Chapter Four: Declaration of War

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"If there is one thing that is not lacking among their ninja are the sensors and the trackers. It's likely that the first time I came back here, they somehow memorized my chakra, and when I disappeared, Minato must have ordered me to keep an eye on me if I reappeared." explained Naruto "Fortunately for me, my chakra is different from eight years ago."

"What about the fox?" asked Haku, since she now knew that Naruto, in his previous life, had been a Jinchuuriki.

Naruto merely grinned before raising the cane that hid his sword "Like I said, now I know who my Zanpakutō really is."

Finally Haku understood the meaning of his words and nodded "Since it's in that form, they cannot locate its chakra."

"Exactly. Now I would say that we need to go back. Tonight we will send a message to Minato as well as to all those who approve his choices." said Naruto with Haku nodding at him before disappearing with a Shumpo.

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Chapter Four: Declaration of War

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"We seem to spend most of our time eating." joked Haku while sitting in a restaurant with Naruto in front of her. Before returning to the heart of the village, both had used a spell to erase their presence, including their chakra, thus allowing them to avoid being spotted again by the sensors. In addition, knowing that Konoha's ninjas probably also had a picture of Naruto, they had both decided to change Henge, turning into their respective lieutenants who had long served them in the Gotei 13.

"It can't be helped." said Naruto with the appearance of Chōjirō "Apparently, Minato will make an announcement at midnight on the balcony of the Hokage Tower. It seems to be a tradition and nothing new, but it will be the moment when most of the village will be watching him. At that moment, we will act."

"Sounds good to me." smiled Haku while eating a steak, but when Naruto was about to continue with his meal, a group of people came into the room and those voices caught their attention.

'Well...nobody is missing.' thought Naruto looking at his former friends, plus his two sisters. While he and Haku were walking through the village, they had heard some people talking about those young ninjas to which the Yondaime Hokage's two daughters had joined, dubbing them Konoha 13. Both he and Haku had almost laughed after hearing that nickname, unable to help comparing them to the Gotei 13. Haku had even joked that, however strong they might be, they were still weaker than the lieutenants of the thirteen divisions.

"This is so boring...why can't we just take a mission tomorrow?" said Naruko with a sigh.

"Troublesome. Can't you just rest for a few days? I would do it." replied Shikamaru while sitting between his teammates.

Sakura looked at him with "You will rest every day of the year if only you could..."

"Nh. I'm with Naruko this time." Sasuke's unexpected comment arrived "We haven't been on a mission for four days."

"You too Sasuke-kun?" questioned Sakura with surprised eyes "I thought you liked spending time at home."

"I like it, but not when my mother starts to wonder when she can have grandchildren to spoil." said Sasuke with a slight blush, mimicked by Sakura who, much to Naruto's surprise, had a wedding ring on her finger, just like Sasuke.

'Well who would have thought that! The King of the Emos got married!' said Kurama with a laugh before adding 'And with a woman!'

'And I thought that nothing could surprise me anymore...' thought Naruto noticing that even Kiba and Ino had rings, but they didn't seem to be husband and wife, they even sat in two distant parts of the table. The same could not be said for Neji and Tenten, with her having the symbol of the Hyuuga clan on her dress.

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