Ella and Indigo (OCs)

Start from the beginning

- After reading a couple entries in one of Keith's journals, Ella jumped to the conclusion that Keith was trapped in an abusive relationship with Randy, even though that was far from the truth. They told Indigo, and the two decided that they had to find their brother. Eventually, Ella's assumption became so strong that it developed into a legitimate delusion for her, which Zalgo only fueled.

- When the two finally found Keith, he and Randy had just gotten engaged and he was living on the run with him and Arielle. They tried to convince Keith to escape and go with them, but he was obviously confused by these two people claiming they were his dead siblings and saying that his fiance was abusive. He threatened them with his knife and yelled at them to go away, but when Indigo came back to try and convince him a second time, the two explained everything to each other and Indigo realized that Randy wasn't abusive in the slightest. Indigo tried to convince Ella, but Ella flatly refused to believe them due to her delusions.

- Apart from believing that Randy is abusive, Ella also believes that her parents did nothing wrong in raising Keith. They're convinced that Randy and their friends corrupted him. Because of this, they're still devoted to her mother.

- When Keith and Randy were about to exchange vows, he decided to invite both twins to the occasion. Indigo openly attended, but Ella refused. Still, she and Angel spied on them from the bushes (Angel went with Ella because Ella didn't want to do it alone).

- For a long time, Indigo and Keith kept trying to convince Ella that her delusions were wrong. Ella still didn't believe them, and, a week after Keith eloped with Randy, she tried to kill their brother-in-law by stabbing him in the abdomen. Flying into a rage, Keith chased Ella down, wrestled the knife out of their hands, and began to stab her, screaming at her and demanding to know how they could do something like that. They were both crying. Keith only left when Indigo told him to come back, and Angel found Ella bleeding out about an hour later. Ella was saved, but she was left with scars.

- After the incident, Keith and Indigo decided that they were done trying to reach Ella. They confronted her, and when Ella still insisted that they were wrong, they had had enough: Keith disowned her, and Indigo agreed with him. Ella was devastated.

- Before Ella tried to kill Randy, she and Indigo lived in the same house. But after Indigo and Keith disowned her, Indigo moved out.

- Ella and Indigo are still forced to work together as partners. They don't get along, even though Ella wants to. From the way Indigo sees it, Ella just keeps tearing the family apart despite trying to put it back together. Indigo feels bad for her, but they've given up on them at this point, even though they didn't want to pick sides.

- Indigo is very close with Arielle, who calls them "Nini." Ella doesn't know how to feel about her.

- They both dye their hair. Ella goes for natural colors, putting blonde highlights at the tips of their curls, while Indigo puts neon streaks in their pixie cut.

- They're polar opposite twins in almost every way. While Ella prefers softer and more put-together fashion, like light academia, Indigo prefers scene fashion. Ella also likes classical music while Indigo listens to artists like TX2 and Sophie Powers. While Ella hates asking for help, Indigo knows to take time for self-care every now and then, even though they find it hard.

- Ella has an office in her home. It looks like the office of a stereotypical police detective.

- Indigo is close with quite a few proxies, including Nina, Bloody Painter, Puppeteer, Angel, Sadie, Raven, and Shadow Walker. Ella, on the other hand, says that they "don't have time" for many friends. The only other proxy she hangs out with on a daily basis is Prowler, who still hasn't given up on her.

- When Ella found out Odessa had become a proxy for Slenderman, they started sneaking into the Over-Realm to bring her food and take care of her. She still refuses to believe that Odessa is a bad mother and defends her on most things. Because of Odessa, Ella's confidence has dwindled significantly and she's very dependant on her.

- Both of them resent Zalgo for resurrecting them, as they both wish he had left them to rest in peace. For both of them, this has manifested in occasional suicidal thoughts, but Ella's are much more frequent than Indigo's.

- Ella enjoys making pottery. Prowler also taught them how to make candles.

- Indigo uses reading glasses.

- From time to time, Indigo will play video games. Their favorite game is Danganronpa, and they also love The Last of Us.

- Indigo is often regarded as one of the most sane of Zalgo's proxies.

- Ella often suffers from night terrors. That, coupled with how dedicated she is to her job, means that they don't get a lot of sleep. She always has bags under their eyes.

- Indigo hates their job of killing people. When they can, they'll only kill bad people: their favorite targets are corrupt politicians. Ella, on the other hand, pretends not to care who she kills, but she does deep down.

- Ella's special interests are pottery, the show Supernatural, and her job. She's not very expressive, and they can be apathetic.

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