Chapter 1

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Wednesday has autism.

She is uneasy going to Nevermore because it's such a big change from her routine.

When she meets Enid, she is unsure and adverse to physical touch offered by the colourful wolf.

Morticia and Gomez take Enid aside and carefully explain that Wednesday has Autism and that it might take her some time to adjust to her new surroundings and routine, even warned her of potential shut-downs or even meltdowns.

She was understanding, stating she has ADHD, but listens when the Addams explain to her what can help in these situations.

With this knowledge, Enid gives Wednesday her space, keeping an eye on her from afar.

She had several shut-downs in the dorm, going silent and refusing to communicate save for nodding or shaking her head.

Enid understood and offered her pink cat ear headphones, knowing she'd hate the colour, but Wednesday took the offered item and put them on.

Her first meltdown had been building for weeks, and the several shut-downs she had didn't help, it all just kept building.

Until it just snapped.

Wednesday ran out of the classroom, Enid following her.

She found Wednesday in a dark corridor, huddled with her arms wrapped around her legs as she rocked back and forth, Thing sitting nearby tapping and urgently to Enid.

"I know. But we don't have the weighted blanket." She replied.

Thing continued to sign with greater urgency, worried about his beloved family member.

"I'm not so sure she'll like that but I'll try." Enid replied, cautiously approaching her, pulling her headphones off from around her neck, where she often kept them in case Wednesday needed them when walking through the busy corridors, and placed them over her ears.

Wednesday continued to rock herself, silent, overstimulated tears rolling down her cheeks; the stress having to escape somehow, as she muttered to herself in a language Enid didn't understand.

She slowly got behind her and sat down behind her before wrapping her arms around her firmly, hoping the pressure of the hug would help soothe her like her weighted blanket did.

Wednesday continued to rock herself and mutter but leant into the embrace, slowly relaxing until she was curled into Enid with her head under the werewolf's chin, utterly exhausted.

Enid continued to hold her, maintaining the pressure of the hug while Wednesday slowly but surely started breathing evenly again.

"You want to go back to the room?" Enid asked gently.

Wednesday nodded and without a word Enid scooped her up and carried her back to their room, Wednesday's arms wrapped around her neck as she rested her cheek against her shoulder.

She got her back to the room, lay her down on her black sheets and took off her shoes before pulling the weighted blanket over her and placing a light kiss to her forehead before she could stop herself.

Thing hopped off Enid's shoulder and kept vigil over Wednesday, getting her a bottle of water and placing it on the bedside table for when she was ready.

After several hours, Wednesday was through the worst of the meltdown and in the shut-down stage that always came after.

She slowly sat up, cautiously shifting the headphones off her ears to test the level of noise in the room, sighing with relief when it was pleasantly quiet.

Enid, noticing her sitting up, quietly walked over and sat down on the edge of Wednesday's bed.

"Hey. Feeling a bit better?" She asked, recieving a nod.

"I know you don't like physical touch, but I hope me giving you the hug helped."

Wednesday nodded.

"Would it be okay if I did that again if you needed it?"

Another nod.

"Would it be okay if I held your hand occasionally?"


"Good. That means if you start to get overwhelmed, you can give my hand a squeeze and we can go somewhere quieter or I can lend you my headphones again." She smiled, recieving an eager nod in reply.

"Okay, I'll leave you be. But if you need me, just come get me, okay?" She said with a small smile, standing up only for Wednesday to catch her sleeve and pull her back down.

"You want me to stay?"

Wednesday avoided eye contact but nodded.

"Do you want something specific?" She asked, unsure what Wednesday wanted.

A tiny blush appeared at the tips of Wednesday's ears as she nodded.

"It's okay, Wedns. You don't need to be embarrased. Do you want another hug?" She nodded and Enid smiled gently, shifting to the other side of the bed so she could climb in beside Wednesday, laying down beside her and opening her arms in an open invitation.

Wednesday cautiously shifted over and lay against Enid's side, her head resting on Enid's chest, only to realise it wasn't comfortable with the headphones, cautiously taking them off so she could lie down more comfortably.

Once she seemed comfortable, Enid wrapped her arms around her firmly, holding her close with a comfortable pressure that Wednesday found soothing.

Enid unthinkingly dropped a light kiss to Wednesday's hair, only to realise she probably should have asked first.

"I'm sorry. Was that okay?" She asked, her heart rate quickening in her nervousness.

But Wednesday simply nodded and snuggled deeper into Enid, letting out a quiet sigh before she drifted back to sleep.

Shut-downs and MeltdownsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ