Chapter Extra - Bathroom Stall

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Izuku POV:

It's been some time since I noticed something was going on with Shoto, my dear friend. When we started hanging out by the end of summer he seemed fine..well not FINE but better than he seems to be now. Not only he lost drastic amounts of weight in a short period of time which is very unhealthy but he started to avoid anyone and any social activities, when I asked Kacchan if he know what was going on e switched the topic but I know he knows what's going on. Shoto completely stopped even coming for lunchtime and if he did he only ate a few bites and go to the bathroom right after, he never eats with us at the dorms so I've been worried even more about him lately. Today I decided to follow him to the bathroom. I know it's weird but everything I see is sign of an eating disorder and it's very dangerous if it's not treated, I used to have a classmate in middle school who struggled with one and she was purging all her food. I hope it's not what Todoroki does because that'll be not only he doesn't eat but f he does he purges it...It's horrible.  I follow him to the bathroom couple of minutes after he goes. I quietly open the door. I hear it. I hear this one characteristic sound of someone purging. Gag, splash, gag, cries. Lower myself to see if I'm correct, in one of the stalls I see him putting his fingers into his mouth. I gasp. I couldn't believe I just couldn't. The best student in the class, the son of the number 1 hero was here forcing himself to purge a couple of bites of soba he ate 5 minutes ago. I felt pain in my heart. How could he do this to himself? I waited a couple more minutes until the gaging stopped. When I heard someone come to the bathroom, I hid in the bathroom stall. 

- Sho, you here? - I heard Kacchan's voice

- Y-yeah 

- Jesus, you're doing this again? Why?...

- I'm sorry...I just can't

- I know, I'm sorry c'mon you need to drink something or you'll pass out like last time..

Last time? So he was doing it everyday? Or at least sometimes? How came I didn't notice...I need to talk to Kacchan about it.

After we finished school I told Bakugo I want to talk to him in private about Todoroki so he somehow agreed. We went to my All Might room and sat down on the floor.

- So the hell you want, Deku?! 

- I...I'mworried about Todoroki...I...I saw him purge in the bathroom today, I think he did it intesionally - we stayed silent for a second 

- So you know now, huh? 

- What?

- He has a problem and only you and I know about it...He told me he's going to see a doctor for it so just keep your mouth shut and I'll take care of him.

- Okay...Kaccham, I have a question?

- Yeah? 

- Do you think he has an e-eating disorder?

-...He does...But he's in denail of that so for now I can't even bring him to a doctor and expect him to speak honestly.. - we stayed silent Bakugo was aware

- What's your relation with Todoroki-kun?

- What kind of question is that? 

- I don't know, I'm just curius since you seem to care a lot for each other..I was just wondering

- I'll tell you since you've always been nice to me but it doesn't mean we;re friends because I still hate you..

- Okay so???

- We're dating

- Oh...wait..WHAT?! YOU AND TODROKI?! - I was confused but happy 

- Well I don't know how that happened eighter so just leave it

- Okay, I'm happy for you guys! - I say with a smile - I hope Todoroki will get better soon

- Yeah me too - he said calmly - I'll be going now, don't tell anyone about this! Not even Urararka!

He left. I was left in shock, worry and happiness. I was happy that they liked each other but I was so so so worried about Todoroki...I want him to live...He can't die..He just can't..

700 words

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