When he took her side, Myra's lips stretched in a smile. It was for the first time.

"I will call 911." Saying Neil stepped aside.

"Julia Aunty, stay here only. I will bring an ice pack." Myra ran inside the kitchen to get one.

Within half an hour Julia was shifted to hospital for medical care. As Myra has diagnosed she had fractured her right wrist as well as left ankle. Doctors put plaster and advised her to stay in hospital under observation for two days.

Neil returned to his home to see Myra waiting for him. She stayed at home for Neev.

"What happened?" She ran to him when she saw him entering the living room.

Neil gave her a brief idea about his discussions with doctors.

"Ohh my god. Due to her age it will take time." concern was oozing out of her eyes.

"Yes that's what doctors said." he tried to extend their conversation. It was for the first time they were talking like a married couple.

"I will set dinner. You must be hungry." She made an excuse.

"Yes, I will just freshen up." He turned, "Where is Neev?"

"He slept." She replied, "He is my room. If you want you can ..."

"No it's ok. I don't want to disturb his sleep." His reply amazed her but she stayed silent.

After a long shower Neil came down to see Myra had already set a table with food for him.

He scrunched his eyebrows when he saw only one plate on the dining table.

"Are you not eating?" words were out even before he realised.

She was taken back with his sudden question. They were never on talking terms before, his sudden concern gave alien feelings to her.

"No I am.. I am not hungry." She bit her inner cheek to lie.

"It's almost 11 and you are saying you are not hungry." It was more of a question than a statement.

Myra did not have any energy to fight with him, she silently went inside to get another plate for herself.

Both had their dinner together without sharing a single word.

Myra started to wind up when Neil mentioned. "Is it ok if Julia stays here?"

"What do you mean?" She was confused with his question. 'Julia Aunty always stayed here. Where is she going now? With this condition she should take maximum rest.'

"I mean... Julia has broken her hand and leg. She won't be able to move for at least a month so is it ok if she still stays with us."

"Then where will she go? She needs maximum rest." Myra was still clueless.

"All house work and responsibilities of the house ...."
He fumbled.

'Ohh come on Neil, move her to some hospital or anywhere. I am not a nurse or servant to look after her. She is just a mere housekeeper, give her some money... admit her in the care centre... she will be able to handle herself.' Those were Meera's words when Julia had her first cataract operation.

"We can look for a new servant but... It might take some time." He could not complete it.

"I am not able to understand what you are talking about but when we are there, why will Julia Aunty go anywhere else? I am there to take care of her. And regarding this house and its responsibilities, I can manage with her guidance."

Broken yet Beautiful (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now