But the sweat felt gross. And I stank. I knew that much. "Let's just not look in a mirror" I told myself, grabbing clean clothes from Kains closet and was greeted by expensive brands instead. "This kid..." I yanked the most normal looking shirt and pants and slammed the door behind me, planning on shopping for regular clothes later. I avoided the mirror, walking straight to the shower. I turned on the water, waiting for it to get to a normal warm temperature as I slowly slipped off Kains pants. But stopped at his underwear. Do I really need to shower without underwear? But it'd be gross not to...plus I have to see it at least once because I also use the bathroom...so complicated...

Quickly I had taken off his underwear only to flush big time. He's a little smaller than I was when I had my own body. I couldn't help but compare sizes.

"C-clean-" I walked into the shower, washing his hair and body. The guy truly did have a fit body, slight abs and muscles but not so prominent to where he looked buff. Maybe it's a genetic thing on his mothers side since Kains father is on the more muscular end of the spectrum. "Sir! I finished your breakfast and I hurriedly cooked for your lunch and dinner as well! It's in the fridge! Then, goodbye!!" The maid knocked on the bathroom door, said what she needed to say, then ran out of the apartment as quickly as possible. "Jeez..." I sighed, rinsing Kains hair as I grumbled about how much of a loner Kain really is.

Once I finished, I only put on his underwear and pants, leaving the rest of his body exposed to dry. Plus it's something I'm used to doing. I sat down, ready to eat the eggs and bacon and a few other items she cooked when my hands froze, remembering how mom used to always scold me for not wearing a shirt. She'd say how I could get a cold by doing that when Hyung also went around without his shirt, saying how comfortable it is. Then mom would try to take off her shirt because she felt excluded while me and hyung laughed telling her we would put on a shirt. Of course, we wouldn't care if mom walked around without her shirt but we were worried because of the open windows around the house. "Haha..." I dropped the chopsticks, letting it land on the ground. I covered my face, biting my lip as I cried at the table, finally letting it hit me again.

Hyung and mom are no longer alive. "FUCKING BASTERD I HOPE YOU AND YOUR ORGANIZATION CRUMBLE!!!" I stood up, kicking the chair I sat on and felt the contractions of my breath hitch every now and then because I couldn't stop crying. Even when I tried. They didn't deserve that. Just because those fucking assholes were afraid of our fathers power, they had killed him, using us for it. They should've stopped there but, they found out about Hyungs power, they used mom against him, including me. Only to find out she'd been dead before she became a hostage. Then I tried to fight off an enemy far too powerful than me and died because of the broken bones they gave me. Internal damage played a big part in it as well. Hyung, he willingly killed himself for our sake. He suppressed his true power, breaking whatever seal he had on and went berserk after seeing both mom and I the way we were. From what that man said, Hyung was stronger than father when they first met him. Of course, father was probably even stronger than that with the time they had but hyung showed the potential to be the strongest in the Eleceed world.

Yet he used that power to transmigrate me instead. So I could live...my stupid hyung who should've been the one to come instead of a clueless younger brother who knows nothing. "Ugh-" I fell to the ground, absolutely broken at everything that happened. The kittens walked up to me, rubbing their heads against my face as if trying to dry the continuous tears flowing. After a few minutes, I finally regained myself, leaning behind the couch and petting the kittens as they purred, resting in my arms. Yeah, I'm not alone anymore. But, I should still get a dog. Something that can protect the kittens while I'm out in case of an intruder. "I should go out...I can't stay in this place any longer or else I'll have another breakdown" I wiped my puffy eyes, grabbed a different backpack made for carrying cats and placed the two kittens inside. "Let's go" it's an item Jiwoo recommended for me since kittens shouldn't stay inside by themselves for too long.

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