Chapter 2

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Wednesday: Andy's Twenty Weeks and Two Days... Today, Andy has another doctor's appointment with an ultrasound at one-thirty in the afternoon. Today, Robert's not on shift.

They woke up around eight-thirty. Robert made breakfast, and they hung out for a little bit. They got ready to go around one. When they arrived at the appointment, they checked in and were taken to a room.

After a few minutes, Nadia came in. Conversation... Nadia: How are you doing Andy? Andy: Pretty well. I've been busy but taking it easy. Nadia: That's good. Today, we're going to do the twenty-week growth scan. We're going to check for any problems, and if you want find out the genders. I won't be doing the growth scan. Our ultrasound tech Elina will be doing it. I'll take you to the ultrasound room, and I'll come to see you afterward. (Nadia takes them to the ultrasound room.) Nadia: Guy, this is Elina. Elina: Hello, guys. I'm going to do the twin's growth scan. Do you want to know the genders? Andy:

We're doing a gender reveal, so, we'd like the genders to be put in an envelope. Elina: Okay. (Elina does the ultrasounds. It takes over an hour because she has to check each organ and system. Plus, wait for the babies to corporate. During the ultrasound Twin A kicks.) Elina: Andy, do you feel that? Andy: What is it? Elina: That's your baby kicking. Andy: Really? Elina: Yeah. Can you look away from the screen? Andy: Sure.

They look away from the screen, and she finds the genders and writes them down. Eventually, they look back. After a few more minutes, Elina finishes the ultrasound, gives them pictures, and takes them back to their room. After a couple of minutes, Nadia comes in.

Nadia: So, your ultrasound looks amazing. They're growing, and all the organs look good. They do appear to be identical twins. So, they'll look just like one another. Do you have any questions? Andy: What about driving? Nadia: Short distances only. I'll see you in a month, but call if you need to come in sooner. Remember if there is bleeding or contractions head to the hospital immediately and call me. But make sure to have someone drive you if those symptoms start. Andy: I know. (They leave and make their appointment and they talk in the car.) Andy: Are you excited about the gender reveal in a couple of days? Robert: Yes, It's super exciting and I can't wait to find out. Andy: Me too. Especially since it's going to likely be our only one most likely.

They head home from their appointment. When they get home, Andy finishes up with the last pieces for their gender reveal. After she finishes, she decides to go do something this evening that she hasn't done in so long. She goes and gets dressed, and leaves the house around 6:45 in the evening. She left because she decided to go to Church. Before, she left she said goodbye to Robert.

Andy: I need to go do something. I'll be back before eight. Robert: Be safe. I love you. Andy: I love you too. (When she gets there, she goes and sees her pastor aka Reverend. So his name is Rev. Matthew. When he saw her walking up, he was glad to see her. It's been a while.) Rev. Matthew: Is that you, Andy? Andy: Yes, sir. Rev. Matthew: How are you? Andy: Worried. Can we talk? Rev. Matthew: Sure. We have bible study soon. Are you here to join us? Andy: Yes, I am. Rev. Matthew: We can talk while I set up. Andy: Okay. Rev. Matthew: If I remember correctly, the last time we talked you were starting the IVF process. How'd that go? Andy: Today, we had our gender ultrasound, and are doing the gender reveal party this weekend. However, the babies are identical and I felt Twin A move during the ultrasound. Rev. Matthew: That's good right? Andy: I've never made it this far into my pregnancies. We've never found out the gender, planned the nursery, or made a baby registry. I've never even felt a kick before. I'm terrified I'm going to lose these babies. Rev. Matthew: Why do you think that you have those thoughts? Andy: When I first found out we were pregnant, there were three sac's and it had stopped growing. So, we have lost eight babies now.

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