Chapter 27 Old Friend

Start from the beginning

"you sure?" he ask looking at me worriedly

"yeah, I need to make sure he'll not insult them" tip toe at him and kiss on the cheek "I already put an English sub since we'll speaking random language" he smile

"thanks" he kiss me on the cheek "I'll watch Janella" I nod in agreement

I went to Cisco and Caitlin looking at Hartley. I stand next to her

"the scanner is detecting foreign metallic objects in your ears" Cisco explain "take'em out" he order Hartley

"I can't" Hartley refuse "I suffer head trauma when S.T.A.R exploded, my hearing was severly damaged" he point at his ear "without these, I'm in pain you can't imagine. we all lost something that night" he chuckle "ha. very clever re-purposing the anti-proton cavities in the confinement cells. Well's idea, I'm sure"

"it was mine actually with Dee's help" he corrected him

"little Cisco" he speak Spanish "still begging for his master's approval"

"if your so smart, why are you in a cage?" he ask in Spanish

'Barry did you see the sub?' I ask my boyfriend

'yes and Jane help type something which makes me confuse' I smile mentally

'she'll explain since our daughter is super genius like us' he chuckle

Caitlin said "Hartley, don't make this more difficult than it has to be" I nod in agreement

"I forgot" Hartley speak French "you don't like emotions. they're messy"

"enough of this nonsense Hartley" I told him in a stern tone

Hartley look at me with a smirk on his face

"angsin-eun malia , manh-i byeongyeongdoeji anh-eun (you haven't changed a lot, Maria)" he speak Korean

"wae jigue , i jis-eul hangeoya? (why on earth, did you do this?)" I ask in a sad tone

"geudeul-eun ijekkaji haessda- (they took ever-)" he was cut off

"enough Hartley" uncle stop us "give us a minute" we leave him

I quickly left as I'm standing next to Barry then wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me close

Hartley said "your silence speaks volume" in latin

"no man is more deaf than he who will not hear" uncle spoke in latin

Barry said "God, I wish I'd taken a language in High School" I smile at him

"I could teach you how to speak Korean, but I'll be strict" kiss him on the cheek

"nah, my head will explode" kiss me on the temple

"how did you know we were working with The Flash and Amethyst?" uncle ask

we look at the monitor serious

"I wrote a hexagonal algorithm tracking all of his sightings, extrapolating a theoretical exit trajectory" Hartley answer "in other words, every time he ran from the scene of a crime, he ran in this general direction. what I don't know is that Amethyst is quite like an phantom, often to help Flash" I lean my head on Barry's chest as he pull me close

"you are brilliant" uncle compliment him "and.. any anguish you have been through because of me was never my intent"

"not bad as far as heartfelt apologies go. took Maria away from me when you knew I love her" he smirk "except that wasn't for my benefit" looking at the video cam "that was for you and Amethyst... feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you.. Maria you have no idea how much Wells hide a dark secret from you. doesn't it?" he ask "one day, this man will turn you" he laugh "in a flash and even you or Amethyst won't see it coming. I only hope that he leaves you in better shape than he left me. if you two are lucky, both of you will be dead. because every day I have to live agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears"

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