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Clara Clarice Martin Wilson

"Hey what's wrong?" Charles asked me on our way back to the hotel

"Umm.. I don't know I got this weird message from my dad that he and mom wanted to talk and that it was important" I said
"He didn't say anything else just that they wanted to talk and that they would be next week in Monaco and that they wanted to meet" I added

"Oh that's weird" he said and I nodded "when did he text you?" He asked

"While the podium ceremony while the champaign I saw the massage but probably earlier" I say

"If you want we can go earlier seeing your parents" Charles said

"Are your sure what about-"

"Clara I'm sure" Charles said and I smiled

"Oke" I say

"If we want I can book a flight and we can fly out to Canada" he said and I nodded

"That's a great idea but don't you want to celebrate your win and that you won the championship?" I asked

"Clara all I want is to spend time with you" Charles said and he smiled

"Oke" I say I smiled


"Charles-" I said laughing while he was ticking me "s-stopp" "w-we need to g-go" I say still laughing

"Oke Lets go" he said and I chuckled and I shake my head and I get my suitcase and we go to the airport

We go through the security I texted my dad that I would come to Canada and he said that is oke and that we would meet them at there house


The plane landed and we got out of the plane and we got our luggage and we went to the car that Charles had here and he drives to the house of my parents

I texted that we were arrived and that we are on our way


We arrived at the house and we both get out of the car and we walk to the door and I open the door

"It's too quiet" I say to Charles and he looked at me and we walk to the living room where I saw my dad sitting

"Hey dad what's wrong?" I asked him and he just looked at me and stoot up and hugged me he or mom haven't hugged me in 6 years so I thought this was strange

"Hey Charles it's good to see you"  my dad said and they did a bro hug

"Dad what's wrong where is mom?" I asked him and he looked at me and his eyes were a little red like he just cried "dad?"

"She is in the hospital Clara" he said and I looked at him

"W-what happened?" I ask

"Last week she didn't feel wel that that was already for a few weeks so we went to the hospital and they did some tests and a few days later they found out she has cancer" he said

"How bad is it?" I ask and I look at my dad he looked completely broken even I didn't really like my parents I hate to see him like this and I haven't seen him like this sinds my hospital thing 6 years ago

He looked at me and didn't say anything and on the look on his face I knew the answer

I looked at Charles who looked at me and my dad and I just stoot there shocked trying to not tear up

"Come here" Charles said and spread his arms and gives me a hug and I hug him tight

"Can we go see her?" I ask my dad and he nodded and we went to the hospital


"Mom?" I said when I walked into the room and she looked up

"Clara what are you doing here?" She asked and I walk to the bed and I go sit on the chair next to the bed

"Dad told me and I wanted to come and see you he is with Charles in the hallway" I said "how are you feeling" I asked

"I don't know I'm right now waiting for the results from the doctor because they did a few tests" she said and I nodded

"Mom I want to say sorry tha-"

"Clara dear let's not have it about that it's the past and I'm sorry too that we pushed you away I feel terrible for that" she said and I hugged her

"It happened mom and we can't change it and don't worry it's fine" I say

"But you and Charles? I see he makes you happy I haven't seen you that happy in years" she said and I chuckled at the idea she was still keeping and eye on me through social media typical my mom

"Yes he makes me happy" I say and I smile

"I'm happy for you Clara really" she said

"I don't want to lose you mom" I say and a tear fall down my cheek

"Your not going to lose me sweetheart and I wil always be here with you" she said and lays her hand on my chest and I smiled and she wipes off the tear from my cheek

Charles Leclerc

I watched as Clara walked in the room
Me and her dad decided to let her spent time alone with her mother for a few

"She really likes you I can see it in the way she looks at you" her dad said to me

"I really like and love her" I said and she smiled and looked at me

"Thank you for making my daughter happy I haven't seen her like this in years happy, always laughing and smiling you really make her happy and she has never been like that in every relationship she has been in" her dad said

"She is an incredible person for real sometimes a little stubborn though" i says and we both chuckled

"You don't know how stubborn she can be" he said and stated telling story's about Clara when she was younger about how stubborn she could be and I laughed


So yea I think it's really sad about her mom but she made up with her parents that's a good thing

I hope you liked this chapter<33
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Photograph - Charles LeclercOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora