NICU Day 14: Amanda and Diana are Fourteen Days Old/ 33 Weeks Gestation... Today, the babies are two weeks old and have reached thirty-three weeks gestation. It's also Vic's birthday and that means she'll get to hold the girls.

Yesterday, was a calm and easy day. There was also a busy shift and Vic was able to stop by a couple of times. Then Lucas came and hung with them for a couple of hours.

This morning, Andy got up before Robert and that was around 6:20 in the morning. Like normal, she pumped and then showered. After her shower, she looked at her incision in the mirror. It looked much better. She's been feeling better. She's not sore much, but it's still hard to move around.

Andy got dressed and then went downstairs. By then, it was around 6:50 in the morning. She took time to herself until Robert got up around seven. He showered and got dressed himself. He came downstairs before seven-thirty in the morning.

When he came downstairs, he found Andy making birthday decorations for the girl's NICU room. They said good morning to one another and then ate some breakfast. After breakfast, Andy grabbed her stuff, they got ready to go, and then left.

While they were driving, Robert talked to Andy. Conversation... Robert: How are you doing since today is Vic's birthday? Andy: I know. We usually go drinking, but I can't. Since I have newborn babies I'm pumping. Robert: Okay. I'm going to drop you off upstairs and go get something. Andy: Okay. (When they get to the hospital, Robert drops Andy off and heads to Target. He gets a bottle of champagne and alcohol tests for breast milk. He then heads back to the hospital.) Kaylee: Where's Robert? Andy: Getting something from the store for me. Kaylee: Okay. Do you wanna do the babies' checks? Andy: Yes, I do. (They do the babies' checks, and after they finish Robert gets back.) Andy: Robert, what'd you get? Robert: Champagne and alcohol breast milk test sticks, so, you can drink some. Andy: Okay. Robert: When is Vic going to get here? Andy: Around noon. Robert: Okay. (Kaylee comes into the room.) Kaylee: Hey, guys. Dr. Lori just started rounds. Andy: Okay. Can we decorate the girl's room? Kaylee: Of course. Is it for Vic's birthday? Andy: Yes. Kaylee: Okay. (They start hanging decorations, and Dr. Lori comes in.) Dr. Lori: What's going on? Andy: It's Vic's birthday. Dr. Lori: Today, the girls have made it to two weeks old and thirty-three weeks gestation. I'm thinking we do the huge exam over the next week or two. Andy: Okay. What specialties does that include?

Dr. Lori: Cardiology which is for their hearts; Neurology which is for their brains and nervous system; Nephrology which is for their kidneys and renal systems; and Gastroenterology for their digestive system. They'll see orthopedics which is for their bones eight to twelve months after they are discharged.

Andy: Okay. How does all of that work? Dr. Lori: We'll do one specialty every couple of days, to avoid stress. Andy: Okay. (Dr. Lori exams the girls.) Dr. Lori: They look amazing. Which means I'll have Rosa stop by for Amanda. Andy: Thank you. (Dr. Lori leaves, and they finish decorating the girl's rooms for Vic's birthday. Around eleven-thirty, Vic and Lucas arrive. When they saw the girl's room, they were surprised.) Vic: All this for me? Andy: Yes. Vic: I hate we can't do our birthday tradition. Andy: I know. It does suck. (They hang out for a bit, and then Kaylee comes into the room.) Kaylee: Hey, guys. Let's do it. Andy: For your birthday, I got you both the best present ever. Please, sit down. (They sit down.) Andy: Today, you get to hold the girls. Vic: Really? Andy: Yes, you guys have done so much for us. So, you deserve to hold the girls on your birthday. Vic: Thank you, Andy.

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