Chapter Eight

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Evelyn's legs were screaming at her to stop. Despite having more endurance than the average human or dwarf, running through the night and now across the rocky plains had her ready to stop. It was only when they took cover under a large rock that she placed her hands on her head, sagging against the wall to try and force as much air into her lungs as possible. The respite was short lived when shuffling and growling could be heard above them. One look from Thorin to both her and Kili had her knocking an arrow. She nodded once to the young dwarven prince before they shot out from their hiding spot.

Her arrow flew true as it embedded itself into the warg, sending it tumbling down the rock with its rider screeching loudly. She grimaced at the sound and the others quickly dispatched it. All was quiet for a few moments before the howls started up once more. They wasted no time in sprinting forwards.

They ran for what was only minutes before the orc pack surrounded them. She fired off arrow after arrow, backing up slowly to the others. Upon seeing Ori about to be pounced on, she quickly shoved him back. That in turn had her stumbling away from the group in order to avoid the wide jaws of the warg.

She fought like the devil. Her bow had been substituted for her sword and she was dancing dangerously among the wargs and orcs. Every so often, an orc would fall from its foul steed, one of Kili's arrows having made its home in its chest, head, or neck.

"This way, you fools!" she heard Gandalf shout from behind her and spun around only to gasp.

"No!" came the angered cry from her dragon, though she didn't even flinch.

The pain wasn't instant. In fact, she only noticed it after glancing down to the sword now embedded in her side. Her brow drew together and she let out a strangled war cry before stabbing the orc in return. She could faintly hear the dwarves calling after her as she fell to her knees, a scream of agony escaping her lips.

Her vision was blurry from tears as she watched a few more orcs fall from Kili's arrows. That was, until a large blur began descending from the sky. Her lips twitched up despite her pain at the sight of Ember. A fierce roar greeted her ears before she was plucked from the ground, dangling in Ember's claws. She heard the faint cries from the dwarves but put all of her focus into staying awake.

"Rivendell," she managed to get out weakly, her mind becoming rather fuzzy.

"I know," Ember muttered, her worry bleeding into their link. "Just hold on, little one."

Evelyn managed a small smile, keeping her eyes open the best she could as the blurry image of Imladris came into view. She was placed delicately down on the stone pathway, not far from the dwarves as Ember landed beside her. She had no doubt the dragon was communicating with Gandalf, though her focus was on the dwarves who were staring in disbelief at the dragon.

A pained gasp escaped her lips when she was lifted, and she immediately began pushing at the arms. "Stop!" she cried out, tears once more filling her eyes. She shook her head deliriously when the hands once more tried to lift her. The pain was becoming worse than anything she had felt and sweat had begun forming on her brow.

"You have to let them help you," a gruff voice spoke from her right. It took her a moment to focus in on the face, but she finally made out the features of Thorin.

"It hurts," she whimpered out, tears flowing freely down her cheeks at this point. She felt his hands press against her side and cried out once more.

"I'm going to lift you," Throin spoke, his voice coming out far softer than she had heard it before. She hesitated but nodded her head, closing her eyes tightly in preparation of the pain. As soon as she felt herself being lifted, she cried out once more, clenching her hands tightly to her side to keep from pushing away.

She faintly recalled words being spoken and the swaying movement of being carried, but she couldn't stay awake long enough to find out their destination.


"What the hell were you thinking?" Murtagh shouted angrily, his hands pressing tightly to her shoulder to staunch the blood flow.

Evelyn curled her lip slightly and opened her mouth to snap back a retort, only to release a yelp when he pressed a tad harsher to the wound. "Oi! Watch it, Morzanson!"

"Keep talking and I'll let you bleed out," the raven haired male hissed. He grabbed his knife and cut her top away, leaving her in just her breast bindings. "I told you to stay put," he growled out, his hand reaching over to grab the alcohol situated beside them. "I should have tied you to that fucking bed."

She growled lowly at his words, narrowing her eyes. "Do you want another slap to match the one I gave you earlier?" she seethed. A hiss escaped though when he poured a generous amount of liquor onto the wound. Her hands grasped onto his own to still his movements and they made eye contact with one another.

Immediately, both their expressions softened. His hands turned more gentle as he pressed a clean cloth to her shoulder, gently wiping away the flowing blood. He broke eye contact first, setting the threaded needle to her skin in order to start stitching it up.

She winced at the first stitch but tried to remain still. "I didn't mean to worry you," she said quietly after a moment, her eyes searching for his that remained fixed on her wound.

It was only when he finished stitching her up and had wrapped a clean bandage around her shoulder that he finally looked at her again. Her heart clenched as she noted the tired look to his eyes. It hurt knowing that she was the cause of it.

"Seeing you take that arrow..." Murtagh began slowly, his hand sliding down her arm and to her hand, "there was nothing I could do. All I could think about were our last words to each other. What if that had been the last time I had spoken to you?"

"But it wasn't," she tried to console him.

"But what if it was?" Murtagh stood up from his seat beside her and began pacing. "My last words to you would have been screamed in anger!" He shook his head, his eyes holding a haunted look to them before he knelt in front of her, grasping her face between his bloodied hands. "Tell me. Tell me you want me and I am yours," he swore, eyes searching her own. "Tell me you love me as I do you."

Her eyes searched his own, trying desperately to see he was speaking the truth. Upon seeing it, she surged forwards, her lips claiming his in a frantic kiss.


Waking up was more difficult than it ever had been. Her eyes blinked quickly in an attempt to dispell the blurriness from them. Upon shifting her head to the right, she froze. Weary blue eyes stared down at her, a small smile appearing behind a rather generous amount of blonde scruff.

"Eragon?" she breathed out. "I am dead then."

"Unfortunately not," the man stated with a twinkle to his eyes. "You will be perfectly fine. Hate to say that you will carry a nasty scar though."

She glanced down, noting her skin that was completely pulled together. The only evidence of her wound being a jagged pink line. She touched the skin, sighing in relief when no pain took hold of her. Her gaze flickered back up to the man beside her. "How are you here?"

"Saphira and I were not far away when Ember sensed us," he explained, sitting down at her bedside and taking her hand in his own. "As soon as she did, she told us of what had transpired and we arrived almost right after the elves had brought you into the healing room." His brow furrowed though. "There's a company of dwarves out there as well. They are eager to know how you fare."

"Ah," she hummed out, relaxing in the presence of her friend. "I suppose I should go to them to prove I am alright. Though I can't say I am eager for the conversation that I know is bound to happen."

"Ember told me about their home," Eragon said softly, a look of pity crossing his features. He shook his head. "Come, Saphira and Ember will only hold off for so long before trying to wedge themselves into the halls." He chuckled and helped her to stand. "Now, go tend to your dwarves. After, we will drink and you shall tell me of what has transpired since our departure."

Evelyn grinned and wrapped her arm around Eragon's, a chime like laugh falling past her lips. Yes, that did sound rather nice indeed.

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