

Sm1: Sir your flight to USA is booked at 9pm tonight....a person informed him on the call and he smiled in victory. Quickly scanning his important stuff once more. He made sure to transfer some amount in his very personal account before running away.

Never thought that he would see this
day as the news flash came infront of
his eyes.

"Famous businessman and CEO of
Nigams Enterprise disappeared today
morning. There is no clue where he is.
Blood stains were found in his office
and it is suspected that he might got
kidnapped last night. No one saw him
since last night."

Amir frowned on the news and
turned the tv off. But when he thought carefully, he smirked.

Amir: It's better this way. No one will blame me.....his smirk grew more on the thought as he again started roaming his eyes over his passport and necessities that he would need for the long stay at new place.

Avneet: One hour....I swear JUST ONE HOUR YOU ALL HAVE....she slammed
her fists over the table causing her men to quiver under the effect. They all got no trace of siddharth yet.

Man: mam...we searched for cameras in that area but found none. There was a distant building and they had some cameras on that direction, but they didn't allow us to have an access to their record....her man informed her and Avneet lost it. She grabbed her gun and shot the person on his bottom right leg

The man fell on the floor in pain
as other stayed on their spots, head
hanging low as they shaked in fear for
their lives.

Avneet: Now you get lost from my sight and never show me your face.....she seethed and gestured one of her man to help the other as she gave her attention to others.

Avneet: You know why i shot him...she started in low voice and they all nodded quickly.

She wasn't the person to hurt others
for her pleasure or something. She did
that as a warning for all. She did that
because that person was taking that
task so lightly and didn't tried his best
to get those records.

She was now sure that siddharth was
definitely kidnapped by someone as
the whole thing seemed planned.

Avneet: Now...get me that records. Find his car and the person who was chasing him. You got that right....her voice was dangerously low and all gulped in fear as they barely saw this version of their boss.

Men: Yes mam....they said and quickly rushed out of the room.

Avneet: Take him to the hospital.....she
muttered to vaishu who sighed but
left her alone to compile her order.

Avneet: I hope you are safe sid...she gulped on the last word, causing the name came out choked.

Rashika was laying next to siddharth who was still out. She was patiently waiting for him to wake up but latter showed no signs of waking up any soon.

She frowned on that and walked to the side table to grab her phone, dialing a specific number, she waited a bit.

Rashi: How much you injected him... Why he isn't waking up....she yelled on the person who definitely rolled his eyes on loud voice.

Man: We use the right amount as prescribed....Maybe he is just week or too much tired.Let him be for some time.....

Rashi scoffed in annoyance and
ended the call before letting out some
profanities. How much she wanted
to see the shocked expressions of him. But now she had to wait.

She walked towards siddharth and
slightly touched his cheeks that were
looking oddly red on cheekbones as
well as the pink lips were turned into
sort of dark red shade.

She gasped when she felt very high
temperature of other. She quickly
turned to call for her maids but
stopped when the loud crashing sound echoed downstairs followed by some screaming of her maids.

She frowned and stomped out of the
room after checking the passed out
male once again.

Rashi: What's the commotion about...she yelled while stepping down the stairs, hands busy to tie up her hairs in a messy bun as eyes fixed on the stairs.

She lifted her head up and her grip
loosened on her hairs as the view
caused her to be more than surprised.

There were many bulky men with guns in their hands, all of her maids were in tight grip of those males as well as the guards were laying on the corner unconscious.

Rashi: WHO ARE YOU...she hissed in anger as she took some rushy steps towards the person who had a mask on their face.

Person: Where is he....they asked but
Rashi snickered in response.

Rashi: I asked something,...Who. Are. You....she repeated those words but her breath hitched when the former took off her mask, revealing her face.

Rashi: Avneet....Why are you here... I said we are over.....she said quickly, kind of feeling awkward infront of the feared mafia. Avneet stepped forward, not breaking the eye contact.

Avneet: Where is siddharth....she asked in most calming way.

Rashi: siddharth...siddharth nigam....Why you are asking me....she asked in turn, crossing her arms over her chest.

Rashi: And what's with this behaviour....she added pointing towards her maids.

Avneet smirked and gestured a
person at his back who quickly left the scene and came back within seconds...a badly beaten up man in his hands.

The beaten up man was threw infront
of her and she controlled herself from
making any sound. The man was one
of those men she hired for kidnapping
Sid and was the one who destroyed his car.

Avneet: I am asking for last time.... Where.Is. Siddharth.... gritted her teeth, definitely her last straw of patience breaking down.

Rose remained silent and in next
moment she saw Avneet's men
spreading in all directions of her house. She looked frantically here and there and then her gaze fell on Avneet.

Rashi: Why....she seethed...

Avneet  leaned forward and whispered in her ear with a smug smile on her lips

Avneet: Because.........

Rashika looked at her blankly....

Avneet: he is mine.....
To be continued...

If u guys take more time to complete target then the other books will get delayed also....

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