I can feel so much.  I don't want to feel anymore. I don't want to be here anymore.

"I. Protected. When. I. Could."  I seethe.

"I failed! I failed my first mission! This is the first mission that I have ever failed! I'm just weak and this mission proved it!"

"Use your failure as a better leader! Get stronger for your comrades so you can help protect them!" She is screaming even louder.

"I'm not going to be a leader!" I shout swinging my arms around causing the wind to knock things over. "I'm leaving this hospital." I state as I get dressed and grab my headband off the table and head to the door.

"You're not going anywhere!" Tsunade states stepping in front of the door. "You failed your mission Mayumi."

"I know that already! I am a failure! Just what my father used to always call me! Everyone in this entire village used to call me that! I've trained for years to become as strong as I am today! And all everyone ever seems me as, is a failure!" I cry out. This hurts. My heart feels like its going to come out of my chest.

"You failed your mission Mayumi." Lady Tsunade says softly placing a hand on my shoulder. "But everyone is alive."

I froze. That's when it hit me. I protected Kiba from Ukon's attack. I threw Akamaru to safety. I protected Shikamaru by taking a hit from those ninja stars. I encouraged Neji and Choji. Because I believed in them. Shikamaru and I both chose them for each task because we knew they could handle it.

"Everyone is alive, and you were willing to sacrifice yourself on multiple occasions to help and save them. You Mayumi Sarutobi. Are not a failure."

I walk back over to my bed sitting on it holding my chest trying to calm down trying to take deep breaths. She stands in front of me for the next half hour explaining my failed mission.

"I just want to go home." I say softly laying back into my bed.

She looks at me for a few more moments and hands me some papers. "If you promise to take it easy for the next week, no training. And stay in the village... you can leave." I nod my head really fast and reaching for the papers but she pulls them back. "I'm serious Mayumi. One wrong move and you'll be back here."

"Thank you.." I say softly to her.

"Now remember. You released a small part of your seal so your chakra is flowing through you like crazy even with the small amount you were able to release, is a powerful amount. So be cautious." She states handing me my papers then walks to the door before she stop and turns back around to me. "Oh, and since Team 0 is about to go on a mission and Kiba is still back home resting, I signed off Kankuro's stay here and he will be watching you, making sure you are taking it easy."

My eye twitches as she leaves my room. Kankuro is staying with me? My stomach flutters as I stand up and my team and Kankuro come back in.

"Ready to go?" Kankuro smiling picking up my bag and walking over to me. "We have to go pick up your medicine before I take you home." I nod taking a few steps wincing and panting with Kankuro following close behind me.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Kankuro offers.

I shake my head No as I pant taking a few more steps. Damn, maybe I should have stayed here a little while longer. Five days was killing me but walking out of here is killing me even more. I hold onto the wall for support still panting.

"Come here." Sota grumbles crouching in front of me. "I'm not going to wait all day, the kid is carrying your bag, and a doll."

"It's a puppet." I croak gently climbing into his back and we head to the pharmacy area when I get my medication. Ryota and Buyuu went ahead and left us to pack for the two day mission as Sota is still carrying me.

"Do you need anything before we take you home?" Sota asks.

"No." I say sleepily.

At someone point I fall asleep and end up on my couch. I look around and see Kankuro sitting in a chair next to me. I slowly sit up and gasp holding my chest, Kankuro already by me helping me up.

"Do you want some tea?" He offers, I nod my head pulling my blanket over me more. He comes and hands me my tea and medicine, I look at him confused.

"It's not time to take these yet?" I ask.

"Uh, it's dinner time. So yes, it is." He rubs the back of his head.

"I-I slept for six hours?!" I exclaim. "Why didn't you wake me?!"

He blushes. "Because you looked so peaceful sleeping. And you need to rest."

"Right rest. I'm fine." I say standing and wincing.

"Seems like you're fine." Kankuro says standing next to me. "Are you hungry?" I nod my head yes, sitting back down and he walks to the kitchen and brings us back some food. "Kiba's mom came by and dropped some food off. She's scary."

"She's not so bad when you get to know her." I laugh taking my bowl and start eating then pause. "Actually no, she's just as scary when you get to know her."

"Remind me not to get on her bad side then." He laughs eating also.

"Just don't hurt me or the dogs then you'll be fine." I yawn after finishing my food giving the bowl to Kankuro to wash.

"Do you want help to your bed?" He offers.

"No, I think I'll just sleep on the couch. I might as well get rid of my bed. I can't remember the last time I slept in it." I snuggle up under the blanket, he kisses my forehead and drift off to sleep.


Authors note~

I AM SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE! also, my reader count has dropped too since my last 2-3 chapters so instead of every week have an update. It might be every other week. I don't know, but I guess we shall see.

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