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Evelyn stood beside Ember, who was holding her head up high as she looked down at Lady Nasauda, an olive skinned woman who held herself with clear leadership and authority. It was hard to leave her home, but she knew it would be for the best.

Her peircing blue eyes stared at Eragon, who was bidding Arya farewell, and she clenched her jaw. This was it for the two of them in their homeland. Saphira had her head hung over Embers neck. The two were clearly seeking comfort from each other.

A hand placed on her shoulder turned her attention back to Nasauda. "Perhaps we shall see each other again in our futures," Nasauda said with a rather forced smile. The women had grown quite fond of each other and it was as if a piece of them was breaking.

"One can hope," Evelyn responded quietly, tears coming to her grey-blue eyes as the wind whipped her dark brown hair into her face. She hastily wiped at her eyes, forbidding the tears to fall.

She hesitated before she took out her hair clip. The clip was encrusted with emeralds, rubies, and saphires. She had had it for as long as she could remember and it never left her sight. "As a momentum of our friendship," she stated, holding the clip out to the olive skinned woman.

Nasauda's eyes widened and she hastily shook her head, but Evelyn pressed it into the woman's palm. The woman opened her palm and stared at the gift, tears welling up in her eyes. "I have something for you as well."

A snap of the woman's fingers brought forth two guards, one holding an opened box that held one of the most beautiful dresses she had seen. "This is for you, I had some of the elves tailor it. The fabric won't tear or wear out."

The raven haired beauty ran her fingers over the silk and allowed a small smile to grace her face. The gown was made of nearly all white except for the bodice which was a beautiful icy blue.

"Thank you, Nasauda," Evelyn began but was cut off when the woman raised her hand.

"I have another one, my friend," Nasauda said in amusement and gestured for Blödhgarm, an elf that had an uncanny resemblance to a wolf, to step forward.

Blödhgarm twisted his hand over his heart and Evelyn responded in turn. "Atra esterní ono thelduin," he said.

"Mor'ranr lífa unin hjarta onr," Evelyn continued with a smile which earned her one in return.

"Un du evarínya ono varda," Blödhgarm finished. His smile turned solemn and Evelyn didn't hesitate to bring the elf into a hug. Elves weren't known to be very physical, so she was pleasantly surprised when she felt his arms slink around her in return.

"It has been an honor, Shadeslayer," he stated as the two released each other. "The elves agreed that you were to have this." He held out a necklace that bore the yawë on it. A symbol that was a bond of trust between the elves.

Evelyn took it without question clasping it around her neck. "Thank you," she said with a smile. "Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass, Blödhgarm." With that said, the elf moved away from the girl and Eragon stepped up to her side.

"Are you ready?" Eragon asked quietly. Evelyn could hear his voice crack but chose not to comment on it.

"As ready as I'll ever be," was the quiet reply Eragon recieved.

The two friends knew they wouldn't be returning to Alagaësia. They mounted their dragons and took off without a glance back, knowing they would break.

"We do this because we must," Saphira said to the pair, trying to comfort her and Ember's riders.

"Saphira is right," Ember added as she flew beside the other dragon. "Our lives are not meant to be there."

The two riders only nodded their heads in response, trying to take in as much of the other's presence as possible.


Hours went by too quickly and before the four knew it, it was time for them to part. The dragons remained in the air, knowing it would be easier on their riders if no contact was made.

The two stared at each other for a few long moments before sad smiles broke out on their faces. "Will you head west?" Evelyn questioned reluctantly.

Eragon nodded his head and looked towards the direction. "Aye, there are other lands out there that have yet to be explored. Other dragons, too, perhaps." He faced the woman he called a sister in all but blood as a tear slid down his cheek.

"We shall see each other again, my friend," Evelyn stated with a knowing tone. "Whether it be in this life or another, we shall meet again."

The pair left it at that, knowing neither of them would be able to take much more. Evelyn and Ember stayed hovering over that one spot until Eragon and Saphira flew out of their sight into the west.

"Do not fret, little one," Ember said and began to fly towards the east. "Like you said, we shall see them again."

"I know," Evelyn stated with a sigh, placing her hand on the dragon's neck. "Until then, we shall find our adventures elsewhere." The dragon rider smiled as Ember let out a mighty roar and the thrumming of her wings lulled the rider to sleep, eager to start their new adventure.

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