She walked through the compartment doors that led to the next train compartment when a few of the excited older kids tried running past her, accidentally knocking into her and making her trip over her own feet and into the boy who stood outside the washroom door.

The boy reacted quickly as he grabbed onto her, stabilizing her so she wouldn't fall and not letting go of her until her feet stabilized.

"Are you alright?" He asked once she stood in front of him, "Yeah, thanks for not letting me fall."

"Well, you did quite literally fall into my arms..." The boy trailed off with a laugh that she matched, "Im Sirius Black."

"Danica Potter, nice to meet you."

"So do you know anyone else starting Hogwarts or are you planning on making all your friends by falling into them?" Sirius teased as she playfully rolled his eyes, "How do you know Im a first year too?"

"There's no way you aren't a first year... you're very... small." Sirius shrugged as she set him a glare, "My brothers also starting."

"You have a brother?" Sirius asked as she nodded, "A twin. That's where I was going when I got shoved, to find him. His name is James."

Before Sirius could respond, the bathroom door opened, letting Sirius know it was his turn next, "Well, natures calling. I'll see you later Dani."

"See you, Sirius, thanks again for catching me."

"Thanks for falling for me." Sirius winked at the girl before closing the bathroom door. Dani ignored the blush she was sure crept onto her face.

Dani continued her walk to try and find her brother for a few more minutes before she knocked on the door that had its blinds down, hearing no response but opening it to double-check when she saw a young boy sitting in the corner, reading a history of Hogwarts.

"Oh- hello! Sorry for disturbing you." Dani stuttered as the boy stared at her, squirming under her gaze, "It's fine."

"Do you mind if I sit for a few minutes? The halls are too busy and I was trying to find someone but the older kids keep shoving into me." Dani asked as Remus hesitantly nodded, "I can leave you alone if you prefer-"

"No, no! Please stay. Im Danica but please call me Dani." Dani introduced herself, taking the seat across from him.

"Remus Lupin." Remus introduced himself, once again squirming under his gaze as she began to study him. She saw the slight scar on his face from one side to the other but quickly looked away as she didn't want him to feel self-conscious.

The two sat in silence for a bit longer before the chatty girl couldn't help but break it, "Sorry I hate silence. Are you a first-year too?"

Remus slowly shut his bool and nodded, "Yeah, I am. Im so nervous, that's why im reading about it so much."

"Don't worry! Or at least try not to. Im nervous too but that's only because I want to be in Gryffindor like my dad." Dani told him as he nodded, "Did both your parents go to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah, my dad was in Gryffindor and my mum in Ravenclaw." Dani told him, "What about you?"

"Uh, my mums actually a muggle." Remus hesitantly told her, waiting for her disgusted reaction but being even more shocked when her face didn't even flinch.

"That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn more about muggles. Did you grow up in the muggle world then? What about your dad?" Dani asked, beginning to ramble.

"Yeah, I did, not as great as all these wizards paint it out to be." Remus shrugged, "And my dad was apparently a Gryffindor."

"Apparently?" The nosy girl couldn't help but ask.

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