Spending time with each other

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Charles Leclerc

i wake up next to Clara who was still sleeping, i cant believe that we both have to leave tomorrow she flights back to Canada and i fly with Pierre to Bahrain for the season opener and the first race of 2023

i look at Clara who is peacefully sleeping, she looks pretty, i could get used to this

But then the thought came in my head, she is the ex from Lance
But then I think in my head she doesn't seem like the type Pierre described her when we bumped in to her the day after that party when I met her

I looked at my phone to see how late it was and it was 10:17 and at 12:00 we needed to be by the boat that I hired for today and I asked Clara to join me and she said yes

Clara Clarice Martin Wilson

I wake up of Charles playing with my hair and I smile

"Good morning to you too"I say to Charles

"Good morning baby" he says to me and gives me a kiss

"Did you sleep wel?" He asked me and I nod

"You?" I ask

"Good" he says

We stay a little longer in bed just cuddling and after a few more minutes we both get out of bed and I go back to my room and we both get ready


"I can't believe how fast these weeks were going and I can't believe I have to go home tomorrow " I say and I look at Charles

"Me too" he says

I'm enjoying my self sunbathing on the deck it the boat, it's too small to call it a jacht but to big to call it like a little boat

After a few minutes me and Charles jumped in the water and it was fun


Me and Charles were a little talking after we both got out of the water

"How did you met Lance?" He asked me random, we didn't really talk about that

"His family is great friends with my family, and actually that relationship was like soort of forced, when I was younger I had a huge crush on him and my family and his family knows that but they still think I have a crush on him we until I broke up with him months ago" I say and pause "my parents are not happy with that I think they saw me literally marrying that guy" I added and Charles looks at me and rubs his thumb over my hand

"How did it come that I never saw you in the paddock?" he asked me

"I think I'm just good at hiding" I say and we both chuckle

He saw I got a little uncomfortable talking about the Lance thing so he decided to talk about something else

He was very interest in my art and I never met a guy who was like this interested in something I did and I smiled, I let it him see some art of me and I really loved the way he looked the way he looked at it and how interested he was in it

The rest of the day we spend it at the boat and in the evening we went for dinner together and when I came back it was time to pack for tomorrow, tomorrow I fly back to Canada and Charles flys to Bahrain together with Pierre for the first race of the 2023 season

Lucky me our flights are around the same time so Charles said I could drive with them to the airport if I wanted and I said yes


So almost the vacation over for Clara and Charles :( are they going to be still in contact? And how is she at home? Is it going to be a problem with Lance being her ex?

Heyy I hope you liked this chapter🫶🏻
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Photograph - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now