Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that's what we'll do today," Jayce said cheerfully. He opened the largest suitcase and started pulling out wrapped gifts. "I'll put these on the other side of the fireplace for now."

Dylan watched as Jayce began to pile gifts of all sizes in the corner of his living room. He had been expecting one gift, but there were at least ten of them. "This is too much," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief and looking at the gifts around him.

Jayce caught his expression and smiled at him. "It's not too much. I know your parents didn't celebrate Christmas, so I'm trying to make up for that. Kind of. I know it's not the same, but I want you to have a good Christmas."

He felt tears well in his eyes and quickly blinked them away. He didn't want to get emotional in the first few minutes Jayce was here. "I don't have anything for you."

"That's okay. I wasn't expecting anything. Besides, you're my gift." Jayce pulled Dylan in and kissed him, soft and slow.

Dylan immediately felt heat course through him and his body began reacting as he wrapped his arms around Jayce. He wanted Jayce. Jayce looked so good standing in front of him, his blue eyes bright against the snow outside and the brown walls of the cabin surrounding them. He didn't even realize he was moving his hips against Jayce until Jayce laughed and began walking them back towards the couch.

It was perfect with the fire crackling in the fireplace, warming their skin as they shed their clothes. He lay on his back and let Jayce take the lead. As Jayce kissed him, his hands wandered over Jayce's body, making their way up Jayce's abs, over his ribs, and onto his pecs before brushing a nipple. He loved hearing all the noises Jayce made in response.

Soon their hips were rolling, creating friction between them that made Dylan hold Jayce even closer to him, his fingertips digging into Jayce's lower back. He wasn't going to last long. Jayce settled his weight on Dylan, pressing their chests together and nipping at the skin on Dylan's neck and collarbone. Dylan still wasn't used to making much noise, but a moan left his lips as he bucked up against Jayce, chasing the pleasure that was about to overwhelm him.

"Yeah, Dylan, just like that," Jayce panted. "You're so hot."

Hearing Jayce talk that way sent him right over the edge. He clung to Jayce and didn't relax his grip until Jayce finished and Jayce's moans turned into soft sighs. Dylan picked his shirt up off the ground to clean them up before grabbing the corner of the blanket from the back of the couch and tugging it down to cover them. For a few minutes, neither of them said anything. They simply basked in the warmth of the fire and the heat between their bodies. Jayce settled on top of him with his head resting on Dylan's chest, and Dylan gently stroked Jayce's hair.

This must be what love felt like. He could live the rest of his life this way, under a blanket with Jayce's body pressed against his, a fire dancing in the fireplace and casting a golden glow on both of them.

"I'm glad you came back," he admitted to Jayce, being the one to break the silence for once.

"Me too."

"Is your family really okay with you not visiting them?"

Jayce snuggled his cheek against the hair on Dylan's chest. "My parents aren't thrilled about it, but they haven't been happy with me in years so that's nothing new. My brother is disappointed he won't see me, but he understands. He's been calling me a lot more since I got lost and he's making an effort to keep in touch. He knows about you and he's supportive of me spending Christmas with you instead."

"You told him about me?"

"Yeah. I told him the whole story about getting lost and you saving me, and how I feel about you. He and his wife would like to meet you someday."

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