Chapter 2

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Without realising it, Enid became Wednesday's comfort person, relying heavily on her when things got overstimulating.

They held hands while walking through the corridors, Wednesday squeezing her hand and Enid would immediately stop and shift them over out of the main thoroughfare, offering the headphones, which Wednesday let her put over her ears, leaning forward slightly to offer her forehead, which Enid immediately pressed a kiss to.

With the comfort of the headphones dulling the intensity of the chatter, they returned to walk to class, even if they didn't share it, Enid still insisted on walking Wednesday to class.

"I'll be outside to come meet you as soon as my class is over, okay?" She assured her, getting a nod from Wednesday in reply.

She shifted nervously from foot to foot, unsure if this would be okay or not.

"What's wrong?" Wednesday asked in her usual tone.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked, her face ablaze.

Wednesday offered her forehead, and Enid smiled and kissed it, before letting go of her hand and cupping her face, careful to keep the pressure on the firmer side so it didn't overstimulate her.

She learnt the hard way that soft touches didn't work well with Wednesday.

"A-actually... I meant here." She said, swallowing thickly as she touched Wednesday's lip with her thumb.

"Oh." She replied, thinking for a moment before she nodded. "Yes, you may."

Enid let out the breath she'd been holding and leant in, pressing her lips to the raven's, overjoyed when she felt her kiss back, moving her lips with hers in a dance that felt so familiar and natural.

It wasn't until the warning bell rang that Enid broke the kiss, a little breathless but grinning like an idiot.

"I gotta go. But I'll be back before you know it. And if you need me, just ask someone to come get me, okay?"

Wednesday nodded, leaning in again for another kiss, much to the surprise of Enid, especially since she had never before instigated any physical touch, kissing her back needily.

She reluctantly broke the kiss again.

"I really gotta go." She grumbled, leaning in for one last kiss before she ran off.

Enid was sitting in her physics class when another student burst into the classroom, eyes frantic and Enid's heart sank.


"I'm coming." She replied, rushing to get up, glancing back at Yoko, who nodded and tilted her chin to tell her to go, snagging her headphones from her desk before she ran out of the classroom, sprinting past the boy to the classroom she left Wednesday in.

She burst in, finding everyone standing in a crowded circle and she growled, getting their attention.

"Back up." She ordered, everyone parting to give her room, revealing Wednesday sitting in the corner of the room, rocking herself as she muttered and rubbed her skirt with her fingers.

She slowly approached her, placing her hands firmly on her shoulders.

"Wedns. I'm here. You're okay." She told her, before she put her headphones over Wednesday's ears and crouched down, sitting in front of her, pulling her bundled up form onto her lap as she cradled her to her chest, gently rocking back and forth with her in her arms.

She looked back at the other students and teacher.

"I've got her. Just be quiet please." She asked before returning her attention to Wednesday, readjusting her grip as she tightened the pressure of her hug.

The class ended and the teacher knelt down beside them, speaking in a hushed voice.

"Maybe it's best to take her back to your room. I'll let the other staff know you'll be taking care of her."

Enid smiled and nodded thankfully, slowly getting her feet under her as she carried Wednesday back to their room.

She pulled off their shoes and sat back against the black sheets and pillows, knowing Wednesday wasn't ready yet to remove the headphones, pulling the weighted blanket up over them, and continued to hold her, feeling her still trembling in her arms.

When Wednesday was calmer, she pulled the headphones off and snuggled into Enid, who gently rubbed her back and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

"I know. I've got you." Enid whispered, pressing another kiss to Wednesday's forehead.

Wednesday settled in her arms, feeling comfortable and safe.

They stayed like that for a while till Wednesday was ready to move, signaling it in a way Enid didn't expect her to.

She reached up and gently touched Enid's cheek with her fingertips.

"Hey..." She smiled down at her. "You feeling a bit better?"

Wednesday nodded shifting up slightly till her nose brushed against Enid's.

"O-oh..." Was all she got out before Wednesday leant up and kissed her, Enid immediately falling into step with her, kissing back happily.

She continued to hold her with the usual pressure, cupping the back of the raven's head as they continued to languidly kiss, silently surprised how easily Wednesday had grown attached to kissing her, much to her delight, having wanted to kiss her for a while now, but unsure if she'd be okay with it given all her sensory issues.

Enid pulled back reluctantly, taking in gulps of air as she grinned down at the darker haired girl in her arms.

"You really like kissing me, don't you?" Enid chucked.

Wednesday broke the eye contact and nodded, punctuating it with a quick peck to Enid's lips.

"I'm not sure I'll ever get enough of kissing you." Enid admitted bashfully.

"Wednesday... I know it may seem sudden, but... I have really intense feelings for you. I think I... I think I'm in love with you. And I'm sorry if that's overwhelming, but I wanted you to know. I hope that's okay." She blurted out.

Wednesday took a moment to take it all in, before she slowly nodded, her ears going pink as she pointed to her chest and then at Enid's, placing her palm gently over her heart.

"O-oh... oh my God. Wedns..." She murmured, her voice wavering as tears picked at her eyes. "Y-you love me too?" She asked, her hands shaking.

Wednesday nodded, resting her head over Enid's heart, hugging her back firmly.

The tears silently rolled down Enid's cheeks as she felt Wednesday hug her back for the first time.

"I love you so much, Wednesday." She whispered, resting her cheek against her dark hair.

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