Ch 1 : Meet Mr Donnovan

Start from the beginning

When did he get here?

As she remained frozen in her seat, totally and completely spellbound –though desperately trying to remember whatever it was he had asked– he put his hand on her shoulder. And right away, she became even more aware of him, if that was even possible, because the part of bare skin he touched tingled with small, delicious shocks. It felt as if fireworks were taking place in her stomach, and a wave of desire suddenly came over her, throwing her off guard.

Never had Maria felt so lustful after someone.

She could have sworn she saw his eyes widen for a second then go back to normal, right before he abruptly pulled his hand away.

But maybe that was just her imagination.

The loss of contact made her regain her senses. 'What the hell just happened to me?' She inwardly groaned, feeling too embarrassed to even look at him.

She couldn't wonder too much about it though since his voice came interrupting her train of thoughts. "So, miss, care to tell us about yourself?"

His voice was kind of husky. It couldn't possibly be because of their brief flesh-contact.
It would be totally insane of her to think that, wouldn't it?

'Get a grip girl,' she mentally reprimanded herself.

Clearing her throat slightly since it had gotten pretty dry, she looked ahead of her and said in what she could only wish sounded like a calm tone, "Well, I'm Maria Jensen, eighteen, and I love playing music."

"Ah, interesting," he commented from where has was sitting behind his desk. "And on what instrument would that be?"

He actually seemed to care about the answer... No, Maria was probably just imagining things. That had to be it.

She replied in a nonchalant dismissing voice, "I play most of the time on the piano, though sometimes I prefer the violin."

He nodded in acknowledgement, then stated that starting tomorrow there would be no use of English in his class, and that all students ought to speak in French no matter what. Most of the class groaned while Maria smiled briefly. She loved the subject, and excelled at it. Otherwise, she wouldn't be taking this class, feeling oh-so-miserably alone as all of her friends didn't.

As soon as he finished those words, the bell rung, signaling the end of the first period. As Maria rose from her chair, she heard the voice of the guy who was supposed to own her every thought, Tyler, her boyfriend, "Hey baby. How was your first period?"

She looked his way, smiled, then answered truthfully, "Interesting."

He came to her side and gently pecked her lips. Then, with his hand around her waist, they went to their second period together.

Maria noticed, however, as they walked by the teacher's desk, that Mr. Donnovan seemed tense. His right hand was in a fist, and the other gripped the desk tightly. His eyes were closed and his face was nothing but a large scowl.

She was left to wonder about what could have possibly made him upset. He seemed to be fine all through the period.


Today was Blake's first day at Old Mounts High School. He wasn't particularly excited or nervous since it wasn't his first time teaching. Therefore, he was neither hurrying down the hallways nor dragging his feet.

Before entering the classroom that was destined to be his for the time being, he didn't fail to smell the faint scent of freshly spilled blood. He could only assume a student had cut himself or something. Blake took some deep breaths, then stopped breathing all at once.

An Undeniable Connection (MFTCIHM - book 1) Sample OnlyWhere stories live. Discover now