Chapter One

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Evelyn had been in the land, Middle Earth, for fifty-one years now. At sixty-eight she was still as stubborn as she was when she was younger. Ember had grown even larger through the years and could easily carry two, if not three, horses. The Rider had built a small cabin in a clearing that had been their home through the years. So far, no one had bothered the pair except for a wizard named Gandalf the Grey, who visited quite often.

Both rider and dragon were hesitant to trust the old man, but when he saved her life, they formed a spectacular bond. He quite enjoyed watching Evelyn practice her magic and would even spar with her every now and then, though he was never able to truly best her.

Not long after Gandalf's last visit, he returned to her cabin and asked the two if they would be interested in an adventure. When they agreed, he gave them directions to Bag End in the Shire, but advised for Ember to remain unseen and for Evelyn to keep her magic to a minimum unless it was absolutely necessary. Ember was rather reluctant to stay away from her Rider, but agreed nonetheless.

That's how Evelyn could be found walking down the path up to Bag End while Ember stayed back in the woods, ready to fly in should anything appear threatening.

"I don't like this," Ember grumbled and her disapproval radiated through Evelyn's mind.

"Neither do I," Evelyn admitted. She hated being apart from Ember for too long and tapped the hilt of her sword in anticipation of meeting the group of dwarves and the hobbit. She had no idea what a hobbit was, but if the dwarves were anything like the ones from home, then she felt like she would get along just fine.

She finally managed to find the correct door by the glowing sign carved into it and raised her hand, rapping her knuckles on the door. She could hear talking die down and smiled when Gandalf opened the door. "Good evening, fricai," she greeted and twisted her hand over her heart, bowing slightly.

Gandalf chuckled and welcomed the girl into the house. She had never met a hobbit before but had heard of their short stature, so it came as a pleasant surprise when she didn't have to duck her head to avoid hitting it on anything. She looked around to see twelve dwarves staring at her. She bowed her head to them.

"It is a pleasure to meet some of the knurlan of Middle Earth," she said sincerely. "Evelyn, at your service."

Some of the dwarves arched their eyebrows, clearly shocked at her knowledge of Dwarvish, however different it may be from Khuzdul.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, lass," a white haired one said with a kind smile. "Balin, at your service."

From there it went down the line as each of the dwarves stood from their seats to introduce themselves.

The two who she had learned to be Fili and Kili, quite troublemakers from what she could see in their eyes, scooted to where they were on either side of her. "You don't look like a human yet you do," Kili began.

"And you don't look like an elf yet you do," Fili finished as they peered at her.

Evelyn let out a quiet laugh as she heard Ember in her mind warning her to be careful of the information she let out.

"I am human, Master Dwarves, but I went through the blödhren celebration," Evelyn explained and twirled her necklace slightly. "I could also be considered dwarf since my foster father is Hrothgar, who was Grimstnzborith of the dwarves in my homeland."

Some of the older dwarves looked at Evelyn before bowing their heads respectfully. "It is an honor to have you with us then."

"My thanks," Evelyn said quietly and the dwarves continued to move tables around, often catching them throwing curious glances at her.

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