"When I was taken from the village, I was held prisoner in some facility. Sasuke was the other prisoner. We were able to escape together."

"Then what." He doesn't look away.

" I can't talk about it." I say honestly. My mouth would not let me speak of it. "but nothing bad." I say, offering a small smile.

" Sasuke can be evil." The smile faded from my lips. "An elder was killed last night. I think he did it."

"He wouldn't do that!" I retaliated immediately. Naruto smirks.

"Y'all must not have spent enough time together if he has only shown you his good side." I need to stop acting like I know Sasuke very well. "You have changed." he continued.

"Yes, but for the better."

"I'm not so sure of that." he whispers under his breath. I like the changes I have seen in myself. I am more confident in myself and in my actions. I don't have lots of anxiety anymore. I don't fiddle or hesitate as much anymore. I have more appreciation for my friendships, village, and family. I am not as shy or timid. I lift my head to the heavens more and have an improved determination when I want something. The only thing I don't like about myself, since Sasuke, is how unsure I am of my feelings, and how I've become increasingly horny. "Do you still want to marry me?"

"Of course." I say, truthfully. I might have feelings for Sasuke, but actions have made it clear that Naruto is the right choice.

"Our engagement party is tomorrow." As quickly as he said it, he was gone. I shower and get ready for my day. I'm going to visit who I miss the most in times like this.


"No new developments, but he is still stable." The doctor says before leaving me and my cousin in the hospital room.

"I know you're awake." I say "You're just so stubborn, you won't open your eyes." I sit in the chair next to him.

"I need your advice. Real advice. I would go to Kiba but I know exactly what he would say. We think exactly alike. Hannabi would not understand. All my girlfriends wouldn't believe me if I told them. Plus, it would crush Sakura. Shino went on a mission to discover a new bug." Sigh "Therefore, I need you." Tears begin to escape my eyes.  "I don't know whether to follow my mind or my heart. I keep thinking about you and TenTen. You have never followed your heart, even though I wish you would. TenTen loves you and she is beautiful, kind, smart and ambitious. My situation isn't as black and white. Sasuke is cruel, vengeful, nonchalant, and dark. He is the total opposite of me yet he is careful, smart, proactive, and determined. He has a lot of qualities I love. It's like he has put a spell on me. I wake up thinking about him, and I go to sleep to the same song. When I close my eyes, I picture his face, his dark eyes, his sexy smirk, and his chiseled chin. I can't get over how his hair falls perfectly over his face. When I picture his smile, I smile. I vividly remember his hands touching me, our breath's becoming one, me absorbing all of his heat. I replay our naked bodies together every day! UGH! It's annoying. It's consuming my mind and feelings. As soon as I fall in love with him in my thoughts, I think about how he abandoned me for months. Left me blind and hurt from my miscarriage. When he came back, he made nothing better. It hurt worse to see him." At this point I am sobbing.

"I shouldn't be with someone like that. I should be with someone who is nothing like him. I should be with Naruto! I have to be with Naruto, right?" I scream. "RIGHT? I need you to tell me that I am right! Please!" I don't know what took over me, but my hands glowed purple, and I used all my chakra to hit Neji's chest. "Please Neji!" my tears fell on his hospital gown. "I need you!" Nothing happened so I did it again. I use my chakra to hit his chest once more.

"UUUUUUHHHHH" Neji's eyes shot open as he took a huge breath. The machines he was hooked up to started making loud noises, causing doctors and nurses to rush in. They pushed me out of the room.

"Wait! Is he OK?" They close the door in my face and I am forced to wait. I waited for 20 minutes until I saw a nurse leave the room. I use this opportunity and slip through the door. "Neji" I whisper, seeing his eyes wander all over the doctor's faces. Once our eyes connected, he grinned.

"Hinata you can't be in here." Said the doctor.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, thanks to you. Neji will need his rest and lots of fluids. Visit tomorrow. We got it from here." The doctor says, urging me to leave.

"I just want a hug." The doctor sighs and reluctantly moves out of my way. I quickly rushed to hug Neji. Everyone will be so happy. "I miss you." I whispered in his ear. Before I could get out of his embrace, she whispered back.

"This time, we will both follow our hearts." I lift my head and look at him wide eyed. He could hear me the whole time!

"OK that's enough" says the nurse pushing me out. I hurry home with his words fresh in my mind.


OKAY!! Don't kill me please!

Next chapter will be out very soon, I know you don't believe me just watch ;)

Next chapter will be sasuke point of very. It will get spicy as sasu confronts hina!!

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