New me old home

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Clara Clarice Martin Wilson

I don't know why I agreed with Charles but here I am the plane just landed in Canada Montreal this weekend is the Canada Grand Prix and Charles begged me to come and I was happy I joined him this weekend but also not because I don't know I am scared that I would see my old friends- wel I don't know if I could call them friends or my parents who goes every year to the Canada Grand Prix

We got out of the plane and I was happy we flew private because we didn't have to wait to our luggage


"I'm dead" I say and I let my self fall on the hotel bed and Charles laughed and he laid next to me on the bed and I sighed

"What's wrong?" He asked me and looked at me while I stared at the ceiling

"I don't know it's weird to be here and I don't know I'm scared I wil see my old friends and to face my parents because I know they are going to be there at the Grand Prix wel my parents" I say

"I'm here with you Clara and isa is there also this weekend and also Lilly so your not alone" Charles said and I smile

"I don't deserve you" I said

"Yes you do" he said and gave me a kiss on my lips

"Get up we're going out" he said and stoot up

"We're too?" I asked him confused

"Dinner with Carlos and isa" he said and I smiled

"Oke" I said and I get up and I change and we walk to the lobby where Carlos and isa where

"Heyy" I said and I gave isa a hug

"Hey how are you?" She asked

"I'm good you?" I ask

"Also good" she said and smiled

"Hi congratulations on your win in Barcelona" i said to Carlos

"Hey thanks" he said

We decided to walk around the city and I would give them a little tour and after that we would have dinner somewhere

We walked around the city it's weird to be here it doesn't feel like home here anymore but I realized over these weeks home isn't a place home isn't a person home is a feeling and it's everywhere where you are with the people who you love and who love you


"Is it weird for you being here?" Isa asked me and I nodded

"Yea I don't know but it doesn't feel like home here anymore it's like it is a new me old home if you get what I try to say" I say and we both laugh

"Yes I get it and I get it why it's weird to be here you lived her your whole life and now not anymore" she said

"Yea but I'm the most scared that I would see my old friends again and my parents who are probably going to the Grand Prix on Sunday" I say

"I get that" she answered

"Girls were hungry so we're planing to that restaurant" Charles said and nodded

"Me too" I say and we walk to the restaurant and they had still place, I have been here before in this restaurant in the evening it's a restaurant and in the morning and the afternoon it's a cafe I used to go here with my old friends

We order our drinks and it was really nice to spent time with isa and Carlos and Charles of course and me and isa joked about us going on a dubbel date right now and we made it a dubbel date

"Clara?" I heard a voice saying behind me that I didn't hear in months



So cliffhanger I'm sorry
Who is this person?
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Photograph - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now