Chapter 2

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Third person:

'Jealous? No... maybe?  But stay away from Rin?.. I..'

'I.. I can't' Haru slowly walked to the table where the others were. Haru stared at the table, he grabbed a drink from the table and drank a bit. 'Your in his way... Stay away from Rin... If you don't... you and I will have problems' Those words kept repeating in his head. He didn't know how to deal with this and Sosuke's words were fogging up in his head. What the ravenette didn't know was that everyone was looking at him worriedly trying to get his attention.

"'' Makoto kept calling his name to gain his attention. Haru then started to slowly realise that people were trying to communicate with him, so he looked up and saw Makoto beside him trying to talk to him and seeing everyone with worried faces.

"Haru, are you okay? You were spacing out just now, and you hardly space out...''

"I'm fine Makoto.. Stop worrying" Haru answered in a monotone voice then looked out the window. The black haired teen knew that they wouldn't buy it just like that but he was not in the mood for anything. Voices kept talking to him, telling him he's not good enough for Rin and that he should just stay away from him. Nagisa, Gou, Rin, Rei and Makoto all started whispering about what to do and how to cheer their friend up.

"Anyone got any ideas? Haru-chan doesn't seem to be in the mood for anything.'' Nagisa said, looking towards Haru.

"Haru loves water so we could just go to the pool or maybe the beach, anything with water really'' Rin said while chuckling.

"Let's go shopping!,I need a few new things and you guys can get or do whatever you want?'' Gou told the group of guys.

"Sure, let's do that,'' Rei answered. Everyone got up, and Makoto went up to the counter to pay for the food. There were a lot of arguments but it settled down. Nagisa grabbed Haru by the arm and dragged him since he wasn't paying attention to anything. You can even look in his eyes and see he is not paying attention to anything and just in his own little world.

They all arrive at the mall. Gou split up from everyone to do her girl stuff leaving the boys to do whatever. They all decided to just walk around for a bit and see if they might like anything. Makoto was listening to the silly conversation going on between Nagisa and Rei. He was trying his hardest to hold his laughter in. Sosuke was talking to Rin before Rin left to go try and talk to Haru.

Haru's POV:

I thought it was funny watching Nagisa and Rei have a bit of an argument while Makoto was trying to hold in his laugh. Those two can be something sometimes. I looked a bit to my left and there I saw Sosuke and Rin, talking like they're having the best time, well Sosuke is. I furrowed my eyebrows as soon as I looked over because everything that Sosuke said just came and hit me again. I managed to stop thinking about it but seconds later they're back, those voices. I looked down at the ground for a little bit as I walked but when I looked back up, I saw someone approaching me. 'I don't want him to come talk to me at the moment. I don't know what to say... everything's a mess right now'
"Hey Haru, why are you hanging back here? What's wrong? You're being really quiet... More quiet than usual'' Rin questioned. I looked up at Rin and saw him with a concerned look in his eyes. I see he cares. I went to reply but as soon as I was about to say anything, that voice came back.

'Stay away from Rin'

'Your in his way'

I clenched my hands to fists and looked away from Rin before walking towards Makoto instead. I didn't want to avoid Rin. He's my best friend but it's just too confusing right now that I can't find the right words to let out. I could hear Rin calling after me yet I ignored it, like I couldn't hear him at all. I managed to get next to Makoto. We walked in silence. I had a feeling he knew that I didn't want to talk right now.

Nagisa ran off for things he wanted. Rei yelled at him to stop running off and they ended up arguing. Makoto being the mother hen he is, stepped in and split the two up. Gou shortly joined us later on. I honestly can't believe how many bags she has with her. I wonder if it's just a girl thing. Makoto helped Gou carry her bags. She asked if we could go sit down at a park or something. We all agreed and headed towards a park. When we arrived, the wind was really nice. The wind then turned into a gentle cool breeze as it blew my hair nicely, it was relaxing. I took a deep breath in and breathed out. I laid down. It was so peaceful just like how it is when I'm in the water. The water would always calm me down but today it's the wind. I was in my own little world. I didn't even realise that Rin came and laid down next to me.

"Hey Haru, how come you're avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? If I did then please tell me so I can fix it.'' Rin sat up and looked down at me. I slightly jumped when Rin spoke. I opened my eyes and looked at him before quickly looking up at the sky.

"It's nothing'' I didn't want to be questioned anymore. I've been trying to deal with what I've been feeling all day and what Sosuke said still won't leave my head. It won't leave me. I got up and started walking away and headed to my place.

"I'm going home guys. I'm tired" which was not true, I just wanted time for myself to think and maybe cool down without Rin or anyone to distract me or disturb me. The wind was slowly helping me on my walk home but I was struggling. I didn't know what to do. I arrived home, locked the door and headed to my room then immediately flopped on my bed. I turned onto my back and put my forearm over my eyes.

'What do I do?... I know if I'm in Rin's way he'll tell me instead of keeping it to himself. I can't stay away from Rin, he might not know it but he's my best friend. I don't want to lose him. Ahhh...  this is all because of Sosuke. Does he hate me? Or maybe he just wants Rin to himself and since he doesn't like me he tells me to stay away from him?. There are so many questions that need answers yet I don't know a single thing.'

I laid down in silence. A bing of a phone would go off every now and then. I knew it was from the group chat and if they're talking on that then that means they all went home. I ignored it and turned my phone off, I then put my face slightly in the pillow and slowly fell asleep.

Rin's POV:

'What's going on with Haru today? I know something's bothering him but he's avoiding me which pisses me off a little. I didn't know what I did wrong. Whenever I tried to talk to him he would just brush me off almost immediately.'
I was walking to Samezuka. I knew I had a frown on my face yet I didn't bother to wipe it off nor change it. Sosuke and I entered Samezuka and split up, when we got to the dorms I unlocked my door before closing it behind me. Nitori was already inside doing something.

"Welcome back Rin-Senpai!" I nodded my head, went to my bed and sat down, leaning against my pillow and bed frame. I knew Nitori would ask questions, so I turned and faced the wall.

"Not now Nitori" I kind of growled at him in annoyance. I was thinking about what I did to Haru to make him act that way. Did I say something that offended him?.. 'Wait.. this started happening when he came out of the bathroom. I had no idea where Sosuke went but he went somewhere... What happened Haru? You usually don't act like this and it's really confusing me... I'll just try and talk to him tomorrow.'

I got up and got ready to sleep. One thing was on my mind. 'I wonder what tomorrow will bring... I just hope he's okay..'

Another chapter guys!! Yes two updates in one day but trust me it won't be like that all the time 😂

I hope you enjoyed!!

A big thanks to for -kuroha
For shouting me out on her recent chapter! 💗😊


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