Chapter 17 - Visit

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Shoto POV

Shortly after Katsuki left I went back to sleep and woke up at 10:45 am, I then went for a walk around the UA dorms park where I was usually exercising. Luckily no reporters were allowed near the dorms so I didn't have to worry. I was feeling really hopeless due to the fact I bearly gained any weight, at first I was angry but then it made me sad because I couldn't recover for Kats I hope one day I'll be back to normal so I won't have to make him worry anymore if I only knew how. I really want to be happy again, but I couldn't seem to have enough strength to be happy. I was weak, I always was and I can't keep denying it. I go downstairs to grab some water from the kitchen and sit on the couch, hugging my cat's pillow and turning on the TV. The news was on.

- What happened to Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki has been seen in a terrible condition. A clip from live television went viral. - they showed a clip from our walk I turned off the volume to just look at my face
It was ugly, I didn't recognize myself anymore my face was so slim and my cheeks were sucked in, dark circles under my eyes showed my lack of sleep and food and a feeding tube showed exactly what was happening to me, I turned the volume back on when the reporter showed my father

- My son is completely fine the public doesn't have anything to worry about, he just got very ill from his allergies and now he's unable  to eat because of a swollen throat - my father was surprisingly good at lying even tho he knew what was really going on

- But the concerns are still rising after he didn't  show up to school for a couple of days, young Todoroki's fans are expressing their worries - there were pictures  from Twitter and Instagram posts mainly from girls saying things like "I don't think it's that, Endeavor-san"  "He was handsome, what happened to Shoto..."  "I know who you are ;)"  "He looks anorexic, hero Shoto are you okay? D;" and other comments like these

I turn off the TV. My urge to die now was bigger than ever, I hate the attention everyone was giving me, although I always was very popular and after the war I even gained a fandom (like evry other UA student) but I didn't won't to make evryone worried about me. I was a bit angry, both at myslef and the televison and the doctors and at my father...I didn't want to live that way. I decided to go to the hospital and confront the doctor.

 I rushed out of the dorms making my way, couple eople were taking pics of me but I really coulnd't care less. After I arrived at teh hospital I went to my doctors office.

- I want this thing out. - I say as I enter the room, luckly he was alone

- We can't do that, Todoroki-kun - he says

- But..He you seen all these people talking about me, I don't even need this!

- Please, you're suverly underweight, you passed out for 2 days and now you don't need this? 

- Just leave me alone, it's none of your buissnes! - I shouted hurting my throat

I left the room slaming the door and I went to the bathroom. I took the tube out aand throw it away, I started cying asking myslef "Why is this happening to me, why do I even exist". My tears run heavily down my cheeks onto the floor. Suddenly I felt something, this weird feeling and my vison started to spin and the dark dots coverd my eyes. I passed out again.

Minori POV (

I was pretty worried about my patient, during his stay at the hospital he bearly ate and didn't want to talk to me. After he got out of the room I decided it'll be best if I follow him in case something might happened. He just went to the bathroom so I was relifed, untill I heard sobbing and coughing. I sarted to panic since taking out the tube couses coughing and it might be very dangerous to do that without a doctor. Couple seconds has passed and I decided to open the door, but i was only met with my pacient uncounsious body.

- Juesus.. - I take him on my arms, he was so light even my almost non muscule body was able to lift him without any trouble I open the door and tell the nurse to prepare an IV drip and something to eat for him

I rushed to the emerency room and placed him on one of the beds. The nurse came and we applied the IV in his arm. My worries grew when i touched his cold hand, I checked his pulse, it was low, I decided it'll be best for him to et a heart monitor for now. I decided that I'll sit here with him untill he'll be in stable condition, I then remember I should call his family so I quickly called his family's house number.

- Hello, It's Todoroki Fuyumi can I help you 

- Hello, It's Doctor Fujito, Todoroki Shoto is in the hospital, would you mind coming over this is very important.

- Oh my god, I'llbe right there! What street is it?

- It's at the xxx xxx

After I made the call Todoroki-kun started to wake up. His eyes opened and his face looked in my eyes.

- Hi there, kiddo

- What happened?

- You passed out in the bathroom 

- Oh...Sorry didn't mean to couse you trouble 

- Dont worry, it's my job to help people..- I smiled - You're sister should be here soon

- My sister? You called her?

- Yes, I need someone from the family to ask a few quuestions

After about 20 minutes since my patient woke up his sister arrived. Of course after they talked for awhile she started crying seeing the state her brother is in. I decided that it'll be best for everyone if the visit was just nothing more than a talk, I didn't want to worry her anymore. The vist went well after, boy's pulse stabilised I took him into his room. When I found him his state was almost critcal so it'll be best to ask his father for permision to stay in an eating disorder clinic part of the hospital untill he get's better. Of course thare was low chanse for his agreement for what I've heard before from him but I needed to try. I decided I'll also go to UA today to ask his teacher.

I FINALLY finished my day of work, it wasn't too hard but I still was tierd. I took my car keys and drived to UA, I knew recovery girl well so she'll probably let me enter the UA buliding. There were a lot of students at the gate making their way to the dorms. I was incredably lucky to see EaserHead walkig out of the School. I exit the car and walked up to him explaining what's going on, he told me it'll be better to talk at the dorms so I invited him for a ride. I parked infront of the class dorm and me and kid's teacher went inside. After we entered the room we see a paniced class.

- Aizawa-sensei! Todorki-kun is gone! - shouted a green hair boy running up to us 

- I know, this is exactly why I need everyone to calm down. He's safe, I'll talk to his doctor now so please give us time - said their teacher and evryone shighed out of relif 

- Where is Sho..- asked Bakugo, his boyfriend

- Well...Um...- I started to explain - he's in the hospital don't worry

- Hospital? Is he okay? kero - asked a reen haired girl 

- He...have some struggles, I need to talk to your teacher about it 

- Let's go, dr. Fujito - told me Aizawa-san and made his way to his room

We sat down with a cup of coffee and I started to explain what happened. He didn't look as shocked as I thought he'll be but he explained to me that he exected it to happen when he went to check on his student a day after he got relesed. We were both really worried about the boy and decided it'll be better for him to saty in the hospital for a while.

No the only person to ask is Endevour.

1430 words 

It's Author-chan here! My new Denki book is out :D Thank you so much for almost 500 reads I can't blieve it thank you so much guys! <33

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