Chapter 6: Spirit Week

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"Cam you ready?!" Danny shacked his shoulder, trying to psych him out.

"Ready to knock you down yeah." He rolled his eyes unfazed by Danny's huge build. Cam is taller but leaner than Danny. And even though his blonde hair wasn't natural, it looked way better on him than the Brad Pitt impersonator.

A group of guys in red make their way to Cam wanting to strategize. The competitiveness made him a born leader to his team. The guys all looked to him to tell them what to do and how to do it. He pulls the group towards the outside of the arena and starts going over their plan.

Sitting down with his knees up and pointing at the rope. I heard him say something about needing weight distribution, but I couldn't hear the rest before Danny stood in front of me.

"Hi Millie." He was standing way too close that I could smell his mint breath. Now I haven't had much experience with boys, but I learned quickly that you didn't need it, they were all the same and all easy. If I was at my old high school and someone like Danny talked to me, I'd stutter and be a nervous wreck. But here and now, he didn't faze me in the slightest because I see right through him.

"Shouldn't you be preparing yourself?" I said to him, looking off into the distance.

"Nah seniors always win." Someone's confident.

"I don't know. Cam might beat you guys." I teased. He steps closer to me, closing the gap.

"Will you cheer for me?" He's wearing his puppy dog eyes. The sudden aggressive interest he has in me is not endearing. In fact, I find it annoying, like a fly buzzing by my ear that won't go away.

"I'm pretty loyal to the Juniors." On my left I see Priscella giving me the dirtiest look. Right. She has a crush on him. Danny takes off his purple headband and hands it to me.

"Wear this, I need you as my good luck charm." I mentally roll my eyes. He was relentless, wasn't he? Though it was a sweet gesture. I'm sure every girl at school is staring at me with envy. And daggers.

Danny was the IT guy of the school. Every girl wanted him because of how good looking and nice he was. I wasn't so easily impressed anymore, and he still wasn't my type. However, I wouldn't turn him down today.

"And if you lose?" I say.

"Then you'll owe me." He puts the headband on me, and the game begins.

Freshman and Sophomores were up first. They each picked up the rope on opposite sides ready to pull the other into the mud. Alex stands next to me by the wall ledge.

"Danny huh? Isn't he a little vanilla?" There he goes again acting jealous. I can't help but love it a little. Mister bad boy was getting all worked up over me talking to another guy. It felt like a game.

"Jealous much?" I look up at him in question. How does a normal girl like me gain this much attention from guys? And so easily too.

"Would it matter if I was? Aren't you with Ryan?" I almost choke out a laugh.

"God no. I dumped him." Technically I didn't dump him, I was ignoring him. He texted me nonstop since the Drive- In and I never answered back. He needs to learn to take a hint. Alex smirks a little.

"You just have every guy wrapped around your finger, don't you?"

"Even you?" I shouldn't be flirting. Stop Millie!

He shakes his head, "I'm a bit of a challenge, you gotta win my heart first."

"And how would I do that?"

"Stop going out with random guys. I want you to myself." What do I say to this? He has this effect on me where I forget I'm playing a game. It feels real.

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