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This Wednesday, everyone will be able to see a vision of their future with their soulmate. The vision will be from exactly five years after they become a couple. If they don't have a soulmate, then they'll see a version of their future five years after they meet someone that makes them feel special. I don't really want Wednesday to come. I don't need to know the future, I'm already too busy dealing with the present.

I tug on my nightgown as I get ready to go to sleep on Monday. I don't want Wednesday to come, but this week has been going by so fast! Maybe I could find a way to stop time, or fast forward past Wednesday.

No, I don't know how to do that. Maybe I can find someone else to put me forward in time. Or maybe, if I don't sleep, Wednesday will never come! Or if I don't sleep on Wednesday, I won't see the vision!

That settles it then! I won't sleep on Wednesday and everything will be completely fine! I won't get the vision and I won't have to know about my future! I'll just be able to be surprised with who I end up with in the future.

With those thoughts, I'm able to fall asleep. The next night, I make sure to fall asleep early and get plenty of rest. I'm not sleeping Wednesday night. I wake up on Wednesday, ready to get to class. I was going to stay awake that night, so I was going to have to schedule a few naps.

I walk out to the garden after classes end, thinking about my plan and how well it's going to work. I think that this is actually one of the best plans I've ever had, though that isn't saying much. I sit down on a bench to think. A moment later, my friends come over and sit with me.

"Hi! Are you all excited to see our visions of the future? I can't wait to see a vision of my future! Do you think I'll be happy? I hope I'll be happy." Maxine says, sitting on the grass next to my bench.

"I'm sure you'll be happy, no matter what happens. I don't really see you as a sad person. Ever." Jax responds, sitting next to me on the bench.

"I can't wait to see who my soulmate is! Do you think we'll all see them in our visions? I really hope so. It would be cool to see who I'm going to marry someday." Kayla tells us, giving slightly off the ground.

"I'm sure you'll see them. You'll probably have a vision of y'all having a date together or something. Or maybe a vision of your wedding! How cool would that be?" Ollie replies, sitting on a different bench.

"Yeah. Cool." I say, zoning out as they talk more about how excited they are.

I should probably take a nap now, since I've decided that I won't sleep later. I hope that afternoon doesn't count as night.

I close my eyes, and fall into a deep sleep.

I open my eyes again and find that I'm standing up now. I don't know when that happened, but I guess that's fine. What isn't fun though, is when I start walking forward without wanting to.

"Jax! There you are! I've been waiting for hours!" I hear someone shout. It takes a moment for me to realize that I was the one that said it. I feel kind of like I'm just watching through my eyes, without being able to control anything that I do.

"Thief! Hi! And I'm only five minutes late! My meeting ran longer than it was supposed to okay? I'm sorry!" Another voice calls out from a few feet in front of me. It takes me another moment to realize that I've been looking directly at an older version of Jax.

"It might have only been five minutes but it's felt like five hours! Come on, you know I'm really bad at waiting! Now let's go, the play is starting soon!" future me says, grabbing onto Jax's arm as she starts dragging him to a theater.

What is going on? Wait, this isn't the vision, is it? If it is, where's the rest of the crew? Are we meeting them at the theater?


"Alright, alright, I'm coming! You don't have to drag me you know."

"We're going to be late!"

"No we aren't! We're just going to be really early to the next show!"

I start laughing, both the me in the future and the me that's having the vision. I don't really know what's going on, but I guess that was kind of funny.

"Don't be ridiculous Love. We need to get there for the first showing! You know that AG's in the play! We have to be there to support her!"

What? Wait, that's really cool. I'm excited to see the play now.

Wait... Did I call him 'Love'?! What in the world is that about?!

"Hey Gilly?"

"Hm? Do you need something?"

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now come on! We're here!"


WHAT!!!! IS!!! HAPPENING?!?!?!

Alright. Okay. I just need to calm down for a second. It's fine. Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding.

Oh, nope. Never mind. Future me just kissed future Jax. Alright. Throwing that theory out the window.

Alright. I'm actually fine with this. Maybe this isn't too bad. I mean, if he's my soulmate then that means that we were meant to end up together and neither of us will get hurt. I mean, maybe this is a good thing. We are really close.

Time to wake up.

What? I wanted to see the play though. Can't I stay a little longer?

No, I'm sorry. You have to wake up now. You'll see the play later.

Future me blinks and the next thing I know, I'm blinking the sleep out of my eyes as I wake up in the garden where I fell asleep on the bench.

"How'd you sleep?" Jax asks as he notices that I've woken up.

"I- um, I slept okay. I mean, I, um, yeah." I stutter, trying to wake up all the way.

"Did you get the vision? Did you see your future?" Kayla asks, jumping up and walking over to me.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did. It was... strange. I'll maybe tell you about it later." I reply, looking away.

Maybe I will tell them, but I don't know if I will. Maybe I'll just keep this to myself. This seems special.

It's special to me, for me. Maybe I won't tell her. I don't think I will actually.

Jilly JulyWhere stories live. Discover now