3. I don't have the ability to name this

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Gifted Honey Bee tried to decide between going to the Red HQ and the Blue HQ. Curse those damn bees for having this extra dividing. It's beginning to get tiring. However, he knew he couldn't be out here for long, or else Gummy Bear will be able to find him. So, he beelined straight to the Red HQ. 

Riley perked up when he heard a mention of Honey Bee, the elusive honey master that has yet to be found in this apocalypse, showed up on his doorstep. 

"Hi!" He said, exclaiming his glee for the arrival of the honey master (addict). Honey glances at the hand that Riley extended, and shakes it. "Thank you for allowing me to be here." He smiled, his smile not as wide as usual.

"As you're aware, the myth has been awoken." Riley says, as Honey starts to sweat honey. "I almost got caught in one of the gumdrops he shot at me... bastard..." He says, slightly angered. "Well, at least you made it out." Demon Bee says in the corner, back against the red hq wall. "Demon Bee?"  Honey Bee asks. It had been a long time since they had met.

"Surprised to see me here, chained as a slave to the leader of this cursed divide? I take it yes." Demon replied, raising his hands as if metaphorically chained to the shackles of a pact. "I don't blame you." He shrugs. He then volunteers to Riley. "I'll go out to look for survivors." He then opens a portal. "I don't think you should do that. You can't be lost. If you get infected then all of us get corrupted." Riley replies, dismissing the portal in a singular waving motion. "I insist." He opens a rift again. "Fine." Riley sighs. He takes out his scythe. "At least let me go with you." He then leaps in the portal, and enters the server where Bucko is at currently, saving Beekeepers and Bees alike.

"This seems hopeless." Honey grimaces, looking at the corrupted patches of goo that once was a patch of flowers. As they look at the infected bees surrounding the area, they knew they had to hide. "Just where the hell is that annoying bee?!" Riley silently cursed the blue leader. "No idea." Honey replies. "Seems like this version of me got taken over before he could even react. Damn it."


Bucko Bee was fending off infected bee by infected bee. He could purify some of them from the start, but it seems like the goo was in their veins and they just couldn't return to normal. He sweats. Is this what happens when the Honey Bee of their dimension gets corrupted?

"Hello there, Blue leader. Looks like you're all on your own!" Gummy Bear laughs, stopping the bees' assault. "What do you want." Bucko stared down the gooey bear. "I want my empire to come true." Gummy Bear replied. "And it involves getting rid of you. Sorry!" He says, as a corrupted version of the Blue Leader came forth. "Toodles!" He opened a portal and entered it.

"I will do what I must." Bucko readies his tide popper, and flies towards his counterpart.

The counterpart blocked the strike and retaliated with a wave of gumdrops. It was then that Bucko realized he'd fucked up. He knew for a fact that his blue boost ran out quickly, so he couldn't dodge long enough to leave the scene. He thought for a little as his muscle memory played his fighting style out.

Riley leapt in, holding his scythe, which was burning, and melted the gum-infected bees around them.

"Interesting..." A distorted voice rang out, as the infected counterpart of Riley came forth as well, being the only one who could withstand the flames other than Bucko.

"I'll make ya'll regret the day you were born." Riley flashed a smirk, activating his red boost. A purple aura envelops the surrounding area as all 4 of the bees used their respective skills.


Cliffhanger yes

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