Chapter 6

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Third POV:

"Whaaaatt!??!!" Nagisa yelled, making everyone cover their ears by his loud screeching. He looked at Rei with wide eyes, in disbelief of what he heard. Makoto, Haru and Gou looked in their direction before minding their own business, while Makoto looked at his best friend concerned about him before deciding to leave him alone.

"Are you for real Rei-Chan? Where did you hear that or are you just making up assumptions?!" Nagisa whispered to Rei looking him dead in the eye. He hopes what the taller one said was false and not real, if it was then they'll have to spy on Haru. Rei nodded his head before speaking up.

"I've seen how they act.. It doesn't look good. I'm not certain but if we want to find out we have to follow them discreetly. Both Rin and Haru are observant so we need to be careful if we go with the plan." The blonde looked at him before nodding.

"Do you really think their friendship will be broken? They've fought before and handled the situation. I really don't want Haru-Chan and Rin-Chan to lose their friendship" Nagisa whined before getting cut off by Gou warning everyone that we're nearly at the training camp.

----Time Skip----

"We're here! Everyone get your belongings then meet me outsite the bus and infront of the hotel" Gou told everyone before hopping off and heading to the spot. Haru grabbed his stuff being the first one off and waited for everyone else to finish getting all their belongings together then walking down together. Makoto looked at Nagisa and chuckled because the blonde was practically radiating off energy, his excitement was way beyond normal.

"Okay everyone, today we're just going to put our stuff in the designed rooms we get. Once your all ready it should be near lunch time, so head to the waiting room then we'll go get lunch. We will check out where we'll be doing your training. We may or may not have time to train today but that's okay... here's the room numbers. Also two of our members will be with a member from Samezuka" Everyone nodded and listented to where they needed to go.

"Rei and Nagisa you guys are in room 56, Makoto your in a room 59 with someone. Haru your in room 68. I don't know who's going to be your roommates Makoto, Haru.. So i'm sorry about that" Gou bowed in apology

"No it's okay, don't worry about it. Haru and I will be fine.. Right Haru?" The said teen nodded in agreement before taking his room key and walking off to the room.

Haru's Pov:

I unlocked the door and walked inside looking around. 'This place isn't to bad... it's nice and big.' I headed to one of the bedroom doors and looked inside. It was pretty okay so I started unpacking my stuff. Everything was nice and tidy, I looked at the clock next to my bed, I started locking everything up and went downstairs to meet everyone else for lunch. 'I hope whoever I'm roomed with, we can get alongish'

"Alright everyone is here. Haru is lucky last! We're going to walk around then have lunch" Gou said a bit enthusiastic. We all headed out, Nagisa was talking our ears off, while I was slightly walking behind Makoto just looking around.

"Hey Haru? Do you know who your roomed up with? Or are you still waiting" I looked at Makoto before I mumbled, "I'm still waiting" then continued to look to the left. There were different shops around and it was nice and spacy. No one was to cramped together, their was a lot of space which I like. 'Maybe I should come out here in the morning to go walk. The scenery is nice and relaxing'

----Time Skip----

"Alright everyone, meet here at 6:00am and i'll go over what our plan is tomorrow for training. We'll meet Samezuka here and we'll travel to the pool all together.. Got that!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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