Chapter 12 - Problems

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Shoto POV: 

It was Monday morning, I was in bed reading a book and Katsuki was getting ready to leave the hospital to go to UA. I felt very tired and drained since I woke up at 7, not 5:30 but they didn't allow me to do any sports to avoid further weight loss...Today they going to contact my dad about my stay at the hospital here. Also, my friends from UA will probably visit me today, I'm sure Bakugo will tell them that I woke up. I didn't want to see anyone...I just wanted to be alone. I was overwhelmed by the fact that now everyone will worry about me and I'll probably get shown in the news like at Winters Festival. I still remember the quote from an online article "What happened to Shoto Todoroki? Endeavors son, his alarming looks on Winter Festival" that's when more people started to notice it, Fuyumi was terrified, dad was angry, my friends kept asking me f I'm okay...for a couple of days after that I could hear people talking about me while I walked to class. I kept hearing "He looks so unhealthy", "He's handsome but too skinny" and "I want to date a hero, not a stick". It was even before I got this bad...But I still don't want to eat, it'll make me even more sad and worthless. I want everyone to leave me be. I want to die. I really do...I feel tears running down my cheeks and silent sobs leaving my mouth, I lie down on my bed crying in pain.

Katsuki POV: 

Once I got to the UA I run to the sleeping bag classroom to tell him that Shoto woke up. Fater our conversation he said he'll check on him during our training with All Might. He then announced it to the class and everyone seemed so happy and relieved, especially Deku, Bakusquad, and Momo. We decided that Momo and Deku can go with me and then Bakusquad and then the rest of the class to not overwhelm him. The classes went smoothly I even got a B+ on my recent test even tho I've been so stressed out recently because of Shoto. Suring our hero training me and Aizawa-sensei went to check on Todoroki. We sat in the car and he drived to the hosital.

- Bakugo, can I ask you something? 

- Sure

- Are you and todoroki dating?

- hUh?? 

- Just noticed you care a lot for him, I was thinking if you guys are together - he made a lanny face expresion

- You old man! Yes we are, what are you goig to do about it huh??

- Nothing, happy for you guys.

When we arrived to the Hospital we rushed to his room. Aizawa-sensei entered first and I walked in right after him. Shoto was now talking with a girl if I remember he told me it's his sister, Fuyumi. 

- Good afternoon - said Aizawa

- Good afternoon, are you Shoto's teacher? Do you want to talk, should i leave? - she asked

- There's no need you can stay, you're?

- I'm Shoto's sister, Todoroki Fuyumi, nice to meet you - they shake hands - Is that Bakugo? Shoto talks about you a lot, thank you for being his friend - she bows 

- Thank you, I'm glad he's my friend - I smile and look at Shoto's blushed face

- So, Todoroki-kun how re you feeling? - asked Aizawa

- Better, just a bit tierd.

- Okay, can you tell me what's goig on with you? You don't have to but my concern about you is rasing everyday so I need to know at least a bit...

- Uhhh...well...I think i just went to far with my diet and now it's this bad...

- Okay, didn't you notice that you're getting unhealthy?

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