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Sancha was on deck when the fortress of Greenhaven came into view. The ship parted the mist as it moved closer to shore. It appeared, to Sancha, light a light white curtain being drawn away to reveal the castle and its island seat. This was the furthest Sancha had ever travelled in her life, and she wondered when it was that anyone of her people had traveled this far before the Devourer's conquest. 

Some might have thought of this as an achievement, but not Sancha. It served only to remind her how far from home she was. But then again, home was where Zerif was, and in close proximity to him, Sancha would never be safe. As much as she wished she could do something to stop him, to protect her loved ones, she had no power over him. She still had no power. But atleast they didn't seem to want her dead. If they had, they'd have had plenty of chances to silence her. Perhaps Tarik's promise of help in return for help was genuine.

The slappity slap of flippers on wood heralded the arrival of Sancha's seal. The spotted creature pulled herself so that her head peeked through the gap between the railing and the deck, her head even with Sancha's calf. Sancha gave a soft smile, but said nothing. She stared with both anticipation and dread as the looming stone fortress drew closer and closer.

A splash sounded, and Sancha realized her spirit animal was no longer by her side. She went into a panic, looking about for the creature, but she seemed to have disappeared. She chanced a look over the railing, and found, to her relief, and slight amusement, that the seal was swimming along side the boat, head slightly breaking the surface. Sancha was taken aback, seeing that the creature had never looked more joyous and at ease than that moment. Sancha had half the mind to jump in too, wondering if she to would somehow feel a rush that came with returning to water. She was a strong swimmer, and enjoyed the water a good deal. But ultimately, she resisted the urge to dive in. She was not as strong a swimmer as her spirit animal, and she doubted she could make the entire journey to shore before running out of energy. Besides, she'd have to change when she reached land, and she wanted to get over with her inevitable meeting with Olvan, leader of the Greencloaks, and Lenori, the Greencloaks' trusted seer and quasi-right hand to Olvan. 

Tarik had coached Sancha for the entirety of their voyage on what to expect.

"Olvan is a fair man. He's not the easiest to approach, but he's far from cruel, and he's honest. If he claims he won't breathe a word about what you tell him, he won't. He doesn't break a promise, nor does he make those he can't keep. As for Lenori, she's at times too gentle for her own good, but she's steady and wise."

Sancha listened carefully, trying to memorize everything Tarik told her, hoping that it would serve her well when she inevitably met these highly esteemed Greencloaks. 

When they did reach shore, Sancha followed Tarik down to the docks. Her seal was already waiting for them, and seemed even a little impatient. 

"Not all of us are streamlined," Sancha quipped. "Come on. We have to head up. We're expected up there." Sancha began to walk away, only to find the seal lying exactly where she was, unmoving.

"Come on, it's not that far." The seal remained still. Sancha sighed in annoyance. "Do I have to drag you? You're far too heavy for that. I can't exactly leave you out here. Come on. Please."

The seal let out of a huff from her nose, her nostrils flaring for a split second.

"I know you prefer the water, but we have to go. It's just for a bit and then if you'd prefer to be out here, you're welcome to it."

The seal's nostrils flared again, but she grumpily scooted after her partner. Tarik, who'd been watching the scene from a short distance away, seemed to smile at the scene.

Sancha: A Spirit Animals StoryWhere stories live. Discover now