Chapter 1

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'hey' = signing
"hey" = talking
>hey< = thinking
I woke up again, not being able to open my eyes. I started crying, remembering the pain that I felt. I knew that there wasn't any pain anymore, but I felt like it was still there.

"Shhhh Shhhh, everything is alright", someone I didn't know said caringly. I noticed how small I felt >did I loose my legs?!...<. I tried to move my legs and I could >so- why do I feel so small<.

I again, tried opening my eyes. I wanted to see what is happening. After some time I finally opened my eyes.

"Love! Love! Our little baby opened his eyes! Come here!", the unfamiliar voice exclaimed excited. I heard fast and loud footsteps coming towards me. I cried more, I was scared and my eyesight wasn't good enough for me to see anything. I felt like I was hyperventilating, at how tight my cheast felt.

I got picked up >I don't thing, someone that is so hurt like me should be picked up...<. I was finally able to see the people, but it made me panic more. >Who the fuck are those people?! I don't know them! Help!<.

I tried pushing them away and then finally noticed what is happening. I saw my arms, they were baby arms. I got reincarnated, with all my past memories. >oh no... I died... I was only 15 years old and I died...<, I stopped moving after I realised it and started looking confused at my arms >I am a baby, an new born... I got reincarnated...<. Looking around the room, I saw two grown ups, >probably my parents...<. I tried speaking or at least tried making a sound. It didn't came >so I am mute now... maybe that is because I was in a selective mute season... It would make sense< I tried again and again and then loocked defeated at my new parents.

They apparently understood what I was trying to do, because they shortly looked a bit disappointed. My new mother quickly covered it up with a big smile, as she saw how my expression turned sad, "that's alright! We will do our best to learn ASL, right love?", she asked and looked expectantly at her Husband. He shook out of his thoughts and put on a big smile. "Of course!", he answered.

>I need glasses, I think I can wait till they go to the doctor with me...<, I huffed >they better be good parents! I am gonna run if they aren't!<, I looked at them, with curiosity. >It would be good to know their names to be honest, another thing I have to wait for<.

"Hey Yu! Not so fast, Clayton just woke up!", wisper-yelled mother and looked at a little creature. "Ruff! Rock rock Rockruff!!", replied the creature.

I went stiff and loocked shocked at that little creature >that... that is a fucking Rockruff!!! That is a fucking Pokemon!!!<

~10 years later~

It is now 10 year ago, that I got reincarnated here. I read every book that my parents had at home and almost every book that was in the library. I found out that I indeed got reincarnated in the World of Pokemon and that I am in the Alola region. My Parents and I live at a range, near the beach and a forest, on Mele-Mele.

Mom is mostly at work and Father mostly takes care of the range. I had a pretty good childhood, learned everything I was possible interested in. Due to that I wasn't really outside that often, letting me keep my pale complexion.

Oh and I got my glasses, like when I was 2 or 3. Mom made sure that I got an Eyesight test every year and with that also always the correct glasses.

But I did get a friend. Hau, he was my best friend and we knew each other since we were 3. We met in a Kindergarden, I was surprised to find out there existed one, and have been friend since then. He was really friendy to me the first day, while the others avoided me. When he found out I was mute, he immediately started learning ASL(Alola Sign Language). I was beyond happy and actually cried. He is very much like how he is in the games, maybe a little more protective. I do know why he is more protective tho, mostly because of me. Lot's of children are really stupid and they pick on people that are different then them. Some children started bullying me because of me being mute. Hau always tries to protect me, but to be honest, he is really weak strength wise.

Well, we both are in Elementery School now, again something that I was surprised existed, and are both top students. In some classes I was in a better place then Hau and in others he was better.

But mostly we were just having fun, school was easy for both of us, so we always had some friendly competitions at who has more points or who got more praise then the other. Really much fun.

Another surprise, we have to actually be 13 to start our island challenge and we get our pokemon 2 years before that. I learned, that this was enrolled, so we could bond with our pokemon and not let them immediately fight for us, before we go around.

Still weird that 13 years olds are allowed to wander the Island, but apparently this is only after we took a test.

>mhm... i am actually really interested in wich game I am in or if it is the anime. Every option would be okay, but I at least would know the plot and it would cool to know what changed or if anything changed at all.<

While I was thinking, Hau came unnoticed in my room, scaring me half to death when I came back.

'What the F Hau! Man! Don't scare me like that!', I signed with fast movements. He just laughed and sat beside me.

I pouted. "So..., you wanted to talk to me?", he asked serious. I stopped and nodded. 'I wrote it down for you, because I don't wanna sign for that long', I signed and gave him my diary. It was full with my past life, because I really wanted to tell Hau what happened and answer how I invented some things that weren't existent in this world. Like a phone for example. I already knew how to invent it because I researched it and my past life Father was in a Phone Factory.

Hau looked at me, looked at the Diary and started reading. While he was, I was fidgeting with my fingers >What if he won't belive me...He will call me crazy for sure... I know that I thought a lot about this but it is still nerve-wracking to let it happen. But I also swore that if he will do that, I will end the friendship and never talk to him again... It is going to be very hard, but I really don't want to be friends with someone who things I am going Bolocks...<, I concentrate on his face. He often looked confused or shocked, but also sad. When he was finished and looked at me, I immediately started signing 'I know this sounds crazy and really stupid and so much more, but please believe me! I know you might be angry at me for not telling you sooner or for lyingto you. I just reallydidn'tknow how to tell you that and...' I locked my eyes on my fingers again, those were picking on the skin. I really didn't want to see his expression. I didn't want to see his disappointed and angry face. After all, he could be thinking I am lying and we promised to never lie to each other.

I felt his hands cupping mine and I slowly looked up at him. Tears streaming down my face. I started having a panic attack in the middle of my rambling.

Hau just smiled softly and tried calming me down first. After that, his smile got bigger and he just hugged me

"Thank you for trusting me enought to tell me this", he whispered softly in my ear. I hugged him hesitantly back.

After some time he broke the hug and just smiled. 'Aren't you angry?' I signed. 'No, of course not. How could I? That what you told me isn't something you can just tell everyone, so of course I am not angry' he answered, also signing.

I smiled brightly and hugged him again

~Clayton's Birthday~

Today I turned 11 years old. >wow... that sounds weird<. Means I can finally get my first ever Pokemon.

Hau already was 11, but he waited for me, so that we can get our Pokemon together. Our friendship got a lot stronger after I revealed that I got reincarnated here. I, to be honest, am very happy about it. And now I know that I can trust him more then anyone.

"Pshhh Klee! Klee! Guess what", whispered Hau excitedly, interrupted my thoughts. 'What is it?' I asked. We were on our way to Iki Town right now, so that we can get our Pokemon there. >maybe I can find out which timeline I actually follow<, "Klee!", Hau now wisper-yelled annoyed. 'sorry, what is it you wanted to tell me?', I loocked at him exceptingly. 'The starter are supposed to be all shiny's! My Grandfather told me that!', Hau, this time, signed. I looked at him in shock 'really?!', he just nod.

>that should be impossible tho!< I thought. I flinched when a Yungoos came out of the grass and started growling at us.

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