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Hunter's pov

I was walking in the forest since emperor belos wanted me to try and catch a boy that had been in this forest feeding on some people and was getting tired of them telling him to get rid of the boy.

I was walking when I heard a sound in the bush's,I walked to where it came from a saw a small tail come out from it,I jumped surprised by the sudden movement.

I was walking when I heard a sound in the bush's,I walked to where it came from a saw a small tail come out from it,I jumped surprised by the sudden movement

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I was going to grade it for some reason when I heard something run and the tail disappeared,I realized it must have been the boy.
After a little running I was able to corner the boy he turned around and faced me,he had tears down his face,his eyes red and puffy,his face a little red,his nose kinda runny.

He sniffed I went to him and hugged him,he returned it,after a few minutes he had gell asleep in my arms,I decided that I should pick him up.

After I made it back to the castel I went to the emperors door,asking was about to knock I heard people talking,as I realized it was about the little kid in my arms I listened to make sure it wasn't anything bad.

"So what's the real reason to wanting this dangerous child" I heard Kikmora saying want his blood it's rare to find vampires these days since their almost extinct their blood is gold and cold since their body's can't produce heat for their body's and their more rare in the human world since its warmer" belos replied with.

'What?!? I have to make sure they don't hurt him he seemed super frighten when I was near him' I thought,I looked down at the small boy in my arms,I had this weird feeling and ran ro my room.

'Don't want belos to know I found the boy' I thought with a sad expression as I looked at the boy who shivered on my bed,I grabbed the blanket and put it up to his neck,he then started to cuddle into the blanket.

I went to the window,flapjack came and landed on my shoulder,I shut the window,went to my closet and changed,I pit a sleeping bag on the floor,I then went to sleep.

The thought of what would happen the next day stook in my head and Exuses I could make up to belos about about this little boy.

the golden gaurds vamp child Where stories live. Discover now