Come to the Witches Club! Everyone's fate! Change it!

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As usual, Homura watched from a tree as Madoka walked onto the school campus. This was a job Homura took very seriously as it was of the upmost importance to make sure Madoka arrives to school safely and without being influenced by one of the... rogue elements. She sent a glare in the direction of the witches. The useless familiar of the group looked back over there and stuck her tongue out at Homura. Without thinking and with a sudden childish burst of rage, Homura picked up a pinecone and hurled it at the girl, who then moved out of the way, causing the pinecone to hit the birdcage witch instead.

The birdcage witch, who tended to have anger issues, looked up and showed Homura a very vulgar finger before picking up the nearest projectile she could find, which happened to be the box witch's bag. The birdcage witch spun the bag around a few times before tossing it in Homura's direction, as the box witch desperately scrambled to pick up all of the loose papers that flew out of it.

While Homura was distracted by all of this, a single tomato was thrown by an unknown source in Madoka's direction. Before Homura could react, it splattered all across Madoka's shirt, which somehow created a chain reaction in the other students. Suddenly, they were all picking up anything light enough to throw and hurling it at each other, with no regard for who it would hit or how hard. In fact, during this process, Homura spotted the best possible suspect for who could have thrown the tomato. Because one of the students had decided to throw her - a Clara Doll known as Wagamama. But she quickly lost sight of her in all of the commotion.

"Argh, get back here!" Homura called out, quickly climbing out of the tree. But suddenly her foot got caught, and she lost her balance and started falling.

But before she hit the ground, she hit something else instead. "Das ist eine strange day, huh Homura-chan?"

Homura recognized that voice. Scrambling to sit up, she came face to face with someone she thought she had long since gotten away from.

"Guten Morgen!" Mabayu Aki said with a smile on her face. As Homura looked around, she realized what she had landed on... one of Mabayu's stupid elephants!

"You aren't supposed to be here." Homura said, looking at Mabayu with scorn. "You shouldn't have been brought here!"

"Why not?" Mabayu asked. "Why can't I be a Mitakihara hexe too?"

"Because you AREN'T!" Homura looked around. No one noticed the giant elephant, right?

As if reading her thoughts, Mabayu responded "Only those with magic can see us right now. Don't worry so much!"

"How LONG have you been here?" Homura asked, grabbing Mabayu's throat.

Unhindered, Mabayu responded "The whole time. I've just been hiding from you." She booped Homura on the nose.

The color of Homura's eyes were darkened with her rage as she made one of her signature angry faces. "You... you're going to try to destroy it all again, aren't you?"

" Ich würde nicht davon träumen."

"Don't you speak your witch language to me!"

"You do know that German IS a real language, right?" Mabayu laughed. "Dummkopf."

"I still UNDERSTAND German!"

Mabayu laughed again. "Oh right. I forgot you were a witch now."

"I am NOT a witch!" Homura said. "I separated myself from her."

"Then you separated yourself from an integral part of yourself." Mabayu said somewhat sadly.

"There's nothing 'integral' about her! She's only good for fighting wraiths!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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