A phone number

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Clara Clarice Martin Wilson

I wake up in my hotel with a huge headache, how I came back to my hotel I have no idea I saw Rose sleeping on the couch

Last night is blurry in my head I can remember dancing with Rose and getting a drink and talking and dancing with a guy I don't know who it was or his name I think I was Charles or something I don't know

I walk to the bathroom and I take a pain killer
When I walked back in the room I saw Rose was awake sitting on the couch

"Headache hu?" I ask her and she nod and I give her a glass of water and a painkiller

"Thanks" she says and takes it

"I saw you dancing last night with a hug, he looked hot" she says and I giggle

"Yea, sadly enough I don't remember much because I drank to much" I say

"What is this?" She said and I looked at her and she grapt a paper and read what was written on it

"It's a name and a phone number" she says and gives it so me
I think in my head and I remember him giving his phone number

"This is the number from the guy he gave it to me last night" I say

"Are you going to text him?" She asked me

"I don't know should i? I even don't know him maybe he is a creep or something" I say

"You have a point, but what if he is not?" she asked

"I don't know and I just got out of a relationship I don't if I want to have a relationship right now" I say


i was walking around until i bumped into someone

"omg i'm sorry" i say 

"no don't worry it was my fault" the person says and i look up at the person and it was the guy from last night

"hey" i say 

"hey, your the girl from yesterday" he says

"jup that's me" i say

"how is the headache?" he asked

"hell but i took some pain killers, by you?" i say

"same" he says and we both chuckle

Charles Leclerc

"Charles are you coming, hi" he says to me

"i have to go but i see you around" i say to the girl if i was right her name was Clara

"see you around" she says and gives me a smile

"do you know her?" Pierre asked me while we watch her walk away

"she was the girl i met last night, Clara was her name i think" i say

"so you met someone last night" he says with a smirk

"but do you know her?" i asked him

"she is the ex from Lance i heard they just broke up" Pierre says and i look at him confused

"She is the ex from Lance?! i didn't recognize her, its not like i saw her much or talked with her but i once saw her with Lance" i say

"she looks different if i can be honest, she changed after she and Lance broke up" Pierre says


Clara Clarice Martin Wilson

i walked to the little restaurant where i would meet Rose and Leo, i was still confused i bumped in to Charles but i saw also Pierre he was- is friends with my ex Lance who is an F1 driver. but that's why i recognized Charles soort of last night  

i try to get the thoughts out of my head and i walk in the restaurant and i saw Rose and Leo already sitting

"hey" i say and i sit next  to rose

"hey, feeling better?" she asked me

"yea, you?" i say

"same" she says

"you too drank too much yesterday?" he asked and we both nod and he laughs at us

we talk for a while and after a few hours i go back to my hotel to chill and in the evening i go for dinner with Rose and Leo


i got back in my room and i decided to message Charles


hey Charles its me Clara

heyy Clara how are you?

im good how are you?

the same

so... your an F1 driver

jup and your the ex from Lance

jup that's me

lets start like we don't know each other that makes it less awkward

that's a great idea

i'm Charles Leclerc

i'm Clara Wilson


me and Charles texted for a while and after a few hours i started to get ready for dinner 



heyy i hope you liked this Chapter <3

what do you think of Clara and Lance being exes? 

Photograph - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now