Chapter 4

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Some say the Gods have always been among them. Others say they appeared at a time when the world needed them most. But I? I know the truth of it all.

This is a story that begins a hundred years ago. When good fought evil, or so it was thought.

There were four young people. Four young people who miraculously survived an inexplicable accident. After that they were different. Stronger, faster, smarter. And each of them commanded an element.

Magic, they said. Gods, some repeated. But perhaps it was not that. The reason this was happening was because they had come in contact with the zudhy.

And how did this happen? Let me expl...

"Liv, hurry up."

I heard the voice of my brother Thomas. The sound of him knocking on the door echoed in my ears. He looked like he was going to knock the door down.

"One more minute and I'll be right down."

I closed the Guardians book and looked out the window. The sun was setting.

Shit, I'm going to be late.

I jumped up from the desk and went to the closet.

"Too formal. Too casual." I started throwing out dresses to find the perfect one for the occasion.

"Oh! Perfect."

I took the gown to the mirror. The dress was purple, the color of royalty, tight and long. Unfortunately, it had the symbols of the Guardians embroidered in gold. All the more reason why it was the ideal dress to attend yet another royal meeting with the king, my father.

I have been able to attend the assemblies since I was eighteen, and although my brother was the successor, my father, the king, always invited me to participate and, in some cases, to express my opinion. The assemblies were usually boring, just a bunch of rich lords arguing about who had the most wealth and who had the most power. But now, since the beginning of the war with Aknek, the meetings are a tad too exciting. Being able to understand how the kingdom dealt with this threat was remarkable. I was able to discover and understand what strategies were being used and how best to protect our people. Having these discussions made me feel adrenalized and somehow useful.

I left my room and greeted Ezeqiel who was waiting for me at the door.

"The assembly has been in progress for some time now, princess."

"I know, I know, but I was busy." I started down the stairs from my quarters to the bottom floor of the castle.

"You shouldn't be so focused on your project, there are more important things to study."

"Nothing more important than that." I rolled my eyes.

Ezequiel opened the door to the hall leading to the throne room. My expression immediately hardened.

The throne room was stunning, the floor was white marble, the stained-glass windows and the ceiling- the ceiling was huge in the shape of a dome, as there was no second floor in this part of the castle. The gold that came from Niem was also everywhere in this room. It was used to decorate small details on the pillars or on the throne. The throne and the carpet leading up to it, both painted in a breath-taking purple, stood out the most.

I hated this place. The reason for this is that this is the only place in the entire castle where there is any mention of the Guardians at all. Green, blue, white, and red adorn the columns, and the color of the stained glass follows the same pattern, referring to each of the Gods. And worst of all, the symbol of our family. It was surrounded by an oval shape, like any royal house, with a sword raised and seven leaves around it, all purple, each one representing a member of our family. The oval shape in our family also represented a leaf, but here on the throne the branches of the large leaf were painted with the four colors of the Guardians instead of purple. They didn't deserve to be represented in our family at all.

The Guardians - A Mystery of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now