School Assignment✔️

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We were given an assignment yesterday. I do not want to finish this assignment. Everyone in the class has to find someone else in the class and plan a wedding with them. Then we have to work together to plan the rest of what our lives would be together, including jobs and a house, vehicle, taxes, etc. There's an even number of kids in our class so everyone will get someone, but I just kind of don't want to. If I failed, what would my punishment be?

As I'm thinking this, I hear a knock on the door. I sigh, standing and walking over to answer the knock. As I open the door, I see Jax standing there.

"Hi! Did you need something? Is something wrong?" I ask, stepping back so that Jax can enter.

"No, everything's fine, I just wanted to know if you wanted to work together for the project? I mean, you don't have to say yes or anything, and I guess it could be kind of awkward, but I think it could also be fun? If not I completely understand and you're probably working with someone already. I was going to work with Ollie but then Kayla had already asked him and he said yes. Sorry, I've been talking for too long."

I struggle to hold in a laugh. This is the same guy that smoothly got out of like, 50 dates this morning?

"That wasn't very smooth, my friend. I'm kidding, I'd love to work with you!" I say, pulling out the plastic ring that we were each given. This one has my name carved into it so that everyone knows who's working with who.

We switch rings, and each put them on our right middle fingers, making sure that they don't look like actual engagement rings. Not that they look like engagement rings anyway.

"Alright, let's plan the wedding then. I was thinking that we run off into the forest and get married there. All we need is someone to officiate, and maybe a few witnesses. So we'll invite the rest of the crew and find someone to officiate." I say, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"That honestly sounds great. My parents would want a huge wedding for me. The teacher also says that we have to look at wedding magazines for the wedding outfits, cake, and decorations. Along with food and other stuff." Jax replies, sitting down next to me.

"Honeymoon on at a theme park!"

"Yes! The we'll buy a house in the woods! We'll only give the location to our friends! And our friends will all live with us too! Sometimes we'll come back here, but we'll mostly just stay in the house and read and practice fighting."

"That sounds like a big house! Sword fights to see who has to make dinner!"

"I'll win!"

"We'll see about that! I'll hunt for most of the food and you can find berries and mushrooms! The rest of the crew can help too!"

"Every year we'll go out to sea for a week! You know, for Ollie."

"That sounds amazing! Alright, let's finish planning this tomorrow in class."

"Alright. See you tomorrow. Bye Thief."


That was fun. I really need a nap now. I'll deal with the rest of the assignment tomorrow.

The next day, I walk into the classroom and sit with Jax as we plan out the rest of the assignment. I can hear people whispering, but I've decided to ignore it.

We start filling out the list that we've been given. Location of wedding, invite list, food, etc. All of the planning takes place over the next week. When we finally finish, we start on the next part of the assignment.

"52 adopted kids." I say out of nowhere one day.

Jax absolutely loses it. He's laughing so hard right now! Everyone's looking at us! What do I do?!

"Please don't die! I can't adopt and take care of 52 kids by myself!" I exclaim, trying to get him to calm down.

... Fine. I'm just trying to be funny right now. And it worked. Jax somehow started laughing even louder, along with the rest of our friends that heard me.

After three weeks, we finally complete the entire assignment. We agreed on only adopting 12 children. We wrote down what we want our jobs to be, and what college we both want to go to.

We ended up getting an A, while most of our friends got A's as well. I'm glad that we all did so well on this assignment. I'm also very glad that it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We mostly just messed around and planned our dream lives.

I walk out to the garden and sit down with my friends. Now that we're done with the assignment, we can hang out again!

"Alright everyone, after that assignment I just have to know, what are your dream lives?" Kayla asks, pulling candy out of her pocket and passing it out.

"I just want to do something important. I guess I want to inspire someone to do what they love as well. Maybe I could find a way for children to be able to study what career they want in depth." I say, giving the candy that I was handed to Ollie.

The rest of the crew starts answering the question as I zone out for a moment. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I don't really know what I want to do with my life.

"What about you Jax? What would your perfect life be like?"

"Do you maybe want to go on a date sometime?"

"Me? I- I mean, yeah! Sure! I'd love to!"

"Really? That's great! I've liked you for a while now, actually. I thought it might be a bit awkward to tell you..."

"Not at all! I've liked you for a while too."

"I guess anything could be a perfect life for me, as long as you're all in it." Jax says, bringing me back to the present.

I smile at that as I look over at him. He notices that I've turned to him and winks at me. I roll my eyes and laugh.

I guess that any life with him could be a perfect life.

Jilly JulyWhere stories live. Discover now