Chapter VII: Empty Halls

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Tairitsu is sitting side-by-side with an another girl named Shirahime on a window sill, silently watching the sun setting from afar. They bumped into each other in one of the large hallways one night, and quickly become friends as they help each other look for resources withn the abandoned castle.

Her search for Hikari is still top priority, but she know that she can't make rushed decisions. She doesn't even know where to find her. But knowing her new friend, she might learn something.

"Phew! That was pretty tiring, carrying and looking for stuff all around this place. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.", Shirahime exclaimed, slightly yawning as she stretches her arms. "Anyway, finding such castle like this is a dream of mine. But... I know this isn't something I would even want. Not with that stuff happened recently."

"Recently? Can you tell me about it?", Tairitsu asked with a curious tone, clasped hands fidgeting.

"The sky became really gloomy. And then there's some weird rings floating above, then a huge piano is floating above with other stuff, like flowers, glass shards, building ruins and whatnot.", the girl with heterochromia replied as she tries to remember how that went. It was horrifying in reality as Tairitsu thought about it, but the other girl seems that she doesn't recall that day pretty well. If she knew that...

No, no one besides her and Hikari must know about that.

"Oh? That seems pretty scary, but I'm sure it won't happen. Not even a chance with me around. Just kidding~", she replied with a fake laugh, hoping to tone down the seriousness. "But it won't happen, it'll never happen... Tairitsu you jerk...", she added softly, hoping that Shirahime never noticed that last bit.

The sun sets down at the far ends of the land, signalling that nighttime is here. Both girls carefully stepped down on the window sill, bidding each other a good job for today.

As Tairitsu slowly walks the hallways, her footsteps can only be heard, but her mind wanders to an encounter before stepping into the castle gates.

- - - - -

A week ago...

As soon as Tairitsu left the tower, her nervous wandering has led her to a desert, where she walks restlessly on the white sand for countless days. Not knowing where would she end up to, she noticed a girl holding a large sword not so far away from her. Another girl who is carrying a red guitar is following her, silently playing a few songs as she hopes to get the girl's attention.

What was their names again? Oh right, Mir and Shirabe. Mir is the one with the sword, while Shirabe is the one with the guitar. Both girls seems familiar to Tairitsu, but she only knows them by their name, nothing else.

Shirabe changes the song again, now accompanied by her voice. It was filled with a bittersweet feeling, yet there's warmth deep inside, more like finding... something. Hearing such lyrics made the other tear up a bit. But she kept walking and walking, ignoring the melody that followed her.

It lasted for how long Tairitsu was walking alongside them. Neither even noticed her, nor even talked to each other. Feet just kept on moving, trusting their current path on where will they end up to. But their eyes, they're sparkling, full of life.

"It must have been each other's presence." Tairitsu spoke, a gentle smile painted on her face. She silently bid the girls a farewell, walking to her left.

A few moments later, Shirabe excitedly tackled Mir from behind, their belongings unharmed as they carefully drop on the white sand. A long journey of silence and noise has came to a stop, as both girls introduced themselves to one another, before slowly taking another path.

A path of towards the hopeful unknown.

- - - - -

"I wonder how are they now? I hope I can... *yawns*", she fondly smiled as she comfortably lies on a bed, cuddling a pillow as if it is Hikari. Before she even finishes her sentence, her drowsiness took over her.

"Have a good night's sleep, Tairitsu. And sorry...", a voice quietly whimpered as she observes her from afar, caressing the world with her fingertips.

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